Retourner à l’indexWarwick Gould
Warwick Gould
‘Satan Smut & Co’: Yeats and the Suppression of Evil Literature in the Early Years of the Free State
Warwick Gould
Conflicted Legacies: Yeats’s Intentions and Editorial Theory
Warwick Gould
Yeats and his Books
Warwick Gould
Yeats and the Flying Dutchman
Warwick Gould
An Afterword: The Macmillan Archive and Editorial Policy
Warwick Gould
Editors’ Introduction
Margaret Mills Harper et Warwick Gould
The mask before The Mask
Warwick Gould
Wheels and Butterflies: Title, Structure, Cover Design
Warwick Gould
Editor’s Introduction
Warwick Gould
Lips and Ships, Peers and Tears
Warwick Gould