p. 43-127
Texte intégral
§ 44: A Glance at Teenage Antony: Insolvent, Transgendered, Pimped, and Groomed
1Visne igitur te inspiciamus a puero? sic opinor; a principio ordiamur. tenesne memoria praetextatum te decoxisse? ‘patris’, inquies, ‘ista culpa est’. concedo. etenim est pietatis plena defensio. illud tamen audaciae tuae quod sedisti in quattuordecim ordinibus, cum esset lege Roscia decoctoribus certus locus constitutus, quamvis quis fortunae vitio, non suo decoxisset. sumpsisti virilem, quam statim muliebrem togam reddidisti. primo vulgare scortum; certa flagitii merces nec ea parva; sed cito Curio intervenit, qui te a meretricio quaestu abduxit et, tamquam stolam dedisset, in matrimonio stabili et certo collocavit.
2Study Questions:
- Parse visne.
- Identify and explain the mood of inspiciamus.
- Identify and explain the mood of ordiamur.
- On what noun does the genitive patris depend?
- Parse inquies.
- Identify and explain the case of audaciae tuae.
- What did the lex Roscia stipulate? When was it passed?
- What noun does the adjective virilem modify?
- Who was Curio?
3Stylistic Appreciation:
- How would you describe the overall tone Cicero adopts in this paragraph? Can you point to specific details in the text that epitomize it?
- What is the rhetorical effect of the word order in the sentence etenim est pietatis plena defensio?
- Discuss Cicero’s choice of adverbs and adjectives in the second half of the passage, with an eye to the contrast between the seemingly banal (certus, statim, certa, parva, cito, certo) and the more elaborate (virilem, muliebrem, vulgare, meretricio, stabili).
4Discussion Points:
- What’s Cicero cooking up here (cf. decoxisse, decoctoribus, decoxisset) — or how does he construe a plot reminiscent of Peter Greenaway’s The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, & Her Lover — with Antony performing in all four roles?
- Clothes make the wo/man: discuss the fashion-show staged in this paragraph (cf. praetextatum, virilem (sc. togam), muliebrem togam, stolam).
- Why is cross-dressing funny? Discuss with reference to contemporary takes, such as Some Like it Hot, Tootsie, or The World According to Garp.
- Can you think of more recent instances in which public figures are shamed for (alleged) misdemeanors in their youth? What’s your take on this practice?
inspicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum | to examine, investigate, consider |
opinor, -ari, -atus | to hold as an opinion, think, believe |
ordior, -diri, -sus | to embark on, start, begin |
praetextatus,-a,-um | being of an age to wear the toga praetexta |
decoquo, -quere, -xi, -ctum | to boil down, waste away, squander; to be unable to pay debts; (intr.) to become insolvent |
concedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum | to go away, withdraw; to concede, grant |
etenim (conj.) | and indeed; for |
audacia, -ae, f. | daring, boldness, impudence, recklessness |
sedeo, -ere, sedi, sessum | to sit, be seated |
quattuordecim | fourteen |
ordo, -inis, m. | row (of seats in a theatre), rank, standing order |
decoctor, -oris, m. [decoquo + tor] | an insolvent person, defaulting debtor |
quamvis | to any degree you like no matter how, however much |
vitium, -i, n. | defect, fault, disadvantage |
sumo, -mere, -mpsi, -mptum | to take up, put on (clothes etc.), seize |
toga virilis | the toga worn by free male Roman upon reaching maturity |
statim (adv.) | immediately, at once |
toga muliebris | a toga worn by prostitutes and other stigmatized females prohibited from wearing the stola |
reddo, -ere, -idi, -itum | to give back, restore, repay, render, deliver (w. predicate) to render, cause to turn out |
vulgaris, -is, -e | common, ordinary, everyday |
scortum, -i, n. | whore, prostitute, harlot |
certus, -a, -um | fixed, settled, definite; certain, indisputable |
flagitium, -(i)i, n. | shameful / disgraceful act; disgrace, infamy |
merces, -edis, f. | payment for services rendered, wage, reward |
cito (adv.) | quickly |
meretricius, -a, -um | of, belonging to, or typical of a prostitute |
quaestus, -us, m. | income, profit, occupation |
abduco, -cere, -xi, -ctum | to lead away, carry off, remove; to attract away, entice away; divert |
tamquam (conj.) | just as, (w. subj.) as though |
stola, -ae, f. | garment for upper-class married women |
stabilis, -is, -e | steady, lasting, permanent |
colloco, -are, -avi, -atum | to put or set up, settle, establish, bestow |
§ 45: Desire and Domesticity: Antony’s Escapades as Curio’s Toy-Boy
5Nemo umquam puer emptus libidinis causa tam fuit in domini potestate quam tu in Curionis. quotiens te pater eius domu sua eiecit, quotiens custodes posuit ne limen intrares! cum tu tamen nocte socia, hortante libidine, cogente mercede, per tegulas demitterere. quae flagitia domus illa diutius ferre non potuit. scisne me de rebus mihi notissimis dicere? recordare tempus illud cum pater Curio maerens iacebat in lecto; filius se ad pedes meos prosternens, lacrimans, te mihi commendabat; orabat ut se contra suum patrem, si sestertium sexagiens peteret, defenderem; tantum enim se pro te intercessisse dicebat. ipse autem amore ardens confirmabat, quod desiderium tui discidi ferre non posset, se in exilium iturum.
6Study Questions:
- What noun does the genitive Curionis depend on?
- What kind of ablative is domu sua?
- Parse demitterere.
- Explain the syntax of quae (flagitia…).
- Parse scisne. What kind of construction does it introduce?
- Parse recordare.
- Reconstruct the scenario presupposed in the ut-clause introduced by orabat.
- Explain the grammar and syntax of the phrase sestertium sexagiens.
- Parse defenderem.
- What kind of genitive is tui discidi?
- Parse iturum.
7Stylistic Appreciation:
- Discuss the word order… te pater eius….
- Analyze how Cicero correlates and contrasts Curio father and Curio son in the second half of the paragraph (recordare… se in exilium iturum).
- Cicero here evokes a scenario (two young lovers prevented by an older guardian from carrying on their affair) familiar from New Comedy: can you identify stylistic and thematic touches reminiscent of the genre?
8Discussion Points:
- How does Cicero construe the relationships between himself, Antony, Curio Junior, and Curio Senior?
- How would you describe the impact of Antony on the Curio household? (Start by picking out those terms that belong to the semantic field of ‘household’.)
- Explore the nexus between ‘family household’ (overseen by a paterfamilias) and the ‘commonwealth’ (res publica) in Rome’s cultural imaginary. What makes Cicero’s portrayal of Antony’s impact on the domestic situation in the Curio family so damning from a civic point of view?
