Table des matières
Elodie Fache, Simonne Pauwels et Joeli Veitayaki
Introduction: Pacific Islanders, “custodians of the ocean” facing fisheries challengesValérie Allain, Graham Michael Pilling, Peter Gregory Williams et al.
Overview of tuna fisheries, stock status and management framework in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean- Introduction
- The pelagic fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
- Purse seine fishery
- Longline fishery
- Pole-and-line fishery
- Tuna and other species caught in the pelagic fisheries
- Fisheries data and monitoring
- Catch estimates
- Status of stocks
- Skipjack tuna
- Yellowfin tuna
- Bigeye tuna
- South Pacific albacore tuna
- Management framework
- Some issues and developments to provide reliable scientific information to managers
Manuel Rauchholz
Resources, boundaries and governance: what future for marine resources in Micronesia?- Introduction
- Micronesia, an intermediary region between four continents, and global political and economic interests
- Coastal and fisheries management in Micronesia
- Blast fishing in Chuuk
- Future developments in nearshore fisheries
- Poaching and illegal fishing activities by foreign fishing nations
- Micronesia and the global commercial tuna industry
- Human rights issues
- Purse seining under the Vessel Day Scheme (VDS)
- Conclusion
Yan Giron
The other side of large-scale, no-take, marine protected areas in the Pacific Ocean- Introduction
- Marine protected areas (MPAs), legal tools with multiple purposes
- Marine environmental conservation in the Pacific
- Island States, by their very nature a concentration of issues
- Tropical tuna fishing in the Pacific
- The global issue of Pacific tuna
- The exploitation of tropical tuna in the Pacific
- The status of fishing stocks
- The current issues of Pacific tuna economic exploitation
- Position of charitable trusts with regard to these fisheries issues
- Other geopolitical issues in the Pacific
- Energy and non-energy deep sea mining issues
- Deep sea energy mining resources
- Deep sea non-energy mining resources
- Strategy and leadership issues
- The notion of a maritime pivot
- The main American strategies on the maritime pivot
- The main Chinese strategies on the maritime pivot
- The resulting lines of defence
- American leadership
- Chinese leadership
- The fishing fleets (Chinese, Vietnamese, American, etc.) are they leadership tools?
- The Asia-Pacific maritime pivot, a combination of States (public) and private actors jockeying for power
- The development of large-scale, no-take MPAs
- Panorama
- The case of Palau
- The case of Kiribati — Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA)
- The case of the Chagos Archipelago
- Analysis-Conclusion
Samuel Cornier et Isabelle Leblic
Kanak coastal communities and fisheries meeting new governance challenges and marine issues in New Caledonia- Contextualization
- Historic and contemporary context of New Caledonia
- New Caledonia cultural and marine biological diversity
- Traditional marine management systems in Kanak society
- Case study: the Hyabé/Lé-Jao Marine Protected Area (Yambé)
- Linking Kanak fisheries and New Caledonia governance challenges
- The “dark side” of conservation
Nathalie Hilmi, Tamatoa Bambridge, Alain Safa et al.
Socioeconomic significance of fisheries in the Small Island Developing States: natural heritage or commodity?- Introduction
- Socioeconomic and cultural importance of fisheries
- The status of fish in indigenous Polynesia
- Food security, trade and income
- Food security
- Trade and income
- Maximizing fish commodity through environmental protection
- Pacific nations’ engagement in world negotiation forums
- Pacific population and environmental issues
- Conclusion
Catherine Sabinot et Sarah Bernard
Green Turtle: an emblematic marine species at a crossroads in New Caledonia- Introduction
- Yaté municipality, its inhabitants and the marine and terrestrial management of its territory
- Location, municipality, tribes, chiefdoms, and customary territories
- Management of marine territories: statutory law and customary law
- Green turtle, its national and local status
- International status translated in the environmental code of South Province and in the management plan of the Great Southern Lagoon marine park
- Local status explored through the eyes of Kanak children
- Turtles and yams, inserted in normative and cognitive chains of local translations
- Green turtle as food, symbol and flagship for Kanaks from Yaté
- From customary paths to the paths of provincial regulations
- Progressive construction of provincial regulations
- Step-by-step integration in local minds and practices of the administrative approach to green turtle management
- Long and confused apprehension of intertwined local and customary legitimacies
- Progressive construction of an internal and external political object
- Conclusion
Gilbert David
The challenge of sustainability for Pacific Island village fisheries, a historical perspective- Introduction
- Rationale and methodology
- Fisheries on the outer slope and around fish aggregating devices
- The production system
- The resources
- From fisheries development to overexploitation
- Resource management
- Subsistence fisheries
- The production system
- Availability of fish on the fishing grounds
- The predator-prey relation
- Traditional regulation of fishing activities
- Conclusion
Joeli Veitayaki et Esaroma Ledua
Policy options for coastal and tuna fisheries in the Pacific Islands: sustaining resources on the same side of the same coin