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INALCO Press is a public service, which guarantees its editorial and scientific freedom.

INALCO Press maintains high editorial standards by following the international rules for scholarly digital publications. These include:

  • peer review;

  • open access;

  • Creative Commons copyright for the protection of authors;

  • multi-channel publications for all of our books, allowing visual and audio enhancements. A single file (XML-TEI) is used to produce the different versions of one text, whether print or digital (HTML, EPUB, PDF);

  • a production qualified and multilingual metadata.


A director and an editorial board consisting of 16 members operated the Press. The definition of the Press's mission and the operation of the editorial board was determined by a special committee, which proposed a new type of management: alongside routine operations, collaboration with a wide range of specialists will be necessitated by the diversity of, on the one hand, the cultural and disciplinary approaches, and on the other, the scholarly and educational publications that are envisioned.

The board of INALCO Press was selected following a call for applications by the Institute and its partners. The applications were evaluated by the Research Commission and later by the Scientific Council of INALCO.

Every publication proposal will be submitted to the board by one of its members, the 'godfather’ or ‘godmother' (that is, a specialist in the given cultural area or discipline) who will present the manuscript, drop and contact to two reviewers, at least one of which shall not be attached to INALCO. Once the evaluations have been made, the 'godparent' will contact the author. Either the ‘godparent' or the original evaluators, depending on the importance of the modifications to be made will evaluate the revised version of the manuscript. The board will be involved in every stage of the process.


  • Huguette Rigot, editor-in-chief

  • Editorial board: Ursula Baumgardt, Anne-Claire Bonneville, Catherine Capdeville-Zeng, Nathalie Carré, Joëlle Dalègre, Matteo De Chiara, Bruno Drweski, Catherine Géry, Anne Grynberg, Mathieu Guérin, Huguette Rigot, Paulette Roulon-Doko, Assen Slim, Eva Toulouze, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov, Anne Viguier.

  • Production: Sylvie Plan, administrative manager; Martin Dulong, editorial secretary; Stéphanie Béchon, editorial assistant; Astrid Laforce, editorial secretary (in training); Nadia Jaziri, information technology.

INALCO University Press works together with representatives of INALCO, BULAC and USPC in order effectively to meet its authors' expectations.

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