nemo, inis, m. /f. | nobody, no one; as adj.: no |
puer, -eri, m. | boy |
emo, emere, emi, emptum | to buy, purchase |
libido, -inis, f. | desire, craving, sexual appetite, lust |
causâ (abl., governing a gen.) | for the purpose of, for the sake of |
quotiens (interr. or exclam.) | How many times? How many times! |
domus, -us, f. | house |
eicio, eicere, eieci, eiectum | to throw out, remove, expel |
custos, -odis, m. and f. | guardian |
limen, -inis, n. | threshold, doorstep |
socia, -ae f. | a (female) partner, associate |
cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum | to drive together, collect, summon, gather |
merces, -edis, f. | payment for services rendered, wage, reward |
tegula, -ae, f. | a roof-tile |
demitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to let fall, drop, make descend, lower |
flagitium, -(i)i, n. | shameful / disgraceful act; disgrace, infamy |
diu (comparative: diutius) (adv.) | for a long time, long |
recordor, -ari, -atus | to call to mind, recollect |
maereo, -ere | to be sad, mourn, grieve |
lectus, -i, m. | bed, couch |
prosterno, -ernere, -ravi, -ratum | to lay low, strike down, knock down |
commendo, -are, -avi, -atum | to commit/entrust someone (acc.) to (dat.) |
sestertius, -i, m. | sesterce (a Roman coin) |
sexagiens (adv.) | sixty times |
peto, -ere, -ivi/ii, -itum | to go for, seek out, seek to obtain, ask |
tantum, -i, (pron.) | so much |
intercedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum | to intervene; to exist between; oppose |
confirmo, -are, -avi, -atum | to strengthen, make robust; to assert, declare |
desiderium, -(i)i, n. | desire, longing; want, need; object of desire |
discidium, -(i)i, n. | splitting, separation; divorce |
§ 46: Family Therapy: Cicero as Counselor
9Quo tempore ego quanta mala florentissimae familiae sedavi vel potius sustuli! patri persuasi ut aes alienum fili dissolveret; redimeret adulescentem, summa spe et animi et ingeni praeditum, rei familiaris facultatibus eumque non modo tua familiaritate sed etiam congressione patrio iure et potestate prohiberet. haec tu cum per me acta meminisses, nisi illis quos videmus gladiis confideres, maledictis me provocare ausus esses?
10Study Questions:
- What kind of construction is quo tempore?
- What kind of ablatives are familiaritate and congressione?
- What norms and institutions does Cicero evoke with the formulation patrio iure et potestate?
- What are the swords that Cicero claims he and his audience see (cf. illis quos videmus gladiis)?
- What kind of conditional sequence does nisi introduce?
- What does Cicero refer to with maledictis?
- Parse ausus esses.
11Stylistic Appreciation:
- Identify the stylistic features by which Cicero announces that he came to the rescue (quo tempore… sustuli!).
- The middle sentence of the paragraph begins and ends with p-alliteration: patri persuasi… patrio iure et potestate prohiberet. What (if anything) does Cicero thereby wish to emphasize?
- Analyze the rhetorical design of the ut-clause (ut aes alienum… prohiberet).
12Discussion Points:
- What advice would you have given to Curio pater in this situation?
- To what extent (if at all) should parents be responsible for the extravagances of their offspring?
malum, -i, n. | trouble, distress, pain, hardship; harm, evil |
florens, -ntis | flowering; prosperous, flourishing; distinguished |
sedo, -are, -avi, -atum | to cause to subside; allay, relieve, mitigate |
tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum | to pick up, raise, hoist; get rid of, remove |
persuadeo, -dere, -si, -sum | (usually w. dat. of person) to persuade, prevail upon |
aes alienum | debt |
dissolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum | to undo, dismantle, set free, clear up, pay |
redimo, -imere, -emi, -emptum | to buy back, pay the cost of; rescue, save |
praeditus, -a, -um (w. abl.) | endowed with, equipped / furnished with |
res, rei, f. | property, wealth; thing, matter, material |
res familiaris | private property, estate, patrimony |
facultas, -atis, f. | ability, power, capacity, skill; |
familiaritas, -atis, f. | close friendship, intimacy |
congressio, -onis, f. | meeting, encounter; sexual intercourse |
memini, -inisse | to remember, pay heed to |
patrius, -a, -um | paternal; ancestral |
confido, -dere, -sus sum (w. dat.) | to put one’s trust in, have confidence in |
maledictum, -i, n. | insult, reproach, taunt |
provoco, -are, -avi, -atum | to call out, stir up, challenge |
audeo, -dere, -sus | to dare, venture, be bold |
§ 47: Hitting ‘Fast-Forward’, or: How to Pull Off a Praeteritio
13Sed iam stupra et flagitia omittamus: sunt quaedam quae honeste non possum dicere; tu autem eo liberior quod ea in te admisisti quae a verecundo inimico audire non posses. sed reliquum vitae cursum videte, quem quidem celeriter perstringam. ad haec enim quae in civili bello, in maximis rei publicae miseriis fecit, et ad ea quae cotidie facit, festinat animus. quae peto ut, quamquam multo notiora vobis quam mihi sunt, tamen, ut facitis, attente audiatis. debet enim talibus in rebus excitare animos non cognitio solum rerum sed etiam recordatio; etsi incidamus, opinor, media ne nimis sero ad extrema veniamus.
14Study Questions:
- Parse omittamus.
- Parse eo.
- Parse perstringam.
- Explain the syntax of quae (quae peto ut…).
- What kind of ablative is multo?
- ut facitis: what is the meaning of ut here?
- Parse incidamus.
15Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the word order in the sentence ad haec enim… festinat animus.
- Analyze the design of the sentence debet enim… recordatio.
16Discussion Points:
- What is a praeteritio? Why (and when) is it an effective rhetorical technique? Can you design your own on a topic of the day?
- What exactly is it that Cicero leaves unspoken? And is it decent to even ask this question?
- Why does Cicero claim that Antony’s more recent misdeeds are better known to his audience than to himself?
iam (adv.) | now; by now, by then, already |
stuprum, -i, n. | dishonour, shame; illicit sexual intercourse |
flagitium, -(i)i, n. | shameful/disgraceful act; disgrace, infamy |
omitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to let go of; withdraw from; abandon |
quidam, quaedam, quiddam | a certain person; a certain (undefined) thing |
honeste (adv.) | honourably, with propriety, decently |
liber, libera, liberum | free; licentious; showing lack of restraint |
verecundus, -a, -um | modest, seemly, becoming |
inimicus, -i, m. | personal adversary |
audio, -ire, -ivi / ii, -itum | to hear; to listen to |
reliquus, -a, -um | left, remaining |
perstringo, -ngere, -nxi, -ctum | to constrict, brush, graze, skirt, hug |
miseria, -ae, f. (esp. pl.) | affliction, distress; trouble, woe |
festino, -are, -avi, -atum | to act hurriedly, make haste, move quickly |
attente (adv.) | carefully, with concentration |
excito, -are, -avi, -atum | to cause to move, rouse, stir, provoke |
cognitio, -onis, f. | the act of getting to know; investigation |
recordatio, -onis, f. | recollection |
etsi (conj.) | even if, although |
incîdo, -dere, -di, -sum [in + caedo] not to be confused with: | to cut open, sever, break up, cut short |
nimis (adv.) | to an excessive degree, too much, unduly |
sero (adv.) | late, tardily; too late |
extremum, -a, um | situated at the end, last remaining |
§ 48: Antony Adrift
17Intimus erat in tribunatu Clodio qui sua erga me beneficia commemorat; eius omnium incendiorum fax, cuius etiam domi iam tum quiddam molitus est. quid dicam ipse optime intellegit. inde iter Alexandriam contra senatus auctoritatem, contra rem publicam et religiones; sed habebat ducem Gabinium, quicum quidvis rectissime facere posset. qui tum inde reditus aut qualis? prius in ultimam Galliam ex Aegypto quam domum. quae autem domus? suam enim quisque domum tum obtinebat nec erat usquam tua. domum dico? quid erat in terris ubi in tuo pedem poneres praeter unum Misenum, quod cum sociis tamquam Sisaponem tenebas?
18Study Questions:
- What case is Clodio? How does it fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- What is the antecedent of qui?
- What are Antony’s beneficia towards Cicero?
- What is the verb of the clause eius omnium incendiorum fax?
- What is the antecedent of cuius?
- Parse domi.
- Identify and explain the mood of dicam.
- Parse senatus.
- What is the verb of the sentence inde iter… et religiones?
