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p. 4

Texte intégral

1 The book Fisheries in the Pacific: The Challenges of Governance and Sustainability grew out of a workshop on the topic “Resources, boundaries and governance: What future for fisheries in the Pacific?” held in October 2014. This workshop was co-organized in Marseilles by the Centre for Research and Documentation on Oceania (CREDO, Aix-Marseille University – CNRS – EHESS, France) and the Centre for Pacific Studies (CPS, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom) in the context of the European Consortium for Pacific Studies (ECOPAS, 2012-2015) funded by the European Union (FP7, Coordination & Support Action, Grant No 320298). This event was hosted by Aix-Marseille University and launched by Prof. Denis Bertin, then Vice President for Research, whom we are delighted to thank here.

2 This book owes much to the attentive reading and constructive comments of its anonymous reviewers, to Grace Delobel’s conscientious work of proofreading and translation, to Pascale Bonnemère institutional support and to Emilie Courel, our publishing assistant. We owe them our gratitude.

3 Last but not least, the realization of both the workshop and the book were greatly facilitated by the efficient assistance of the Protisvalor team. Thank you.

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