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Kate Harrell
Jan Driessen

Coincident biographies

Bent and broken blades in Bronze Age Cyprus

Jennifer M. Webb and David Frankel

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‘... The memory throws up high and dry
A crowd of twisted things ;
A twisted branch upon the beach
Eaten smooth, and polished
As if the world gave up
The secret of its skeleton...’
T. S. Eliot, Rhapsody on a Windy Night

There are many references in the literature to the deliberate destruction or disabling of metal weapons in Cypriot Bronze Age burial contexts (Myers 1914: 472; Grace 1940: 22; Stewart & Stewart 1950: 110; Stewart 1962: 294; Grinsell 1973: 113; Herscher 1978: 789; Wheeler 1986: 160; Åström 1972: 274-275; 1987; Hennessy, Eriksson & Kehrberg 1988: 29; Webb 1992: 92; 1997: 73; Karageorghis 2000: 55; Åström & Winbladh in Karageorghis 2003: 62; Dunn-Vaturi 2003: 181; Keswani 2004: 75; 2005: 391; 2013: 229; Georgiou et alii 2011: 307). Often referred to as ‘ritual killing’, the act of disabling is believed to have taken place at the burial site and assumed, variously, to have been intended to enable the weapons to accompany the dead (Åström 1972: 274-275; see also Myers 1914: 472)...


Jennifer M. Webb is the Charles Joseph La Trobe Research Fellow at La Trobe University.

Emeritus Professor in Archaeology at La Trobe University

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