- What kind of accusative is Alexandriam?
- Parse qui (tum inde reditus).
- What is the verb of the question qui tum inde reditus aut qualis?
- What are the verbs in the sentence prius in ultimam Galliam ex Aegypto quam domum?
- Explain the mood of poneres.
- Where is Sisapo?
19Stylistic Appreciation:
- Quite a few sentences in this paragraph lack a verb: what is the rhetorical effect of these elisions?
- Analyze the rhetorical design of contra senatus auctoritatem, contra rem publicam et religiones.
- quid dicam?– qui… reditus aut qualis?– quae autem domus?– quid erat in terris?: the paragraph teems with rhetorical questions: why does Cicero opt for this device here?
- Explore the rhetorical effect of such indefinite pronouns as quiddam, quidvis, and quisque.
intimus, -a, -um (w. dat.) | (of friends) most intimate, closest |
tribunatus, -us, m. | the office of tribune; tribuneship |
erga (prep. + acc.) | towards, for, to |
beneficium, -(i)i, n. | service, kindness, favour |
commemoro, -are, -avi, -atum | to recall, mention, relate; place on record |
incendium, -(i)i, n. | destructive fire, conflagration |
fax, facis, f. | torch, firebrand |
quidam, quaedam, quiddam | a certain person; a certain (undefined) thing |
molior, -iri, -itus | to labour, make efforts, strive, set in motion |
intellego, -gere, -xi, -ctum | to understand, realize, discern |
inde (adv.) | from there, thence; next |
religio, -onis, f. | supernatural feeling of constraint; religious scruple, fear, or awe |
habeo, -ere, -ui, -itum (w. double acc.) | to have someone acting in a certain capacity |
quicum | = cum quo |
quivis, quaevis, quidvis (pron.) | anyone, anything |
reditus, -us, m. | the act of coming back, return |
prius (adv.) | at an earlier time, previously, before |
obtineo, -inere, -inui, -entum | to maintain, keep up; to govern, hold |
usquam (adv.) | in any place, anywhere |
pedem ponere (in + abl.) | to set foot (in) |
20Discussion Points:
21• cuius domi–quam domum–quae autem domus?–suam domum–nec erat… tua [sc. domus]–domum dico: what is Cicero trying to achieve with his relentless focus on the home/household? How does this emphasis relate to the ‘imperial geography’ that his references to Alexandria, Gaul, and Spain evoke?
§ 49: Credit for Murder
22venis e Gallia ad quaesturam petendam. aude dicere te prius ad parentem tuam venisse quam ad me. acceperam iam ante Caesaris litteras ut mihi satis fieri paterer a te: itaque ne loqui quidem sum te passus de gratia. postea sum cultus a te, tu a me observatus in petitione quaesturae; quo quidem tempore P. Clodium approbante populo Romano in foro es conatus occidere, cumque eam rem tua sponte conarere, non impulsu meo, tamen ita praedicabas, te non existimare, nisi illum interfecisses, umquam mihi pro tuis in me iniuriis satis esse facturum. in quo demiror cur Milonem impulsu meo rem illam egisse dicas, cum te ultro mihi idem illud deferentem numquam sim adhortatus. quamquam, si in eo perseverares, ad tuam gloriam rem illam referri malebam quam ad meam gratiam.
23Study Questions:
- What is the sense of ad in the gerundive phrase ad quaesturam petendam?
- Parse aude.
- Parse paterer.
- Explain the grammar and syntax of quo (quidem tempore).
- What construction is approbante populo Romano?
- What does the-que in cumque link?
- Parse conarere.
- Parse interfecisses and explain the tense and mood.
- What does rem illam refer to?
- Identify and explain the mood of dicas.
- What kind of clause does quamquam introduce?
24Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the rhetorical design of the cum-clause cumque eam rem tua sponte conarere, non impulsu meo.
- Analyze how Cicero brings personal pronouns and possessive adjectives into play in this paragraph (te; parentem tuam; mihi… a te; ne loqui quidem sum te passus; … sum cultus a te, tu a me observatus…; tua sponte conarere, non impulsu meo; … te non existimare…; mihi pro tuis in me iniuriis; impulsu meo; te ultro mihi idem illud deferentem; ad tuam gloriam… ad meam gratiam).
25Discussion Points:
26• The paragraph is stuffed full with technical terms to do with socio-political relations in republican Rome such as satis facere, gratia, colo, observare, as well as practices that smoothed the economy of friendship and patronage, such as letters of recommendation (cf. acceperam iam ante Caesaris litteras). How does Cicero get invective mileage out of this idiom?
quaestura,-ae, f. | quaestorship |
peto,-ere,-ivi/ii,-itum | to make for, resort to, seek (to obtain); |
prius… quam…/priusquam | before |
accipio,-ipere,-epi,-eptum | to receive, acquire, get |
litterae,-arum, f. | a letter |
satis facere,-ere, feci, factum | to meet a person’s needs or desires |
ne… quidem | not even |
gratia,-ae, f. | favour, goodwill, kindness, gratitude; influence |
colo,-ere,-ui, cultum | to cultivate, farm, look after, adorn, worship |
observo,-are,-avi,-atum | to observe, watch; pay attention to, respects |
petitio,-onis, f. | an attack, request, claim; candidature |
conor,-ari,-atus | to make an effort, attempt, endeavour |
occido,-dere,-di,-sum | to kill, slaughter; ruin |
(spons), spontis, f. | will, volition |
sponte mea (tua, sua) | of my (your, one’s) own will, voluntarily |
impulsus,-us, m. [impello] | shock, thrust; incitement to action, prompting |
praedico,-are,-avi,-atum | to make known, declare, announce |
demiror,-ari,-atus | to be utterly astonished at, to wonder |
ultro (adv.) | in addition, of one’s own accord |
defero,-rre, detuli, delatum | to convey, bring; to entrust, confer |
adhortor,-ari,-atus | to give encouragement to, urge on |
quamquam | (introducing a main sentence) to be sure, however, at any rate |
persevero,-are,-avi,-atum | to persist in; continue |
refero,-rre, rettuli, relatum + ad | (here) to assign to |
§ 50: With Caesar in Gaul: Profligacy and Profiteering
27quaestor es factus: deinde continuo sine senatus consulto, sine sorte, sine lege ad Caesarem cucurristi. id enim unum in terris egestatis, aeris alieni, nequitiae perditis vitae rationibus perfugium esse ducebas. ibi te cum et illius largitionibus et tuis rapinis explevisses, si hoc est explere, haurire quod statim effundas, advolasti egens ad tribunatum, ut in eo magistratu, si posses, viri tui similis esses.
28accipite nunc, quaeso, non ea quae ipse in se atque in domesticum decus impure et intemperanter, sed quae in nos fortunasque nostras, id est in universam rem publicam, impie ac nefarie fecerit. ab huius enim scelere omnium malorum principium natum reperietis.
29Study Questions:
- What construction is perditis vitae rationibus?
- What kind of genitives are egestatis, aeris alieni, and nequitiae? On what noun do they depend?
- Explain the syntax of perfugium.
- Explain the syntax of te (ibi te cum…)
- Explain the syntax of the two infinitives explere and haurire. What case are they in?
- What construction does ducebas govern?
- Who does viri tui refer to?
- What kind of ablative is scelere?
- Parse reperietis.
30Stylistic Appreciation
31• What is the effect of the absence of connectives in the opening sentences (quaestor… ducebas), in particular the two asyndetic tricola sine senatus consulto, sine sorte, sine lege and egestatis, aeris alieni, nequitiae… profugium, and the polysyndeton in the following cum-clause (ibi te cum et illius largitionibus et tuis rapinis explevisses) and the rest of the paragraph (in se atque in domesticum decus; impure et intemperanter; in nos fortunasque nostras; impie ac nefarie)?
