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Notes on Contributors

p. 227-229

Texte intégral

1 Christian Auer is Professor Emeritus at the University of Strasbourg. His publications include Luttes et résistances des femmes écossaises, 1838-1915, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2013 and Scotland and the Scots 1707- 2007 A Reader, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2013.

2 Ian Brown, Professor Emeritus at Kingston University, London, playwright and poet, has been ASLS President and Saltire Society Convener. Published widely on theatre history, cultural praxis and Scottish literature and culture, his most recent volume is History as Theatrical Metaphor: History, Myth and National Identities in Modern Scottish Drama (2016) and poetry collection, Collyshangles in the Canopy (2015).

3 Christian Civardi is Professor Emeritus of British studies at the University of Strasbourg, and a founding member of the Société Française d’Etudes Ecossaises. He has written extensively on Scottish history, society and culture, notably Le Mouvement ouvrier écossais, 1900-1931, P.U.S., 1997; L’Ecosse depuis 1528, Ophrys, 1998; L’Ecosse contemporaine, Ellipses, 2002, and translated W. McIlvanney’s Docherty, P. U. de Grenoble, 1994.

4 Ronald Lyndsay Crawford FRHistS is an Honorary Research Fellow in History at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, with special interests in church history aspects of the Scottish Enlightenment and in eighteenth-century Scottish-American studies. He is the author of ‘The Lost World of John Witherspoon. Unravelling the Snodgrass affair, 1762 to 1776’ (Aberdeen University Press, 2016). Dr Crawford is a graduate of Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities.

5 Rosie Findlay, Professor in Toulouse 1 Capitole University, is a specialist of the social history of childhood in the United Kingdom, 19th and 20th centuries. She has written on various subjects, from baby-farming and infanticide to child prostitution, from child labour to assisted child emigration schemes and from British youth movements to Socialist Sunday schools.

6 Romain Girard holds the agrégation in English as well as a doctorate in English Studies. He defended his doctoral thesis, entitled "Portrait des professionals en tant que narrateurs dans la fiction courte victorienne et édouardienne" in 2015. Since then he has centred his research on the specificities of medical discourse in science fiction and detective fiction.

7 Lesley Graham is a senior lecturer at the University of Bordeaux. Her research interests centre on nineteenth-century Scottish literature and her publications include several articles related to Robert Louis Stevenson, his entourage and his legacy. She is currently editing a volume of Stevenson’s essays for the forthcoming New Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Robert Louis Stevenson (EUP).

8 Sabrina Juillet Garzón is a senior lecturer in British Studies at the University of Paris 13. Her research focuses on the issue of the affirmation of Scotland and England as independent nations within the Union of the Crowns. She is currently working on the place and role of Scotland in the European policy of Great Britain under King James VI and I.

9 Anne McKim is Professor of English at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Her teaching and research focus on British, especially Scottish, literature and travel writing. Recent publications include her edition of A Journey Through Scotland (1723) by John Macky (2014); ‘ “A full idea of your own country”’: Paradise or wilderness? Scottish tourists on the home tour’ (2015); and ‘The Testament of Gideon Mack: Jangling the universal nerve?’ (2015).

10 Gilles Robel is a senior lecturer at Paris Est University, and member of LISAA (EA 4120), UPEM F-77454, Marne-la-Vallée, France. He specialises in the Scottish Enlightenment and the political thought of David Hume. He is the author of Lumières et conservatisme dans la pensée politique de David Hume (Lille: Presses du Septentrion, 1999) and David Hume, Essais moraux, politiques et littéraires et autres essais, ed. and trans. G. Robel (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2001).

11 James Robertson is a Scottish poet, novelist, short story writer and editor. He holds a PhD from Edinburgh University on the novels of Walter Scott. His own novels include The Fanatic, Joseph Knight, The Testament of Gideon Mack, And the Land Lay Still, The Professor of Truth, and To Be Continued. He also runs an independent publishing company called Kettillonia, and is a founder, editor and a contributing author to the Scots language children’s imprint Itchy Coo. He is based in Angus.

12 Tri Tran (PhD, Habilit.) was educated at the Sorbonne University, Paris, and holds a PhD from this institution. He is currently senior lecturer in British history at the University of Tours (France). He has published several papers about British maritime history in Revue d’Histoire Maritime, The Mariner’s Mirror, and has given talks at major international maritime conferences, such as the 2013 Conference “Navy & Nation, 1688 - Present” (Greenwich, UK) and the 2016 IMEHA International Congress of Maritime History (Perth, Western Australia).

13 William Welstead graduated originally in metallurgy and over the course of his career has worked as a steelworks metallurgist, teacher and management consultant. In 2004 he took on a hill farm in North Wales, where he lived and worked while at the same time completing a PhD at Aberystwyth University. Bill now lives on the Hebridean Isle of Tiree where he continues to follow his research interests in the interlocking narratives of ecology and literature and the place of both in social cohesion and sustainability.

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