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(A) Choreographed Frenzy

A Sequence of Steps Towards Understanding Movement and Dance in Aegean Bronze Age Iconography

p. 311-318


Seemingly moving figures are very common occurrences in Aegean Bronze Age iconography. The vividness of the images is such that, often, these figures have been described as engaged in “ritual”, “religious” and “ecstatic” choreographies. These interpretations, first advanced in the early twentieth century, have been widely adopted throughout the years and, in certain cases, have consisted of the foundations for wide and long-lasting views on Minoan ritual. However, since the publication of later twentieth century stylistically-orientated analyses of Minoan imagery, new light has been cast on the essence of movement in various representative media. Since, it has been agreed that movement is a ubiquitous compositional feature of Aegean Bronze Age depictions, which might possess a predominantly stylistic function over a narrative one. Archaeologists are therefore faced with a range of questions related to the realities of identifying dance in Aegean two-dimensional imagery. Are the

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