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Collectif CSI

Jumping to Conclusions

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Thus, here is what we have so far: an incomplete network of intriguing clues, of remarkable problems and of tentative suggestions that constitute capitalization as an object for cultural inquiry. Investment gaze, valuation scenario, asset condition, a semiotic complex that marks the establishment of the viability of things and defines who is best equipped to achieve it. Is it time to wrap this up? In the concluding pages that follow, the reader shall find our own interpretation of the main tenets of such journey—which remains, of course, open to the reader’s own trail.

A wide surface to cover

In quite a pragmatist fashion, John Maynard Keynes (1936) considered in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money that money does not have intrinsic “functions” that tell us once and for all what would represent its meaning. Rather, money has “properties;” that is, one can do things with it, such as buy or sell, set prices, and keep it in reserve. And, Keynes would indicate, his analyt...

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