Table des matières
Jan Driessen
ForewordRichard Veymiers
1. Robert Laffineur, a Bio-BibliographyVasiliki Adrymi-Sismani
2. Dimini: An Urban Settlement of the Late Bronze Age in the Pagasitic GulfPhilip P. Betancourt, Susan C. Ferrence, Vili Apostolakou et al.
3. Origins of the Mycenaean Lustrous Dark-on-Light Pottery TechnologyFritz Blakolmer
4. The ‘Minoanisation’ of the Arts in LC I Akrotiri and LH I Mycenae: Similarities and DifferencesBrendan Burke et Bryan Burns
5. Crafting Before and After the Collapse: Mycenaean Eleon in BoeotiaMary K. Dabney
6. Consumerism, Debt, and the End of the Bronze Age Civilisations in the Eastern MediterraneanJan Driessen
7. The Brussels Mycenaean Gold CupArtemis Georgiou
8. Cylinder-Seal Impressions on Storage Vessels at Maa-Palaeokastro: Elucidating an Idiosyncratic Late Cypriot Mechanism- 1. Maa-Palaeokastro: a short-lived settlement in South-Western Cyprus
- 2. Late Cypriot storage vessels
- 3. The cylinder-seal impressions on pithoi from Maa-Palaeokastro
- 4. Elucidating an idiosyncratic Late Cypriot mechanism
- 4.1. Iconographic and symbolic inferences
- 4.2. Function and meaning of Late Cypriot cylinder-seal impressions
- 4.3. Exploring regional dynamics in the marking of LC storage vessels
Louise A. Hitchcock et Aren M. Maeir
9. Pulp Fiction: The Sea Peoples and the Study of ‘Mycenaean’ Archaeology in PhilistiaEleni Konsolaki-Yannopoulou
10. Mycenaean Terracottas from Funerary Contexts in Troezenia- 1. Terracottas from Mycenaean tombs in Troezenia
- 1.1. Tholos 1 at Megali Magoula
- 1.1.1. Bovid figure, wheel-made (Poros Museum 2444)
- 1.1.2. Hollow bovine, coil-made (Poros Museum 2445)
- 1.1.3. Bovid figurine, solid-made (Poros Museum 1083)
- 1.2. Tholos 3 at Megali Magoula
- 1.2.1. Kourotrophos figurine (Poros Museum 1082)
- 1.2.2. Head of female figurine (Poros Museum 1080)
- 1.2.3. Torso of proto-Phi (Poros Museum 1081)
- 1.3. Cist-grave at Haghios Konstantinos
- 1.3.1. Phi type figurine (Piraeus Museum 5607)
- 1.3.2. Psi type figurine (Piraeus Museum 5608)
- 2. Funerary vs religious use of Mycenaean terracottas in Troezenia
Quentin Letesson et Santo Privitera
11. Getting out of a Dead End in Final Palatial Crete: Applying Space Syntax Analysis to the Casa dei Vani Aggiunti Progressivamente at Haghia Triada- Introduction
- 1. The LM IIIA2-B Villaggio at Haghia Triada and the Casa dei Vani Aggiunti Progressivamente
- 2. Casa VAP as a Case-Study of Syntax Analysis
- 2.1. First Building Phase (Fig. 11.8)
- 2.2. Second Building Phase (Fig. 11.9)
- 2.3. Third Building Phase (Fig. 11.10)
- 2.4. Fourth Building Phase (Fig. 11.11)
- 2.5. Fifth Building Phase (Fig. 11.12)
- 2.6. Sixth Building Phase (Fig. 11.13)
- Final Remarks
Joseph Maran
12. Against the Currents of History: The Early 12th c. BCE Resurgence of Tiryns- 1. Tiryns’ special position during the transition from the 13th to the 12th c. BCE
- 2. The Northern Lower Town: a unique development project of the early 12th c. BCE
- 3. Creating a new domestic life-world from scratch: new insights into the Northern Lower Town
- 4. Tiryns’ Northern Lower Town: the abandoned path to urbanisation
Marie-Louise Nosch
13. Spinning Gold and Casting Textiles- Introduction
- 1. Textiles and jewellery
- 2. Design and the organisation of craft processes and materiality of raw material
- 3. Weaving cloth and making metal objects. Devices of shaping
- 4. Terminologies of crafts
- 5. Thread and wire: jewellery and spinning and braiding techniques
- 6. Jewellery and weaving techniques
- 7. Textile structures
- Discussion and conclusion
Thomas G. Palaima et Christopher M. McDonough
14. Two Linear B Traveling Inscriptions from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee and the Impact of the Decipherment of Linear B on the Scholarly and Public ImaginationNikolas Papadimitriou, Eleni Konstantinidi-Syvridi et Akis Goumas
15. Technological Study and Interpretation of Rhomboid Accessories from Grave Circle A, Mycenae- 1. The archaeological context
- 2. The macroscopic and microscopic examination
- 2.1. Metrics
- 2.2. Traces of tools (direct and indirect)
- 2.2.1. Cut-marks
- 2.2.2. On circular motifs
- 2.2.3. On straight lines
- 2.2.4. On the background
- 2.2.5. On the edges of the gold sheet
- 2.2.6. On the surface of gold
- 3. The experimental reconstruction
- 3.1. Materials and tools used in the experiment
- 3.1.1. Gold
- 3.1.2. Bone
- 3.1.3. Tools
- 3.2. Description of the procedure
- 3.2.1. Cutting the bone
- 3.2.2. Design composition and transfer onto the bone
- 3.2.3. Carving the main motifs
- 3.2.4. Finishing decoration
- 3.2.5. Cutting excess bone and polishing
- 3.2.6. Cutting the gold sheet
- 3.2.7. Folding the gold leaf around the core
- 3.2.8. Impressing the gold leaf upon the carved bone core
- 4. Comparative examination
- Concluding remarks
Lena Papazoglou-Manioudaki
16. Human Heads and Crawling Snakes: Ritual Vases in Postpalatial MycenaeAnna Philippa-Touchais et Gilles Touchais
17. Glow in the ‘Dark’: A Gold Pendant from a Middle Helladic Settlement (Aspis, Argos)- Introduction
- 1. Description of the pendant
- 1.1. Analyses p-XRF
- 1.2. The ornament’s interest and the questions it poses
- 2. An overview of the parallels
- 2.1. Gold pendants in the EBA
- 2.2. Gold ornaments in the MBA
- 3. The different parts of the pendant and more detailed correlations
- 3.1. The gold sheet
- 3.2. The suspension loop
- 3.3. The chain
- 4. Concluding remarks
- 4.1. Date and origin
- 4.2. Contexts and meanings
Melissa Samaes, Jan Coenaerts et Karin Nys
18. A Picture is Worth a Thousands Words: Pictorial Pottery as a Marker for Socio-Economic Entanglements between the Coast and HinterlandThe Case of Hala Sultan Tekke and Klavdhia in South-East Cyprus
Naya Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, Yiannis Papadatos, Anthi Balitsari et al.
19. Marathon in the Middle and Late Bronze Age: New Evidence from an Old ExcavationPreliminary Results from the Excavation of the University of Athens at Plasi
Gert Jan van Wijngaarden
22. Foreign affairs. Diplomacy, Trade, War and Migration in the Mycenaean Mediterranean (1400-1100 BC)Malcolm H. Wiener
23. Beyond the Versailles Effect: Mycenaean Greece and Minoan CreteAssaf Yasur-Landau
24. The Two Goddesses and the Formation of a Pantheon in Philistia