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Minoan Archaeology

Sarah Cappel
Ute Günkel-Maschek
Diamantis Panagiotopoulos

Peer Pressure: Social Structures from a “Minoan” Perspective

Social Variation in Middle Bronze Age Knossos

Palaeodietary Evidence*

Argyro Nafplioti

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Extracto del texto

The present study uses high-quality data on stable carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotope ratio from two Middle Bronze Age human skeletal collections from Knossos for the purposes of a palaeodietary investigation in this context, and offers a nuanced insight into social variation in Middle Bronze Age Knossos. These isotope signatures are used to characterize the diet of the respective individuals and to explore in context patterns of dietary variation at the intra- and inter-population level, i.e. between groups determined by tomb and cemetery affiliation, the presence/absence of rare/prestigious burial furnishings, and the sex of the individuals analysed. Among other findings, the results discussed comply with material culture evidence for politico-economic developments in this context and the increasing prosperity of Knossos in the course of the Middle Bronze Age.


The present paper stems from ongoing bio-archaeological research of the author in Prehistoric Cret...

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