The Sword of Judith
Judith Studies Across the Disciplines
The Book of Judith tells the story of a fictitious Jewish woman beheading the general of a powerful army to free her people. The parabolic story was set as an example of how God will help the righteous. Judith’s heroic action not only became a validating charter myth of Judaism itself but has also been appropriated by many Christian and secular groupings, and has been an inspiration for numerous literary texts and works of art. It continues to exercise its power over artists, authors and acade...
Éditeur : Open Book Publishers
Lieu d’édition : Cambridge
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 30 janvier 2013
ISBN numérique : 978-1-906924-17-1
Collection : OBP collection
Année d’édition : 2010
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-1-906924-16-4
Nombre de pages : 511
Kevin R. Brine
1. The Judith ProjectDeborah Levine Gera
2. The Jewish Textual TraditionsElena Ciletti et Henrike Lähnemann
3. Judith in the Christian TraditionWriting Judith
Jewish Textual Traditions
Barbara Schmitz
4. Holofernes’s Canopy in the SeptuagintDeborah Levine Gera
5. Shorter Medieval Hebrew Tales of JudithRuth von Bernuth et Michael Terry
7. Shalom bar Abraham’s Book of Judith in YiddishChristian Textual Tradition
Marc Mastrangelo
8. Typology and Agency in Prudentius’s Treatment of the Judith StoryTracey-Anne Cooper
9. Judith in Late Anglo-Saxon EnglandKathleen M. Llewellyn
11. The Example of Judith in Early Modern French LiteratureRobert Cummings
12. The Aestheticization of Tyrannicide: Du Bartas’s La JuditHenrike Lähnemann
13. The Cunning of Judith in Late Medieval German TextsJanet Bartholomew
14. The Role of Judith in Margaret Fell’s Womens Speaking JustifiedStaging Judith
Visual Arts
Elizabeth Bailey
15. Judith, Jael, and Humilitas in the Speculum VirginumSarah Blake McHam
17. Donatello’s Judith as the Emblem of God’s Chosen PeopleDiane Apostolos-Cappadona
18. Costuming Judith in Italian Art of the Sixteenth CenturyMusic and Drama
Kelley Harness
20. Judith, Music, and Female Patrons in Early Modern ItalyDavid Marsh
21. Judith in Baroque OratorioPaolo Bernardini
22. Judith in the Italian Unification Process, 1800–1900Alexandre Lhâa
23. Marcello and Peri’s Giuditta (1860)Gabrijela Mecky Zaragoza
25. Judith and the ”Jew-Eaters” in German VolkstheaterThe Book of Judith tells the story of a fictitious Jewish woman beheading the general of a powerful army to free her people. The parabolic story was set as an example of how God will help the righteous. Judith’s heroic action not only became a validating charter myth of Judaism itself but has also been appropriated by many Christian and secular groupings, and has been an inspiration for numerous literary texts and works of art. It continues to exercise its power over artists, authors and academics and is becoming a major field of research in its own right. The Sword of Judith is the first multidisciplinary collection of essays to discuss representations of Judith throughout the centuries. It transforms our understanding across a wide range of disciplines. The collection includes new archival source studies, the translation of unpublished manuscripts, the translation of texts unavailable in English, and Judith images and music. This volume is part of the Re: Enlightenment Project formed as a collaboration between New York University, New York Public Library and other distinguished academic institutions. As with all Open Book publications the entire work is available free to read online, while printable digital editions of the volume together with additional resources can be downloaded from the publisher’s website:
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