p. 255-263
Elver-Gleams: Sub-marine Soundings from the Irish World Academy
1Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin
2This paper explains why and how the place of music and dance research and performance as a core part of Irish studies is encouraged. The collapse of divisions between orality and literacy in the presentation of research is proposed as a model of what changed perspectives could provide to define new intellectual frames in the field of Irish studies. The programmes at the Irish World Academy (University of Limerick) are discussed, and the architecture of the new Irish World Academy building itself is referred to, as examples of a changed outlook on the interactions between various fields of Irish culture. Finally, the choreography of Colin Dunne – examined through his piece Out of Time within the wider context of contemporary dance in Ireland – illustrates the need for renewed points of view to question evolving art-forms which require alternative analytical tools.
3Cette étude explique pourquo
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