32• What does the hyperbaton id enim unum… perfugium enact?
33• Analyze the rhetorical design of Cicero’s transition from a focus on domesticum decus to one on universa res publica.
34Discussion Points:
- What image of Caesar do you get from this paragraph? To what extent is it historically accurate?
- What is the scelus that Cicero refers to at the end of the paragraph? Why does he call it the source of all evils?
- How does Cicero entwine the personal and the political here?
quaestor, -oris, m. | quaestor (a Roman magistrate) |
facio, -ere, feci, factum | to do, make, construct, produce |
continuo (adv.) | forthwith, immediately |
senatûs consultum | decree of the senate |
sors, -rtis, f. | lot, appointment, allocation |
egestas, -atis, f. | extreme poverty, need, destitution |
aes alienum | debt |
nequitia, -ae, f. | moral worthlessness, profligacy, vice |
perdo, -ere, -idi, -itum | to ruin, destroy, dissipate, waste |
ratio, -onis, f. | (here) ‘guiding principle’ |
perfugium, -(i)i, n. | refuge, shelter, sanctuary |
duco, -cere, -xi, -ctum | (here) to consider, believe, think |
largitio, -onis, f. | largess, gift; bribe, dole |
rapina, -ae, f. [rapio + ina] | plunder |
expleo, -ere, -evi, -etum | to fill up, satisfy, make good, |
haurio, -rire, -si, -stum / -ritum | to draw, scoop up; drink, imbibe |
effundo, -undere, -udi, -usum | to pour out, shed, discharge, expend, use up |
advolo, -are, -avi, -atum | to fly towards, approach swiftly |
egens, -ntis | poverty-stricken, needy, indigent |
quaeso ( -ere) | (in 1st pers. parenthesis) I ask/implore you please |
decus, -oris, n. | high esteem, honour, glory |
impure (adv.) [impurus + e] | foully, vilely, infamously |
intemperanter (adv.) [intemperans + ter] | without self-control or restraint |
universus, -a, -um | the whole of, entire; universal |
impie (adv.) [impius + e] | disrespectful (of the gods) |
nefarie (adv.) [nefarius + e] | wickedly, foully, monstrously |
principium, (i)i, n. [princeps + ium] | start, origin, founding |
nascor, -i, natus | to be born, come into being, arise |
reperio, -ire, repperi, -tum | to find by looking, discover |
§ 78: Caesar’s Approach to HR, or Why Antony Has What it Takes
35Et domi quidem causam amoris habuisti, foris etiam turpiorem, ne L. Plancus praedes tuos venderet. productus autem in contionem a tribuno pl. cum respondisses te rei tuae causa venisse, populum etiam dicacem in te reddidisti. sed nimis multa de nugis: ad maiora veniamus.
36C. Caesari ex Hispania redeunti obviam longissime processisti. celeriter isti redisti, ut cognosceret te, si minus fortem, at tamen strenuum. factus es ei rursus nescio quo modo familiaris. habebat hoc omnino Caesar: quem plane perditum aere alieno egentemque, si eundem nequam hominem audacemque cognorat, hunc in familiaritatem libentissime recipiebat.
37Study Questions:
- Parse domi and foris.
- Explain the syntax of te (… respondisses te rei tuae…).
- What is the verb in the sentence sed nimis multa de nugis?
- Identify and explain the mood of veniamus.
- Parse redeunti and explain its syntax.
- Parse isti.
- Whom does ei refer to?
- What is the antecedent of quem?
- What is the verb of the relative clause introduced by quem?
- Parse cognorat.
38Stylistic Appreciation:
- How does design enhance sense in the sentence factus es ei rursus nescio quo modo familiaris?
- Cicero must want to have himself say-isti … isti…-isti this way — so why?
39Discussion Points:
- What kind of principles (moral, utilitarian, any) do you apply in choosing your friends? What do you think of Caesar’s approach?
- Can we (ever) tell from what they write to each other if any Romans were what we’d like to think of as friends? (E.g. Cicero and… Atticus?)
causa, -ae, f. | judicial proceedings, trial; case, cause; an alleged reason or extenuating plea; excuse, pretext a ground (of action), (good) reason |
foris (adv.) | out of doors, outside; away from home |
turpis, -is, -e (adj.) | offensive, loathsome; shameful, disgraceful |
praes, -dis, m. | one who acts as surety or security |
vendo, -ere, -idi, -itum | to sell; to dispose of; to promote the sale of |
produco, -cere, -xi, -ctum | to bring forth, lead out |
contio, -onis, f. | a public meeting, assembly; public speech |
dicax, -acis (adj.) | having a ready tongue, witty |
reddo, -ere, -idi, -itum | to give back, restore, render; to pay; bring about, produce |
nugae, -arum, f. pl. | trifles, frivolities |
obviam (adv.) | in the way, towards, against, to meet |
procedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum | to go / move forward, advance, come forth |
strenuus, -a, -um | active, vigorous, keen, energetic |
rursus (adv.) | backwards; once again |
nescio quo modo | in some (strange/unaccountable) way somehow or other |
familiaris, -is, -e | of or belonging to one’s household |
omnino (adv.) | in every respect, absolutely, altogether |
plane (adv.) | plainly, clearly, distinctly |
perditus, -a, -um | debilitated, broken, ruined, bankrupt |
aes alienum | debt |
egens, -ntis | poverty-stricken, needy, indigent |
nequam (indeclinable) | having no value, useless |
familiaritas, -atis, f. | close friendship, intimacy |
libenter (adv.) | with pleasure, willingly, gladly |
§ 79: The Art of Nepotism
40His igitur rebus praeclare commendatus iussus es renuntiari consul et quidem cum ipso. nihil queror de Dolabella qui tum est impulsus, inductus, elusus. qua in re quanta fuerit uterque vestrum perfidia in Dolabellam quis ignorat? ille induxit ut peteret, promissum et receptum intervertit ad seque transtulit; tu eius perfidiae voluntatem tuam ascripsisti. veniunt Kalendae Ianuariae; cogimur in senatum: invectus est copiosius multo in istum et paratius Dolabella quam nunc ego.
41Study Questions:
- How does qua fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- What kind of clause does quanta introduce? What noun does quanta modify? What case is it in?
- What kind of genitive is vestrum?
- What kind of ut-clause is ut peteret?
- What is the accusative object of peteret, intervertit, and transtulit?
- How do promissum et receptum fit into the sentence?
- Who does eius [in the phrase eius perfidiae] refer to?
- Parse copiosius and paratius.
- What kind of ablative is multo?
42Stylistic Appreciation:
- What might praeclare commendatus be dripping with?
- Why might Cicero rely on a rhetorical question (… quis ignorat?) when invoking the notoriety of Caesar’s and Antony’s perfidy towards Dolabella?
- Analyze the rhetorical design of invectus est… quam nunc ego.
43Discussion Points:
- Discuss the implications of the passives in the passage (iussus es; renuntiari; est impulsus, inductus, elusus; cogimur).
