4.1. The Excavation of Building CD
p. 63-68
Texte intégral
1This introduction aims at updating the general plans of Building CD provided in the last preliminary report. Although the 2011 campaign allowed us to clarify some issues in terms of layout and connections between rooms, an overall architectural and stratigraphical study of the remains still needs to be conducted, without mentioning the invaluable information that the ceramic study will provide in terms of phasing. All the plans proposed here should therefore be considered as provisional.
2The reader can find a somewhat more detailed introduction to Building CD in the previous report (Sissi II: 83-88) even if some new data will be outlined below.
1. The 2011 campaign
3In 2011, in Zone 3, excavation was resumed in the western part of Building CD, in Rooms 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.11 (Sissi I: 123-128). Cleaning in Rooms 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 (Sissi II: 89-92, 100-101) was also conducted.
4In Zone 4, this season saw the south and southeast parts of Building CD being investigated. This allows a better definition of rooms 4.15-18 (Sissi II: 132-135), the discovery of an eastern limit for rooms 4.12 and 4.13 as well as the continuation of the street level unearthed in space 8.1 in previous years (Sissi I: 137-138, fig. 6.33 and Sissi II: 136-139, figs 5.79-80). A central corridor, labeled 4.21, was also explored and the tumble that obstructed it cleaned. Some other tests that did not modify the provisional plan were also conducted and are described in detail below.
2. Updated plans
5Each plan provided in this introduction is related to its earlier version provided in the 2009-2010 preliminary report over which it should take precedence.
2.1. Aerial view
6Compare with Sissi II: 83, fig. 5.1.
2.2. Stone-by-stone plan
7Compare with Sissi II: 83, fig. 5.2.
2.3. Schematic plan with blockings and thresholds
8Compare with Sissi II: 83, fig. 5.3.
2.4. Major LM III phase
9Compare with Sissi II: 83, fig. 5.4.
2.5. Sectors within major LM III phase
10Compare with Sissi II: 83, fig. 5.5.
3. References
▪ Sissi I = J. Driessen, I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecoeur, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, H. Fiasse, P. Hacigüzeller, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson & A. Schmitt, Excavations at Sissi. Preliminary Report on the 2007-2008 Campaigns (Aegis 1), Presses Universitaires de Louvain (2009).
▪ Sissi II = J. Driessen, I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecoeur, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, P. Hacigüzeller, V. Isaakidou, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson & A. Schmitt, Excavations at Sissi, II. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns (Aegis 4), Presses Universitaires de Louvain (2011).
Notes de bas de page
1 For a larger version, see back of the volume.
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