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Bibliographie rassemblant des textes généraux permettant de mieux appréhender le contexte dans lequel la crise des bibliothèques britanniques s’est déroulée.
Gina Baber, The Positive and Negative Impact of Using Volunteers in Public Libraries, UCL, 2018. [En ligne] < >.
Dan Bulley et Bal Sokhi-Bulley, “Big Society as Big Government: Cameron’s Governmentality Agenda”, British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 2014, vol. 16, no 3, p. 452-470. [En ligne] < >.
10.1111/j.1467-856X.2012.00547.x :Biddy Casselden, Alison J. Pickard et Julie McLeod, “The challenges facing public libraries in the Big Society: The role of volunteers, and the issues that surround their use in England”, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, vol. 47, no 3, p. 187-203. [En ligne] < >.
10.1177/0961000613518820 :Tim Coates, “On the closure of English public libraries”, Public Library Quarterly, 2019, vol. 38, n° 1, p. 3-18. [En ligne] < >.
10.1080/01616846.2018.1538765 :Patrick Coquart, « Royaume Uni : Big Society contre Big Government. Quels sont les fondements idéologiques de la Big Society défendue par Cameron ? », Contrepoints, 11 juillet 2015. [En ligne] < >.
David Clifford, “Charitable organisations, the Great Recession and the Age of Austerity: Longitudinal Evidence for England and Wales”, Journal of Social Policy, 2017, vol 46, no 1, p. 1-30. [En ligne] < >.
10.1017/S0047279416000325 :Steve Davies, “The public library in the UK’s Big Society”, Prometheus, septembre 2012, vol. 30, no 3, p. 353-358. [En ligne] < >.
10.1080/08109028.2012.702052 :Deborah Forbes, Lindsay Findlay-King, Gordon Macfadyen et Geoff Nichols, “From public to volunteer library provision in the UK: lesson to be learnt – One size does not fit all”, Voluntary Sector Review, novembre 2017, vol. 8, no 3, p. 343-353. [En ligne] < >.
10.1332/204080517X15072789482055 :Future libraries: Change, options and how to get there – Learning from the Future Libraries Programme Phase 1. [En ligne] < >.
Clémence Fourton, « Cartographie de l’espace citoyen anti-austérité au Royaume-Uni depuis la crise de 2008 », Observatoire de la société britannique, 2018, vol. 23, p. 83-104. [En ligne] >.
10.4000/osb.3018 :Anne Goulding, “Engaging with community engagement: public libraries and citizen involvement”, New Library World, 2009, vol. 110, nos 1/2, p. 37-51. [En ligne] < >.
10.1108/03074800910928577 :Ipsos MORI and Shared Intelligence (2013), Envisioning the library of the future. Phases 1 and 2: full report. Research by Ipsos MORI and Shared Intelligence. (This document is an independent report, part of Envisioning the library of the future, commissioned by Arts Council England.) [En ligne] < >
Gilles Leydier (dir.), « Le Royaume-Uni à l’heure de la coalition », Observatoire de la société britannique, 2014, vol. 15. [En ligne] < >.
Ben McCall, “Big Society and the devolution of power”, in Marina Stott (dir.), The Big Society Challenge, Keystone Development Trust Publications, 2011, p. 65-74. [En ligne] < >.
Museums Libraries and Archives Council, What do the public want from libraries? User and non-user research – full research report, MLA, novembre 2010. [En ligne] < >.
Museums Libraries and Archives Council, Community engagement in public libraries: an evaluation of the Big Lottery Fund’s Community Libraries Programme, MLA, juin 2010. [En ligne] < >.
Mark Littlewood, “A simple way to keep every public library open...”, Institute of Economic Affairs, 2011. [En ligne] < >.
Liz Macdonald, A New Chapter: Public Library Services in the 21st Century, CarnegieUK Trust, mai 2012. [En ligne] < >.
Nick Moore, “Public library trends”, Cultural Trends, 2004, vol. 13, no 1, p. 27-57. [En ligne] < >.
10.1080/0954896042000216437 :Joe Painter, Lena Dominelli, Gordon MacLeod, AndrewOrton et Raksha Pande, “Connecting localism and community empowerment”, Connected Communities, 2011. [En ligne] < >.
Christine Rooney-Browne, “Rising to the challenge: a look at the role of public libraries in times of récession”, Library Review, 2009, vol. 58, no 5, p. 341-352. [En ligne] < >.
10.1108/00242530910961765 :Camille Rosenblatt, « Le Tiers Secteur au Royaume-Uni : historique, état des lieux et perspectives », Think Tank européen Pour la Solidarité, juin 2013. [En ligne] < >.
Chloe Stothart, “Analysis: the libraries that have been taken over by volunteers”, Third Sector, 21 août 2012. [En ligne] < libraries-taken-volunteers/ >.
Nicolas Sowels, Anémone Kober-Smith et Gilles Leydier (dir.), « Les services publics au Royaume-Uni et en France face aux politiques d’austérité », Observatoire de la société britannique, 2017, vol. 19. [En ligne] < >.
The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI), On permanent loan? Community managed libraries: the volunteer perspective, janvier 2013. [En ligne] < >.
Ophélie Ramonatxo, « Le “cas” des bibliothèques britanniques », Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF), 2011, no 2, p. 46-50. Disponible en ligne : < >.
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