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Smart(er) Internet Regulation Through Cost-Benefit Analysis

Winston J. Maxwell

Balancing fundamental rights

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Many content policies protect fundamental rights. Laws prohibiting online copyright infringement protect the right to property, a fundamental right. Laws requiring search engines to delist certain old and irrelevant content under the “right to be forgotten” doctrine protect data privacy, a fundamental right. But those laws also restrict freedom of expression, which is also a fundamental right. Laws prohibiting content that incites racial hatred protect equality and non-discrimination, a fundamental right. When internet intermediaries take actions to enforce content policies, the actions will often favor one right at the expense of others. This requires balancing.

Courts in the United States and in Europe do this balancing routinely. In Europe, the balancing is known as the “proportionality test.” The purpose of this chapter is to look at the rights that are being balanced through the lens of law and economics, as well as to examine the balancing test itself. The proportio...

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