Studies on Louis MacNeice
It was a handsome house with thick walls. The windows on the west side looked towards Connemara, Mayo and the Sea. Those to the south scanned Dorset, The Downs and Marlborough — the windows to the north overlooked Iceland and those to the east, India.
The front door was wide and always open.
The Antichamber was full of people coming and going, administrators, doctors, dentists, critics, power men and smooth business agents, the everyday encounter who would say if asked that Louis w...
Éditeur : Presses universitaires de Caen
Lieu d’édition : Caen
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 20 décembre 2012
ISBN numérique : 978-2-84133-441-4
DOI : 10.4000/books.puc.534
Collection : Symposia
Année d’édition : 1988
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-905461-29-2
Nombre de pages : 108
Jacqueline Genet
Avant-proposHedli MacNeice
The story of the house that Louis builtTerence Brown
Louis Macneice’s IrelandDerek Mahon
MacNeice, the war and the BBCAdolphe Haberer
Théorie et pratique de la poésie impure dans l’œuvre de Louis MacNeiceLes enjeux d’une querelle
It was a handsome house with thick walls. The windows on the west side looked towards Connemara, Mayo and the Sea. Those to the south scanned Dorset, The Downs and Marlborough — the windows to the north overlooked Iceland and those to the east, India.
The front door was wide and always open.
The Antichamber was full of people coming and going, administrators, doctors, dentists, critics, power men and smooth business agents, the everyday encounter who would say if asked that Louis was shy, arrogant, cold, polite, unapproachable, they didn’t really know him, they would say...
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