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Crisis to Collapse

Tim Cunningham
Jan Driessen

II. From Epistemology to Ontology : the Paradigm of the Lost Civilisation

3. Crisis, what Crisis ?

Adaptation, Resilience and Transformation in the Indus Civilisation

Cameron A. Petrie

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Extrait du texte

One of the most profound experiences of the human past remains the encounter with ancient ruins in an otherwise deserted landscape; but how much of what we perceive is shaped by how we have been taught to receive it?

1. ‘From Crisis to Collapse’ or ‘Transformation’

Since the rediscovery of the cities of South Asia’s Indus Civilisation1 in the early twentieth century, there has been speculation about the reasons for their ultimate abandonment. This process has variously been described as a ‘collapse’, a ‘decline’, or a ‘transformation’ and both natural and human factors have been invoked as likely causes (e.g. Marshall 1931 ; Wheeler 1968 ; Ramaswamy 1968 ; Singh et alii 1974 ; 1990 ; Ghosh 1982 ; Allchin 1982 ; 1995 ; Possehl 1997a ; 1997b ; Lahiri 2000 ; Ratnagar 2000 ; Diamond 2005 ; MacDonald 2009 ; Wright 2010 ; Vahia & Yadav 2011 ; Pande & Ersten 2014). Tainter (1988 ; 2006) has defined socio-political collapse as a rapid simplification, so in many ways time is a critical compo...

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