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La genèse de l’expédition franco-britannique de 1956 en Égypte

Jean-Yves Bernard

Sources documentaires et bibliographiques


Archives publiques britanniques


CAB 21/3092, International Conference on the Suez Canal [...] (General Arrangement [...] July-September 1956).

CAB 21/3093, id.

CAB 21/3094, Suez Crisis, the Darracott Papers.

CAB 124/1210, Suez Canal Dispute. Telegrams, correspondance and draft for the Lord President’s speech in the House of Lords (September 12th, 1956).

CAB 128/30, Cabinet Conclusions (July 3rd-December 20th 1956).

CAB 134/1216, Egypt Committee, Meetings. CAB 134/1217, Egypt Cornmittee, Papers.

CAB 134/1225, Egypt Official Committee, Meetings and Papers.

CAB 134/1298, Official Committee on the Middle East, Papers (January 25th- August 8th 1956).

Foreign Office

FO 371/118861, United Kingdom policy towards Egypt.

FO 371/118862, id.

FO 371/118863, id.

FO 371/118864, id.

FO 371/118865, id.

FO 371/118869, Joint United Kingdom-United States policies towards Egypt.

FO 371/118871, Joint policy of United Kingdom and France towards the Middle East.

FO 371/118983, Future of the Suez Canal Zone Base.

FO 371/118996, id.

FO 371/119045, Suez Canal Committee : record of meetings and discussions.

FO 371/119068, Policy of Her Majesty’s Government towards the Suez Canal Company : reports by various company committees.

FO 371/119069, id.

FO 371/119070, id.

FO 371/119071, id.

FO 371/119372, id.

FO 371/120329, Foreign Policy of United States.

FO 371/124430, Foreign Policy of France.

FO 371/124441, Political relations between France and United Kingdom.

FO 371/124443, id.

FO 371/124445, United Kingdom Policy in supporting action by France in Algeria and Morocco.

FO 800/723, Minutes to the Foreign Office Secretary.

FO 800/725, Timetable, Memorandums, Minutes of Selwyn Lloyd, 15th, 18th and 24th october 1956.

FO 800/738, Minutes from Prime Minister to the Foreign Office Secretary.

FO 800/740, General correspondance of Selwyn Lloyd.

FO 800/741, id.

Prime Minister’s Office

PREM 11/1089, Appointment of an Egypt Committee to deal with the Suez Canal negotiations.

PREM 11/1093, Need to inform the United States Government if military equipment provided by them under the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement for NATO was diverted to other purposes.

PREM 11/1094, Commonwealth and the Suez Crisis.

PREM 11/1098, Nationalization of the Suez Canal by Colonel Nasser.

PREM 11/1099, Policy of United Kingdom and France in the Middle East following the Suez Canal Crisis.

PREM 11/1100, Military action in the event of a breakdown of the Suez Canal Conference ; question of referring to N.A.T.O. and U.N.

PREM 11/1101, Proposais for dealing with the Suez Crisis by the setting of a Canal Users’ Association.

PREM 11/1102, Setting up of an organisation [...] C.A.S.U. and dispute with Egypt taken to U.N.

PREM 11/1103, Suez Canal Users’ Association.

PREM 11/1104, Operation Musketeer.

PREM 11/1117, Suez Canal Users’ Association.

PREM 11/1123, Gallup poils on H.M.G.’s action over Suez ; public opinion notes provided by Conservative Central Office.

PREM 11/1124, Views of Sir David Eccles on the Suez Canal Crisis.

PREM 11/1125, Correspondence between the Prime Minister and Sir Robert Boothby on the Suez Canal Crisis.

PREM 11/1126, Correspondence between Sir Gladwyn Jebb and the Prime Minister.

PREM 11/1146, Conversation between Lord Salisbury and Clement Davies, leader of the Liberal Party.

PREM 11/1152, Complaints by Cabinet Ministers that they were not sufficiently informed on decisions made by Suez Committee.

PREM 11/1159, Letter from Mr Gaitskell to the P.M. about the use of force against Egypt to settle the dispute.

PREM 11/1174, Message from Mr J.E Dulles, the American Secretary of State, about an unsatisfactory Press Conference held on the subject of Suez.

