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OpenEdition Press is an initiative from OpenEdition. It acts as an incubator of ideas for the digital publishing of tomorrow and works in partnership with actors from across the publishing and research sectors. It is part of OpenEdition’s research and development (R&D) wing – OpenEdition Lab. OpenEdition Press titles range across the humanities and social sciences and cover the following subjects: digital technology and societies; the humanities and social sciences in the age of globalization; science and society; digital humanities; the methodologies of the humanities and social sciences.

Encyclopédie numérique

¿Qué es la Iniciativa de Codificación de Textos?

Cómo añadir marcado inteligente a los recursos digitales

Lou Burnard

Las Directrices de la Iniciativa de Codificación de Textos (TEI) se consideran desde hace tiempo el estándar de facto para la preparación de recursos digitales de texto en la comunidad de investigadores académicos.
Ofrecen un abanico de posibilidades abrumador para el principiante, que refle...

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Laboratoire d'idées

Proceedings of the Paris Open Science European Conference

OSEC 2022

Open Science European Conference

For more than twenty years, the international research community has affirmed its support for open and collaborative practices that improve the quality, transparency, reproducibility and inclusiveness of science. In France, this orientation has been reflected in the adoption of two National Pl...

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