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Hellenistic and Roman Pontecagnano

The Danish Excavations in Proprietà Avallone 1986-1990

This volume presents the results of the excavations conducted by the University of Copenhagen at Pontecagnano (Prop. Avallone), located some 8 km southeast of Salerno in the northern part (the Ager Picentinus) of the Sele Plain in Campania.

The excavations revealed a part of the residential zone of the ancient town with two main phases of occupation, the first belonging to the late Classical/early Hellenistic period (second half of 4th to early 3rd century BC) and the second to the lat...

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  • Editor : Publications du Centre Jean Bérard
  • Colección : Collection du Centre Jean Bérard | 25
  • Lugar de edición : Naples
  • Año de edición : 2007
  • Publicación en OpenEdition Books : 01 octobre 2019
  • EAN (publicación papel) : 978-2-903189-91-4
  • EAN electrónico : 978-2-918887-91-1
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.pcjb.2940
  • Número de páginas : 319 p.
Helle W. Horsnæs
I Introduction
Birgit Tang
II The Excavations
Helle W. Horsnæs, Birgit Tang, Helle Damgaard Andersen et al.
III The Material
Helle W. Horsnæs y Birgit Tang
IV The History of the Site
Helle W. Horsnæs y Birgit Tang
V Pontecagnano in Campania

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