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Liste des abréviations

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Texte intégral

AMRE. CC Archives du Ministère des Relations Extérieures,
Paris, Correspondance consulaire et commenciate :
postes de Baltimore (BA), Boston (BO), Chicago (CH), New York (NY), La Nouvelle-Orléans (NO),
Philadelphie (PH).
CCSNY Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York,
Annual Report.
CFC Commercial. and. Financial Chronicle
CQ7 Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, P no cès-ver
baux des Assemblées Générales .
C & N U.S. Treasury Department, Statistics Bureau, An
nual. Repont on Foreign Trade and N avigation for
the Year ending June 30,...
CR U.S. State Department, Annual Report. Commercial
Relations with Foreign N ations.
HAPAG jahresbericht der Direction der Hamburg-Amerika
nischer Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft, bestimmt
für die General-Versammlung der Actionaire am...
HS U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics
of the United States, Colonial Time to 1970,
Washington, GPO, 1975.
ICR Interstate Commence Commission Reports, vol. IV
(1890-1891), vol. VII (1896-1898), vol. XI (1906).
InCo Repont on the Internal Commence of the United
States (10 volumes, 1876-1891).
LLOYD Bericht nebst Anlag en zur... ordentlichen General-
Versammlung des N orddeutschen Lloyd am...
NACC National Archives, Suitland, RG 134, Intentate
Commence Commence Commission, Formal Do ckets, 1 8 87 –
1924, Box N° 78, 469/1 à 469/3 (1898), Box N° 161-
162, 746/1 à 746/7 (1905).
NAFC National Archives, Washington, Foreign Clearances.
NyCC Repont of the New York Commence Commisson, trans
mitted to the Legislature, January 25, 1900, Alba
ny, 2 volumes.
NyPt. New York Produce Exchange, Annual Report.
NYT New York Times.
RCUS U.S. State Department, Consulan Reports : Reports
from the Consuls of the United States on the Com
mence, Manufactures, etc . of their Districts, men
suel à partir d’octobre 1880.
SA Statistical Abstract of the United states
SCL SHipping and Commencial List and New York Price
SPw) State of New York, Annual. Repont of the Superinten
dent of Public Works for the y ear ended September
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