- What kind of picture does Cicero draw of Caesar’s coterie here? How does he position himself (and the rest of the senators) within Caesar’s universe?
praeclare (adv.) | very clearly; very well; |
commendo, -are, -avi, -atum | to entrust, commit; |
renuntio, -are, -avi, -atum | to take/send back a message, report; |
quidem (particle) | certainly, indeed, at any rate; |
queror, -ri, -stus (de) | to complain, protest, grumble |
nihil, n. (indecl.) | nothing |
impello, -ellere, -uli, -ulsum | to strike or beat against; assail |
induco, -cere, -xi, -ctum | to lead to, bring to, induce, prevail on |
eludo, -dere, -si, -sum | to deceive, trick, fool; |
perfidia, -ae, f. | faithlessness, treachery, falsehood |
peto, -ere, -ivi / -ii, -itum | to seek, reach out for, go for, aim at to be a candidate for, seek (a magistracy) |
promitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to send forth; to promise, guarantee |
recipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum | to admit (to shelter), receive; to accept |
interverto, -tere, -si, -sum | to embezzle, tamper with; cancel, revoke |
transfero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum | to carry or convey, transport |
ascribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum | to write in addition; to enrol, enlist |
kalendae, -arum f. pl. | the first day of the month, the Calends |
cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum | to drive together, round up |
inveho, -here, -xi, -ctum | to carry / bring in; import; to ride into attack |
copiose (adv.) | abundantly, copiously |
parate (adv.) | in a state of readiness, after due preparation |
§ 80: Antony Augur, Addled and Addling
44Hic autem iratus quae dixit, di boni! primum cum Caesar ostendisset se, priusquam proficisceretur, Dolabellam consulem esse iussurum — quem negant regem, qui et faceret semper eius modi aliquid et diceret — sed cum Caesar ita dixisset, tum hic bonus augur eo se sacerdotio praeditum esse dixit ut comitia auspiciis vel impedire vel vitiare posset, idque se facturum esse asseveravit. in quo primum incredibilem stupiditatem hominis cognoscite.
45Study Questions:
- What is the subject accusative and the verb of the indirect statement introduced by ostendisset?
- Explain the syntax of Dolabellam.
- Explain the syntax of quem.
- Why are faceret and diceret in the imperfect subjunctive?
- What kind of clause does ut introduce?
- Explain the syntax of id.
- What does the -que after id link?
- Explain the syntax of quo.
46Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the rhetorical design of the exclamation Hic autem… di boni!
- What is the rhetorical effect of the parenthesis quem negant… et diceret?
47Discussion Points:
- What role and function did ‘religious objections’ play in the political culture of the Roman republic? Can you think of possible advantages of involving the gods in this way in political decision-making?
- Compare and contrast the appeals to the divine sphere in ancient Rome with the ways in which the supernatural is brought into play in contemporary politics.
iratus, -a, -um | angry, enraged, furious |
primum (adv.) | first |
ostendo, -dere, -di, -tum/ -sum | to show, display; to make clear |
priusquam (conj.) | before |
proficiscor, -icisci, -ectus | to set out, depart |
nego, -are, -avi, -atum | to say (that… not), deny |
semper (adv.) | always, all the time; at all times, invariably |
augur, -uris, m. | augur |
sacerdotium, -(i)i, m. | priesthood |
praeditus, -a, -um (w. abl.) | endowed/provided (with); possessed (of) |
comitium, -ii, n. | the place for assemblies |
comitia (pl.) | a (voting) assembly |
auspicium, -(i)i, n. | auspices; omen |
impedio, -ire, -ivi / -ii, -itum | to restrict the movement of; obstruct, hinder |
vitio, -are, -avi, -atum | to cause faults/defects in, spoil, harm, impair |
assevero, -are, -avi, -atum | to assert emphatically, declare, affirm |
§ 81: Compounding Ignorance through Impudence
48Quid enim? istud quod te sacerdoti iure facere posse dixisti, si augur non esses et consul esses, minus facere potuisses? vide ne etiam facilius. nos enim nuntiationem solum habemus, consules et reliqui magistratus etiam spectionem. esto: hoc imperite; nec enim est ab homine numquam sobrio postulanda prudentia. sed videte impudentiam. multis ante mensibus in senatu dixit se Dolabellae comitia aut prohibiturum auspiciis aut id facturum esse quod fecit. quisquamne divinare potest quid viti in auspiciis futurum sit, nisi qui de caelo servare constituit? quod neque licet comitiis per leges et si qui servavit, non comitiis habitis sed priusquam habeantur, debet nuntiare. verum implicata inscientia impudentia est: nec scit quod augurem nec facit quod pudentem decet.
49Study Questions:
- Explain how istud fits into the syntax of its sentence.
- Parse sacerdoti.
- What do you need to supply to complete the ne-clause (vide ne…)?
- Whom does Cicero have in mind when he says nos (nos enim…)?
- What is the difference between nuntiatio and spectio?
- Parse esto.
- Explain the syntax of hoc and imperite.
- Identify and explain the case of viti.
- What kind of ablative is comitiis (quod neque licet comitiis per leges…)?
- What construction is comitiis habitis?
50Stylistic Appreciation:
51• How does Cicero generate a sense of ridicule at Antony’s supposed stupidity and a sense of outrage at his impudence in this paragraph?
52Discussion Points:
53• Explore the ways in which Cicero draws on Rome’s civic religion to expose Antony as supposedly ignorant. Then ask yourself whether Antony did not know very well exactly what he was doing.
sacerdotium, -(i)i, n. | priesthood |
ius, iuris n. | law, code |
augur, -uris, m. | augur |
minus (compar. adv.) | (as a mild neg.) not (so) very, not fully |
nuntiatio, -onis, f. | the announcement (by an augur) of the signs he had observed |
magistratus, -us, m. | magistracy; magistrate |
spectio, -onis, f. | the act / the right of observing omens |
imperite (adv.) | in an ignorant or unskilful manner |
sobrius, -ia, -ium | sober |
postulo, -are, -avi, -atum | to ask for, demand; expect |
prudentia, -ae, f. | wisdom, sagacity, intelligence |
impudentia, -ae, f. | shamelessness, effrontery, impudence |
mensis, -is, m. | month |
comitia, -orum, n. pl. | voting assembly |
prohibeo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to keep off, hold at bay; prevent, stop, forbid |
auspicium, -(i)i, n. | augury; omen; augural powers; auspices |
quisquam, quicquam (pron.) | any (single) person, anyone (at all) |
divino, -are, -avi, -atum | to practise divination; to foresee |
vitium, -(i)i, n. | defect, fault, shortcoming unfavourable augury; augural impediment |
de caelo servare | to watch the sky |
constituo, -uere, -ui, -utum | to set up, establish, decide, decree, resolve |
licet, -ere, -uit/ -itum est | it is permitted; one may |
implico, -are, -avi/ -ui, -atum/ -itum | to fold or twine about itself; entwine, enfold |
inscientia, -ae, f. | ignorance |
pudens, -ntis | behaving properly; decent |
decet, -ere, decuit | (impers.) it is right, proper, fitting |
§ 82: Antony Galloping after Caesar Only to Hold his Horses
54Itaque ex illo die recordamini eius usque ad Idus Martias consulatum. quis umquam apparitor tam humilis, tam abiectus? nihil ipse poterat; omnia rogabat; caput in aversam lecticam inserens, beneficia quae venderet a collega petebat. ecce Dolabellae comitiorum dies. sortitio praerogativae; quiescit. renuntiatur: tacet. prima classis vocatur, renuntiatur. deinde, ita ut assolet, suffragia; tum secunda classis. quae omnia sunt citius facta quam dixi.
55Study Questions:
- Parse recordamini. What is its accusative object?
- What noun does eius depend on?
- Parse Idus.
- What is the verb in the sentence quis… abiectus?
- Explain the tense and mood of venderet.
56Stylistic Appreciation:
- What is the point of the hyperbaton eius… consulatum?
- In the second half of the passage (ecce… dixi), how does Cicero rhetorically re-enact what he claimed was an extremely smooth and quick dispatch of proceedings?
