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Crisis to Collapse

Tim Cunningham
Jan Driessen

III. Ruin

10. Archaeological Evidence for Small Scale Crisis

Hasanlu between Destructions

Megan Cifarelli

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Extracto del texto

In this paper I explore the materiality of life on the edge - on the edge of massive, expanding hegemonic states, and on the brink of non-existence1. The site of Hasanlu in North-Western Iran is known for its spectacular and grisly destruction level (Fig. 10.1 and the cover of this volume). Under attack by a marauding army, hundreds of citizens of this town gathered in and around the monumental buildings on its citadel where they died with their attackers, trapped in the conflagration and chaos as the burning buildings collapsed and crushed their bodies (Dyson & Muscarella 1989 ; Muscarella 1989) (Fig. 10.2). It is the general archaeological consensus that this destruction came at the hands of the Urartian army around the year 800 BC (e.g. Dyson 1989; Muscarella 1989 ; 2006 ; Danti 2014).

The total destruction and subsequent abandonment of the site provide unequivocal evidence for the crisis and collapse of Hasanlu. This paper, however, will investigate evidence for crisis-related ch...

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