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Excavation at Sissi IV

Jan Driessen

9. The Architectural Survey of the 2016 Sissi Campaign

Eleftheria Zografou, Marilena Pateraki and Christos Koutsaftis

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1. Introduction

The 2016 architectural survey’s main objective was to complete the existing drawings of the site with the new features uncovered during the last campaigns. At the same time, the survey had to keep up with the areas that were under excavation the current year.

We chose to work with close range photogrammetry and use Multi-image 3D Reconstruction software so as to reduce survey time and obtain draft drawings while still on site. This goal was accomplished to a satisfying degree. The following report presents the workflow that was used, the areas that were surveyed and some remarks on the results.

2. Methodology

Structure from Motion (SfM) and Dense Multi View 3D Reconstruction algorithms have been integrated in commercial digital photogrammetry software solutions relatively recently. The main difference of the SfM approach from previous methods is that the multiple overlapping images which are obtained as the camera moves around the scene are automatically oriented by...

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