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p. 197-212

Texte intégral


Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection 1814-1891 (inclusive), MS Keats 1-6 (ca. 25 linear ft.).

Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection 1817-1922, MS Keats 7, 1 vol., 1 box (3 linear ft.).

Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection, Adonais... with notes... by Joseph Severn [the notes only], MSS ; Rome, 30 August 1873, 4.16.3.

Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection, Biographical notes on Keats by Joseph Severn, KC 182. MS (unsigned; incomplete) ; [n. p., October 1845 ?], 4.16.1.

Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection, Fragment of a Travel Journal in Italy in 1822 by Joseph Severn, MS (unsigned, incomplete) ; [n. p., n. d.], 4.16.5.

Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection, Manuscripts concerning Joseph Severn collected by Arthur Amory Houghton, MS Eng. 1427, 1 v. (1 linear ft.).

Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection, My Tedious Life by Joseph Severn, MSS ; Tossa, September 1863. 4.16.4.

Houghton Library, Harvard Keats Collection, On the Adversities of Keats’s Fame by Joseph Severn, MSS ; Rome, [25 December] 1861, 4.16.2.

Houghton Library, Keats Room, Plan for the Various Incidents of my Life by Joseph Severn, MS (unsigned) ; [n. p.] 18 Jan. 1857-5 Sep. 1858 and [n. d.]. 45 f. (85 p.), no 493.

Keats-Shelley House, Rome, Compilation of manuscripts on John Keats by G. Robertson, 13 loose sheets, no G008.

London Metropolitan Archives, Unpublished Letters by Joseph Severn, MSS, no 1-192.

New York Library, Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and his Circle: Manuscripts, 1772-1925 (bulk 1780-1850), Pforz MS., 9000 items.

Textes de John Keats

Éditions anglophones

« Letters of John Keats to his Family and Friends. London: 1891 », Sydney Colvin (éd.), Edinburgh Review, vol 183, no 376, 1896, p. 306-335.

Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne: 1819-1820, New York, G. Broughton & B. Dunham, 1901.

The Letters of John Keats, 1814-1821, Hyder E. Rollins (éd.), 2 vol., Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958.

John Keats’s Anatomical and Physiological Notebook, printed from the holograph in the Keats Museum, Hampstead, Maurice B. Forman (éd.), Brooklyn, Haskell House, 1970.

The Letters of John Keats: A Selection, Robert Gittings (éd.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1970.

The Odes of Keats and their Earlier Known Manuscripts in Facsimile, Robert Gittings (éd.), Kent, The Kent State University Press, 1970.

Complete Poems, Jack Stillinger (éd.), Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1978.

A Critical Edition of the Major Works, Elizabeth Cook (éd.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990.

Traductions françaises

Poèmes choisis, Albert Laffay (trad. et éd.), édition bilingue, Paris, Aubier-Flammarion, 1968.

Lettres, Robert Davreu (trad.), Paris, Belin, « Littérature et politique », 1993.

Poèmes et poésies, Paul Gallimard (trad.), Paris, Gallimard, 1996.

Sur l’aile du phénix, Claude Dandréa (trad. et éd.), Paris, José Corti, 1996.

Poèmes, Robert Ellrodt (trad. et éd.), Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 2000.

Textes de Percy B. Shelley

Éditions anglophones

Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc., H. Buxton Forman (éd.), Pise, With the types of Didot, 1821.

Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments, Mary Shelley (éd.), Londres, E. Moxon, 1845.

Relics of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Richard Garnett (éd.), Londres, E. Moxon, 1862.

The Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Frederick L. Jones (éd.), 2 vol., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964.

Shelley’s Poetry and Prose: Authoritative Texts, Criticism, Donald H. Reiman & Sharon B. Powers (éd.), Londres, W.W. Norton, 1977.

Shelley’s Adonais: A Critical Edition, Anthony D. Knerr (éd.), New York, Columbia University Press, 1984.

Fair-Copy Manuscripts of Shelley’s Poems in European and American Libraries, Donald H. Reiman & Michael O’Neill (éd.), New York, Garland Pub, 1997.

Traductions françaises

Ode au vent d’Ouest. Adonaïs et autres poèmes, Robert Davreu (trad. et éd.), édition bilingue, Paris, José Corti, 1998.

Poèmes, Robert Ellrodt (trad.), édition bilingue, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 2006.

Textes de référence

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Autres textes critiques

Critiques anglophones

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