57Discussion Points:
- What associations do you think Cicero wanted to invoke with the image of Antony sticking his head into the rear end of Caesar’s litter (caput in aversam lecticam inserens)?
- How’s your grasp of Roman voting assemblies? Can you explain what the technical terms in this passage mean (sortitio praerogativa, renuntiatur (2x), prima classis, suffragia, secunda classis)?
recordor, -ari, -atus | to call to mind, give one’s thoughts to |
usque (ad) | all the time (up to), right (until) |
Idus, -uum, f. pl. | Ides |
Martius, -a, -um | of or belonging to Mars; of March |
umquam (adv.) | at any time, ever |
apparitor, -oris, m. | an attendant on a magistrate; |
humilis, -is, -e | low, low down; humble, lowly |
abiectus, -a, -um | dejected, downcast; humble, commonplace groveling, subservient |
rogo, -are, -avi, -atum | to ask, to ask for, request; to ask approval for |
caput, -itis, n. | head |
aversus, -a, -um | having the back turned, facing in the opposite direction; situated at the back |
lectica, -ae, f. | a litter |
insero, -ere, -ui, -tum | to put or thrust in, insert, introduce |
beneficium, -(i)i, n. | service, kindness; favour |
vendo, -ere, -idi, -itum | to sell; betray for money |
collega, -ae, m. | a colleague |
ecce (interjection) | See! Behold! Look! Lo and behold! |
sortitio, -onis, f. | lottery, allocation by lot |
praerogativus, -a, -um | (of a centuria) appointed by lot to vote first |
quiesco, -ere, quievi, quietum | to repose, rest; |
renuntio, -are, -avi, -atum | to proclaim (the results of) |
taceo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to be silent, say nothing |
classis, -is, f. | one of the five classes into which the Roman citizens |
assoleo, -ere | to be a customary accompaniment |
suffragium, -(i)i, n. | a vote, resolution |
(sex) suffragia | a group of six out of the eighteen equestrian centuriae |
§ 83: Antony’s Fake Auspices
58Confecto negotio bonus augur — C. Laelium diceres — ‘alio die’ inquit. o impudentiam singularem! quid videras, quid senseras, quid audieras? neque enim te de caelo servasse dixisti nec hodie dicis. id igitur obvenit vitium quod tu iam Kalendis Ianuariis futurum esse provideras et tanto ante praedixeras. ergo hercule magna, ut spero, tua potius quam rei publicae calamitate ementitus es auspicia; obstrinxisti religione populum Romanum; augur auguri, consul consuli obnuntiasti. nolo plura, ne acta Dolabellae videar convellere, quae necesse est aliquando ad nostrum collegium deferantur.
59Study Questions:
- What construction is confecto negotio?
- Who was C. Laelius?
- Identify and explain the tense and mood of diceres.
- Identify and explain the case of impudentiam singularem.
- Parse servasse.
- What kind of ablative is tanto?
- What noun does magna modify?
- What kind of ablative is calamitate?
- Explain the syntax of plura.
- What kind of clause does ne introduce?
60Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the rhetorical design of quid videras, quid senseras, quid audieras?
- What is the point of the hyperbaton magna… calamitate?
- What stylistic device is Cicero playing with in augur auguri, consul consuli obnuntiasti?
61Discussion Points:
62• How sincere do you think Cicero was when he conjured the prospect of divine punishment because of Antony’s alleged abuse of the auspices? And is ‘sincerity’ a useful category for discussing rhetoric involving the divine sphere?
conficio, -icere, -eci, -ectum | to do, perform, accomplish; carry out |
impudentia, -ae, f. | shamelessness, effrontery, impudence |
singularis, -is, -e | specific, peculiar, special, single; remarkable |
sentio, -tire, -si, -sum | to feel, discern, recognize, have experience of |
obvenio, -enire, -eni, -entum | to come up, to fall to; to happen, occur, arise; |
vitium, -(i)i, n. | defect, fault, shortcoming |
provideo, -idere, -idi, -isum | to see in advance, see beforehand; foresee |
praedico, -cere, -xi, -ctum | to say beforehand; to give warning of, foretell |
hodie (adv.) | today, at the present time, now; yet, still |
hercule (interjection) | by Hercules! |
calamitas, -atis, f. | disaster, misfortune, ruin, calamity |
ementior, -iri, -itus | to falsify, mispresent, fabricate, invent |
obstringo, -ngere, -nxi, -ctum | to constrict, constrain, confine |
religio, -onis, f. | religious awe |
obnuntio, -are, -avi, -atum | to announce (unfavourable omens) to impede civic procedures |
actum, -i, n. | act, deed, transaction; decrees; |
convello, -ellere, -elli, -ulsum | to tear up, dislodge; shake, batter; nullify |
aliquando (adv.) | at some time or other; one day; ever |
collegium, -(i)i, n. | a college or board of priests |
defero, -rre, detuli, delatum | to carry, convey, bring |
§ 84: On to the Lupercalia…
63Sed arrogantiam hominis insolentiamque cognoscite. quamdiu tu voles, vitiosus consul Dolabella; rursus, cum voles, salvis auspiciis creatus. si nihil est cum augur eis verbis nuntiat quibus tu nuntiasti, confitere te, cum ‘alio die’ dixeris, sobrium non fuisse; sin est aliqua vis in istis verbis, ea quae sit augur a collega requiro.
64sed ne forte ex multis rebus gestis M. Antoni rem unam pulcherrimam transiliat oratio, ad Lupercalia veniamus. non dissimulat, patres conscripti: apparet esse commotum; sudat, pallet. quidlibet, modo ne faciat quod in porticu Minucia fecit. quae potest esse turpitudinis tantae defensio? cupio audire, ut videam ubi campus Leontinus appareat.
65Study Questions:
- Parse cognoscite.
- Parse voles (quamdiu… voles; cum voles).
- Explain the use of cum (cum voles).
- Explain the syntax of ea.
- How does augur fit into the syntax of its sentence?
- What are the Lupercalia?
- Parse veniamus.
- What happened in the porticus Minucia?
- What’s up with the campus Leontinus?
66Stylistic Appreciation:
- Cicero here alternates between addressing the senate, engaging Antony, speaking in the first person plural, and adopting the point of view of a participant observer. What is the rhetorical effect of these variations in perspective?
- What are the devices Cicero uses to create a vivid (and visceral) description of Antony’s reaction to his mentioning of the Lupercalia?
67Discussion Points:
68• How does Cicero bring the theme of augural manipulation to a close and segue into the following topic?
arrogantia, -ae, f. | haughtiness, insolence, pride, conceit |
insolentia, -ae, f. | unfamiliarity; extravagance; |
quamdiu (interr. and rel. adv.) | (interr.) for how long? |
vitiosus, -a, -um | flawed, defective; faulty, unsound |
rursus (adv.) | backwards, once again |
creo, -are, -avi, -atum | to procreate; bring into being; produce |
salvus, -a, -um | safe, secure, unharmed, intact, unimpaired |
nuntio, -are, -avi, -atum | to report, convey, deliver, announce |
confiteor, -fiteri, -fessus sum | to admit (the truth / commission of); reveal |
requiro, -rere, -sivi / -sii, -situm | to try to find, seek; ask/enquire about |
vis, vis, f. | strength, power, force; |
forte (adv.) | by any chance |
transilio, -ire, -ui | to leap or spring across; to pass over, skip |
dissimulo, -are, -avi, -atum | to conceal, disguise; pretend not to notice |
patres conscripti | senators |
appareo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to be seen/visible; to appear; to be plain |
commotus, -a, -um | excited, nervous; angry, annoyed |
sudo, -are, -avi, -atum | to sweat, perspire |
palleo, -ere, ( -ui) | to be pale/bloodless; to pale |
quilibet, quaelibet, quidlibet | whoever/whatever you please |
modo ut (ne) | only provided that (… not) |
porticus, -us, f. | portico, colonnade |
turpitudo, -inis, f. | indecency, disgrace, shamefulness |
§ 85: Vive le roi! Le roi est mort
69Sedebat in rostris collega tuus amictus toga purpurea, in sella aurea, coronatus. escendis, accedis ad sellam — ita eras Lupercus, ut te consulem esse meminisse deberes — diadema ostendis. gemitus toto foro. unde diadema? non enim abiectum sustuleras, sed attuleras domo, meditatum et cogitatum scelus. tu diadema imponebas cum plangore populi; ille cum plausu reiciebat. tu ergo unus, scelerate, inventus es qui, cum auctor regni esses eumque quem collegam habebas dominum habere velles, idem temptares quid populus Romanus ferre et pati posset.