PREM 11/1175, Intransigeance of Mr Dulles concerning the Suez Canal Users Association.

PREM 11/1293, Suggestion for settling Suez Canal Crisis from Lord Chandos.

PREM 11/1352, Anglo-French coopération on political union in Europe.

PREM 11/1516, Note of meeting held between Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Mr. Gaitskell.

PREM 11/1549, Visit to Paris.


T 236/4188, Minutes to the Chancelier of Exchequer.


DEFE5/70, Chiefs of Staff : Memorandum : July 18th-August 21st : n° 271-317. DEFE 5/71, id., August 21st – October 23rd : n° 318-388.

DEFE 4/89, Chiefs of Staff, Meetings.

ADM 205/120, Suez Briefs for the First Sea Lord.

ADM 205/133, Views of Commander in Chief in Mediterranean.

WO 106/5986, Musketeer Planning.

Archives publiques françaises

F 60/2766, Ordre du jour du Conseil des ministres (janvier-décembre 1956).

Archives des partis politiques anglais

Conservative Party Archives (Bodleian Library, Oxford) : CRD 2/34/2, CRD 2/34/19-21, 1922 Committee Minutes (juin-décembre 1956).

Labour Party Archives (London School of Economies) : Minutes of Labour Parliamentary Party (juillet-novembre 1956) ; Labour Parliamentary Committee Meetings (juillet-novembre 1956).

Archives des partis politiques français

Archives du Mouvement républicain populaire (Fondation nationale des Sciences politiques) : 350 AP 52, procès-verbaux et communiqués de la Commission exécutive (1956).

Archives de Pierre Mendès France (Institut P. Mendès France) : RA 11, RA 12,

procès verbaux des séances du Bureau radical ; CPMF, correspondance de Pierre Mendès France (1956).

Archives de l’Union démocratique et socialiste de la résistance : 412 AP 1.

Papiers personnels et fonds privés

Lord Monckton of Brenchley, (Sir Walter Monckton), Personal Papers, 1956 : Box n° 7, (Bodleian Library, Oxford).

Stockwell Papers 8/2/2, (Liddell Hart Center for Military Archives).

Fonds Alain Savary (Fondation nationale des Sciences politiques), cotes SV.

Fonds Pierre-Olivier Lapie (Archives nationales) : 331 AP2.

Fonds Paul Ramadier (Archives départementales de l’Aveyron) : 52 J/117.

Fonds Paul Reynaud, (Archives nationales) : 74 AP/61.


Lord Home, entretien du 22 juin 1988.

Sir Donald Logan, entretien du 21 juin 1988.

Sir Anthony Nutting, entretien du 14 juin 1988.

Sir Richard Powell, entretien du 20 juin 1988.

Paul Anxionnaz, entretien du 19 mai 1989.

Armand du Chayla, entretien du 7 février 1990.

Albert Gazier, entretien du 9 mai 1988.

Gérard Jacquet, entretien du 13 mars 1989.

Émile Noël, entretien du 18 juillet 1988.

Christian Pineau, entretien du 19 avril 1988.

« A Canal Too Far », documentaire de la British Broadcasting Corporation, présenté par Peter Hennessy et produit par Mark Laity, diffusé sur Radio 3, le 31 janvier 1987 (transcription d’un recueil de témoignages).

Ouvrages de référence

Dictionnaire de la politique française, publié sous la direction d’Henri Coston, Paris, H. Coston, 1967.

Oil and Petroleum Year Book, sous la direction de W.E. Skinner, Londres, 1957.

The Times, House of Gommons, 1955, Londres, The Times Office, 1955.

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Who’s Who in France, 1967-1968, Paris, Laffite, 1968.

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Documents publiés

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Journal officiel de la République française : Débats parlementaires, Assemblée nationale, février-novembre 1956.

Journal officiel de la République française : Documents parlementaires, Assemblée nationale, 1956, n° 1068, 1131,1198 et 1627.

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House of Lords, Parliamentary Debates, Official Report (Hansard), vol. 119- 121.

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Journaux et revues anglo-saxonnes

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Journaux et revues françaises

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