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Crisis to Collapse

Tim Cunningham
Jan Driessen

1. Introduction

Tim Cunningham

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Extrait du texte

This book comprises papers delivered at the invited conference, From Crisis to Collapse: the Archaeology of Social Breakdown, at the Université catholique de Louvain, in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The conference took place in October of 2015 and already then we were well in the midst of a growing sense of unease with the state of the world, at least from the perspective of western civilisation. Of course, since then, what might have seemed an inchoate feeling of foreboding has been unmistakably cast in concrete political and social realities. Whatever role one feels archaeology should play in contemporary debate and policy, there is no denying the overwhelming influence of the latter on the former. A simple search will reveal the popularity of political crises and social collapse across a wide swath of disciplines, no doubt because of the intersection of interest and funding.

Several of the papers herein take up the interaction of the studied past and the lived present quite explicit...

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