70Study Questions:
- Parse amictus.
- What are the verbs in the sentences gemitus toto foro and unde diadema?
- Explain the case of domo.
- How does meditatum et cogitatum scelus fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- What aspect(s) of the imperfect are in play in imponebas and reiciebat?
- Parse scelerate.
- How does dominum fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- Parse idem. How does it fit into the sentence?
- Why is temptares in the subjunctive?
- Why is posset in the subjunctive?
71Stylistic Appreciation:
72• Discuss Cicero’s use of tenses (present, imperfect, pluperfect) in this paragraph.
73Discussion Points:
74• Do you find Cicero’s account of the incident entirely plausible? What do you think happened in the Roman forum on 15 February 44 BCE — and why?
rostrum, -i, n. | snout, muzzle, beak; ship-beak |
amicio, -cire, -cui/ -xi, -ctum | to cover, clothe, dress |
purpureus, -a, -um | purple |
sella, -ae, f. | seat, stool, chair |
coronatus, -a, -um | adorned with wreaths, garlanded |
escendo, -dere, -di, -sum | to ascend, go up |
accedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum | to draw near, approach, go to |
Lupercus, -i, m. | a priest taking part in the Lupercalia |
diadema, -atis, n. | ornamental headband, diadem, crown |
ostendo, -dere, -di, -tum / -sum | to show, display; disclose; demonstrate |
gemitus, -us, m. | groaning, moaning |
unde (interr. adv.) | from what place? where… from? whence? |
abicio, -cere, -eci, -ectum | to throw away; discard; throw down |
tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum | to pick up, lift, hoist; raise |
affero, -rre, attuli, allatum | to bring with one, deliver, fetch; serve |
meditor, -ari, -atus | to think about constantly, contemplate |
cogito, -are, -avi, -atus | to think, ponder, consider; |
scelus, -eris, n. | crime, villainy |
impono, -onere, -osui, -ositum | to place/put/lay on; confer |
plangor, -oris, m. | the action of beating; lamentation |
plausus, -us, m. | clapping of hands in approval; applause |
reicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum | to throw, drive back; |
sceleratus, -a, -um | accursed; ill-starred; unfortunate |
invenio, -enire, -eni, -entum | to encounter, come upon, meet |
auctor, -oris, m. | agent, advocate, supporter; |
tempto, -are, -avi, -atum | to test, try out, attempt, investigate |
patior, -ti, -ssus | to be subjected to, experience, undergo, suffer |
§ 86: Antony as Willing Slave and Would-Be King-Maker
75At etiam misericordiam captabas: supplex te ad pedes abiciebas. quid petens? ut servires? tibi uni peteres, qui ita a puero vixeras ut omnia paterere, ut facile servires; a nobis populoque Romano mandatum id certe non habebas. o praeclaram illam eloquentiam tuam cum es nudus contionatus! quid hoc turpius, quid foedius, quid suppliciis omnibus dignius? num exspectas dum te stimulis fodiamus? haec te, si ullam partem habes sensus, lacerat, haec cruentat oratio. vereor ne imminuam summorum virorum gloriam; dicam tamen dolore commotus: quid indignius quam vivere eum, qui imposuerit diadema, cum omnes fateantur iure interfectum esse qui abiecerit?
76Study Questions:
- Explain Cicero’s use of the imperfects captabas and abiciebas.
- What kind of ut-clause is ut servires?
- What kind of subjunctive is peteres?
- Parse paterere. What kind of ut-clauses are ut omnia paterere and ut facile servires?
- Identify and explain the case of hoc (quid hoc turpius…?).
- Identify and explain the case of sensus.
- What is the antecedent of the relative pronoun qui (qui abiecerit)?
77Stylistic Appreciation:
78• Analyze the rhetorical design of haec te… oratio.
79Discussion Points:
80• At the end of the paragraph, Cicero argues that Antony deserves to be dead — indeed, ought to have been killed for his attempt to crown Caesar king. In what scenarios (if any) do you endorse capital punishment as a justified response to politically motivated actions?
misericordia, -ae, f. | pity, compassion, pathos |
capto, -are, -avi, -atum | to try to get hold of, grasp at; seek, aim at |
supplex, -icis | suppliant |
abicio, -cere, -eci, -ectum | to throw away; discard; throw down(w. ad pedes) to throw oneself at the feet of |
servio, -ire, -ivi / -ii, -itum | to serve as slave, wait on, labour for |
patior, -ti, -ssus | to be subjected to, experience, undergo, suffer |
mandatum, -i, n. | order, instruction, commission |
contionor, -ari, -atus | to deliver a public speech |
turpis, -is, -e | offensive, foul, loathsome; |
foedus, -a, -um | offensive, foul, loathsome; |
supplicium, -(i)i, n. | reparation; punishment; penalty |
exspecto, -are, -avi, -atum | to wait for, await; look forward to, hope for |
dum (conj.) | as long as, while; until, until such time as |
stimulus, -i, n. | goad, prick, spur |
fodio, -dere, fodi, fossum | to pierce, prick, prod, jab; dig |
sensus, -us, m. | sense; understanding, self-awareness |
lacero, -are, -avi, -atum | to tear, rend, mangle; shatter, batter, torture |
cruento, -are, -avi, -atum | to stain with blood, to cause to bleed, wound |
imminuo, -uere, -ui, -utum | to diminish |
indignus, -a, -um | unworthy, unmerited; unseemly, shameful |
§ 87: Historical Precedent Demands Antony’s Execution
81At etiam ascribi iussit in fastis ad Lupercalia C. Caesari dictatori perpetuo M. Antonium consulem populi iussu regnum detulisse, Caesarem uti noluisse. iam iam minime miror te otium perturbare; non modo urbem odisse sed etiam lucem; cum perditissimis latronibus non solum de die sed etiam in diem bibere. ubi enim tu in pace consistes? qui locus tibi in legibus et in iudiciis esse potest, quae tu, quantum in te fuit, dominatu regio sustulisti? ideone L. Tarquinius exactus, Sp. Cassius, Sp. Maelius, M. Manlius necati ut multis post saeculis a M. Antonio, quod fas non est, rex Romae constitueretur?
82Study Questions:
- Parse ascribi.
- What are the fasti?
- Who is the subject of the first sentence (At etiam… noluisse)?
- How does uti fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- Explain the syntax of odisse and bibere.
- Parse consistes.
- Explain the grammar of qui (locus…).
- What is the antecedent of quae?
- What case is Romae?
83Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the style of the proposed inscription C. Caesari… uti noluisse.
- What is the rhetorical effect of Cicero’s m-ing in iam iam minime miror?
