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Peupler la terre

Léna Sanders

Partie II

Chapitre 6. Transition 3 : Village and Polity Formation in Pueblo Societies

How Population Growth Channels Social Processes in Neolithic Societies. The “Village” model

Timothy A. Kohler und Stefani A. Crabtree

Anmerkungen der Redaktion

This chapter is based mainly on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grants BCS-0119981 and DEB-0816400. Kohler thanks the Santa Fe Institute for intellectual stimulation over two decades, and Kohler and Crabtree additionally acknowledge the terrific opportunity to participate in the TransMonDyn research network. The VEP also participates in GHEA, the Global Human Ecodynamics Alliance, via the NSF Research Collaboration Network-SEES 1140106.

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We are both fortunate and burdened to be discussing here one of the most famous archaeological districts of the world : the Central Mesa Verde region of southwestern Colorado, USA. Fortunate, because generally good preservation and visibility of the archaeological record, the possibility of tree-ring dating and climate reconstruction based on tree rings and pollen, and a long history of intense investigation combine to provide a well understood, finely resolved dataset. Burdened, because so much has been written that any brief account will ignore some previous important research. Doubly burdened, in fact, since the archaeological data with which models can be compared are so rich that the inevitable shortcomings of any simple model will be all too obvious.

Despite these challenges, in this chapter we attempt to introduce the most recent and relevant literature, data, and models helping to explain TransMonDyn’s Transition 3, which we see as encompassing two linked changes. First, the ...

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