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How Long is a Century?

Charlotte Langohr

4. Historical Pointers from New Evidence

The Situation in Central Crete during LM IIIB. The Case of the Aposelemis Gorge

Athanasia Kanta et Danae Z. Kontopodi

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At the very beginning of the 12th c. BC, refuge sites and fortified settlements are established and organised over the entire island of Crete. However, the era of disturbances, of migrations, depopulation of main administrative centres and escape to inaccessible, naturally fortified sites seems to have begun much earlier than previously thought, as clear new evidence from the site of Kalamafka in the Aposelemis Gorge suggests1.

1. The site

The Aposelemis gorge, also known as ‘Vulture gorge’, spreads from the area west of Kalo Chorio, Pediada, to the Agriana village forming a natural route from the fertile valley of the Aposelemis river all the way to the Aposelemis wetlands near the north coast and the Cretan Sea (Fig. 4.1).


Fig. 4.1. The Aposelemis Gorge, view from the south (© Google Earth)

The entire area has been registered in the Corine Biotopes catalogue of major nature sites. Even though the water of the Aposelemis river has now been reduced due to the construct...

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