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Chapter 1: Disciplinary convergences on the concept of transition
Denise Pumain, Lena Sanders, Thérèse Libourel et al.
Chapter 3: Simulating transition: an introduction to spatio-temporel models
Arnaud Banos, Florent Le Néchet, Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi et al.
Chapter 5: Transition 2: Modelling the peopling of an already inhabited territory: the case of expanding Bantu populations and Central African forest foragers
Christophe Coupé, Jean-Marie Hombert, Florent Le Néchet et al.
Chapter 6: Transition 3: Village and Polity Formation in Pueblo Societies: How Population Growth Channels Social Processes in Neolithic Societies. The «Village» model
Timothy A. Kohler et Stefani A. Crabtree
Chapter 16: Ontological points of view on the transitions of settlement systems
Lena Sanders, CNRS, Thérèse Libourel et al.
Chapter 17: From the conceptualisation of the transition to its modelling: interdisciplinary feedback on the TransMonDyn experiment
Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi, Hélène Mathian, Elisabeth Zadora-Rio et al.
La construction du programme français d’administration électronique : creuset pour un nouveau modèle de management des systèmes d’information ouverts
Amar Lakel