2. From Crisis to Collapse in Hunter-Gatherer Societies
A Comparative Investigation of the Cultural Impacts of three Large Volcanic Eruptions on Past Hunter-Gatherers
p. 23-39
Although we generally think of social collapse in terms of ‘civilisations ’ - i.e. settled if not urban societies, we can see here that the fundamentals of crisis & collapse are relevant also with hunter gatherer groups.
1This chapter places the impact of three large volcanic events - the Aniakchak eruption (- 1645 BC) in Alaska, the Mazama eruption (—5630 BC) in western North America, and the Laacher See eruption (-11,000 BC) in western Europe - on past hunter-gatherer societies in comparative perspective. Previously, the authors of this chapter have individually argued that regional hunter-gatherer settlement systems collapsed in the wake of these eruptions and that these settlement collapses can be linked to archaeologically observable material culture changes. Yet, these responses track different trajectories from crisis to collapse reflecting both the pre-event vulnerability and post-event resilience measures of these communities. In an effort to better understand the crit
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