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Chapter 9: Transition 6: ‘romanisation’ (2nd century BCE – 1st century CE): power games between Romans and southern Gauls after the Conquest
Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi, Frédérique Bertoncello et Alain Franc
Chapter 10: Transition 7: From the ancient to the medieval world (4th-8th centuries)
François Favory, Hélène Mathian, Laurent Schneider et al.
Chapter 11: Transition 8: 800-1200. Emergence of enduring, concentrated and hierarchised settlement patterns in rural regions of North-Western Europe
Robin Cura, Cécile Tannier, Samuel Leturcq et al.
Chapter 12: Towards integrated systems of cities (France, 18th-19th centuries)
Anne Bretagnolle et Alain Franc