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Business Modeled with Purpose

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The preceding chapter missed something. What is it that circulates there, between hands, ears and eyes, during the proverbial encounter between the investor and the entrepreneur? A social inquiry into capitalization definitely ought to engage with material culture. And there is certainly one type of document that plays a crucial part in steering the act of capitalization. We are referring to the compound of diagrams, keywords, timelines and figures that usually takes the form of a slideshow but that can also be printed and bundled together into what is typically referred to as the “business model.” An instrument for the demonstration of potential value, the business model certainly plays a performative role in many respects (Giraudeau 2008; Doganova and Eyquem-Renault 2009; Baden-Fuller and Morgan 2010; Perkmann and Spicer 2010; see also Ghaziani and Ventresca 2005), including as a capitalization device (Doganova and Muniesa 2015). So our inquiry should definitely include an invitat...

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