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Le chartisme

Malcolm Chase


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ACLL Anti-Corn Law League
Add. MSS Manuscrits additionnels
BCL Bibliothèque centrale de Birmingham
BL British Library
BPU Birmingham Political Union
BT Archives nationales, Kew, documents du Board of Trade
Burland J.H. Burland, « Annals of Barnsley and its environs », manuscrit inédit, Bibliothèque centrale de Barnsley, section Archives et études locales
CA Charter Association
CNA Central National Association
DLB Dictionary of Labour Biography, volumes 1 à 10, dir. J. Bellamy et
J. Saville (Londres, Macmillan, 1972-2000) ; volume 11, dir. K. Gildart, D. Howell et N. Kirk (Londres, Palgrave, 2003) ; volume 12, dir. K. Gildart et D. Howell (Londres, Palgrave, 2005)
ECC English Chartist Circular and Tempérance Record
FRA Female Radical Association
FPU Female Political Union
GNU Great Northern Union
GNCTU Grand National Consolidated Trades Union
Hansard Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, troisième série
HO Archives nationales, Kew, documents du Home Office
IUSA Irish Universal Suffrage Association
LDA London Démocratie Association
LHASC Labour History Archive and Study Centre, Manchester
LPRA Leeds Parliamentary Reform Association
LWMA London Working Men’s Association
MAGBI Miners’ Association of Great Britain and Ireland
MEPO Archives nationales, Kew, documents de la Metropolitan Police
NAUT National Association of United Trades for the Protection of Labour
NCA National Charter Association
NCSU National Complété Suffrage Union
NCREC National Central Registration and Election Committee
NPFRA National Parliamentary & Financial Reform Association
NPU National Political Union for the Obtainment of the People’s
NS Northern Star
NUWC National Union of the Working Classes
O’Connor Documents du général Francisco Burdett O’Connor (appartenant
d’Arlach à Eduardo Trigo O’Connor d’Arlach, Bolivie)
ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, H.C.G. Matthew et
B. Harrison (éd.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004
PRL Political Reform League
PU Political Union
RA Radical Association
SCNLC Select Committee on the National Land Company, Parliamentary
Papers (rapports des comités), Session 1847-1848 (398), vol. XIX
TS Archives nationales, Kew, documents du Treasury Soliciter
USCCS United Suffrage Central Committee for Scotland
WMA Working Men’s Association
WYAS Archives du West Yorkshire

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