84Discussion Points:
85• What we seem to capture here is Antony’s (and Caesar’s) version in retrospect of what happened at the Lupercalia. How does it differ from Cicero’s?
ascribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum | to add in writing, insert; enrol, enlist, assign |
fasti, -orum, m. pl. | list of festivals; calendar; list of consuls |
perpetuo (adv.) | continuously; |
iussus, -us, n. | bidding, command |
defero, -rre, detuli, delatum | to carry, convey, bring; transfer, hand over |
utor, uti, usus | to use, avail oneself of, exercise, employ |
iam (adv.) | now, by now |
minime (superlative adv.) | least; least of all, to a minimal degree |
otium, -(i)i, n. | freedom from business, leisure time |
perturbo, -are, -avi, -atum | to throw into confusion, upset, disrupt |
odi, -isse, osum | to hate, dislike, have an aversion to |
perditus, -a, -um | debilitated, broken; ruined, desperate; |
latro, -onis, m. | mercenary; brigand, robber, bandit |
consisto, -sistere, -stiti | to stop, halt, stand still |
tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum | to pick up, lift, hoist; raise |
dominatus, -us, m. | absolute rule, lordship, dominion |
regius, -a, -um | royal, regal; despotical |
ideo (adv.) | for that reason, therefore |
exigo, -igere, -egi, -actum | to drive out, force out, eject |
neco, -are, -avi, -atum | to put to death, kill |
fas (indecl.), n. | what is right/permissible by divine law |
constituo, -uere, -ui, -utum | to set up, place, establish; decree, decide |
§ 88: Antony on the Ides of March
86Sed ad auspicia redeamus; de quibus Idibus Martiis fuit in senatu Caesar acturus. quaero: tum tu quid egisses? audiebam equidem te paratum venisse, quod me de ementitis auspiciis, quibus tamen parere necesse erat, putares esse dicturum. sustulit illum diem Fortuna rei publicae. num etiam tuum de auspiciis iudicium interitus Caesaris sustulit? sed incidi in id tempus quod eis rebus in quas ingressa erat oratio praevertendum est. quae tua fuga, quae formido praeclaro illo die, quae propter conscientiam scelerum desperatio vitae, cum ex illa fuga beneficio eorum qui te, si sanus esses, salvum esse voluerunt, clam te domum recepisti!
87Study Questions:
- Parse redeamus.
- What kind of ablative is Idibus Martiis?
- Parse fuit… acturus.
- Identify and explain the tense and the mood of egisses.
- Explain the syntax of te and me.
- Parse incidi.
- What case is eis rebus?
- Parse formido.
88Stylistic Appreciation:
- Discuss Cicero’s use of the future (perfect) and the subjunctive in this paragraph.
- What are the stylistic features that Cicero uses to capture Antony’s flight from the senate house after Caesar’s murder (quae tua fuga… recepisti!)?
89Discussion Points:
90• Reconstruct the events — and the likely motivations and psychology of the main actors — in the wake of Caesar’s assassination. Why did the conspirators only kill Caesar and not also his main supporters?
ago, agere, egi, actum | to drive, bring, move |
equidem (particle) | (w. first pers. sg.) I for my part; |
pareo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to submit to, obey |
tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum | to pick up, lift, hoist; raise |
interitus, -us, m. | violent death, extinction |
incido, -ere, -i, incasum | to fall or drop into, to impinge on; |
ingredior, -di, -ssus | to go into, enter upon, commence, embark on |
praeverto, -tere, -ti, -sum | to urge on firstly; to attend to firstly |
fuga, -ae, f. | flight, fleeing, rout; exile, banishment |
formido, -inis, f. | fear, terror, alarm; religious dread, awe |
conscientia, -ae, f. | complicity, awareness of, (guilty) conscience |
desperatio, -onis, f. | abandonment of hope, despair |
cum (conj.) + indicative | when |
beneficium, -(i)i, n. | service, kindness; favour |
clam (adv.) | secretly, under cover |
recipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum | to admit to shelter, welcome, receive |
§ 89: No Compromise with a Public Enemy!
91O mea frustra semper verissima auguria rerum futurarum! dicebam illis in Capitolio liberatoribus nostris, cum me ad te ire vellent ut ad defendendam rem publicam te adhortarer, quoad metueres, omnia te promissurum; simul ac timere desisses, similem te futurum tui. itaque cum ceteri consulares irent redirent, in sententia mansi: neque te illo die neque postero vidi neque ullam societatem optimis civibus cum importunissimo hoste foedere ullo confirmari posse credidi. post diem tertium veni in aedem Telluris et quidem invitus, cum omnis aditus armati obsiderent.
92Study Questions:
- What case is auguria?
- Why might dicebam be in the imperfect?
- Explain the syntax of me (cum me ad te ire vellent).
- What kind of clause is ut… adhortarer?
- Parse desisses.
- How is tui to be construed?
- Parse mansi.
- What days does Cicero refer to with illo die, postero [die] and post diem tertium?
- Where was the temple of Tellus?
93Stylistic Appreciation:
94• Analyze the rhetorical design and the ideological punch of neque… credidi.
95Discussion Points:
96• Was Cicero correct in thinking that any compromise with Antony was bound to fail?
frustra (adv.) | to no purpose, in vain, without avail |
verus, -a, -um | real, true; grounded in truth, well-founded |
liberator, -oris, m. | liberator |
quoad (interr. and rel. adv.) | to the degree that, as far as; while |
metuo, -ere, -i, metutum | to regard with fear, be afraid of, fear |
simul atque/ac | as soon as, the moment that |
desino, -inere, -(i)i, -itum | to leave off, desist, finish, stop, cease from |
similis, -is, -e | similar, like (w. gen. or dat.) |
consularis, -is, -e | of or proper to a consul |
maneo, -ere, -si, -sum | to remain, persist, continue, abide by |
societas, -atis, f. | partnership, fellowship, society |
importunus, -a, -um | unfavourable, troublesome, oppressive |
foedus, -eris, n. | formal agreement, treaty, bond, tie |
aedes, -is, f. | room, apartment; |
aditus, -us, m. | approach, entry; access |
armatus, -i, m. | an armed man, soldier |
obsideo, -idere, -edi, -essum | to occupy; besiege, blockade, lay siege to |
§ 90: Antony’s Finest Hour
97Qui tibi dies ille, M. Antoni, fuit! quamquam mihi inimicus subito exstitisti, tamen me tui miseret quod tibi invideris. qui tu vir, di immortales, et quantus fuisses, si illius diei mentem servare potuisses! pacem haberemus, quae erat facta per obsidem puerum nobilem, M. Bambalionis nepotem. quamquam bonum te timor faciebat, non diuturnus magister offici; improbum fecit ea quae, dum timor abest, a te non discedit, audacia. etsi tum, cum optimum te multi putabant me quidem dissentiente, funeri tyranni, si illud funus fuit, sceleratissime praefuisti.
98Study Questions:
- Explain the syntax of qui.
- Parse miseret.
- Parse invideris.
- What kind of conditional sequence does Cicero use with fuisses–potuisses?
- What noun does ea modify?
- What construction is me quidem dissentiente? What is the force of quidem?
- Parse funeri.
99Stylistic Appreciation:
100• How does design reinforce sense in the sentence quamquam bonum… audacia?
101Discussion Points:
102• Do you agree with Cicero that the republican commonwealth and peace could have been restored had Antony continued to collaborate with the senate?
subito (adv.) | suddenly, unexpectedly |
exsto, -are, exstiti | to stand out, exist, be found |
misereo, -ere, -ui me miseret + gen. | to feel / show compassion, have pity |
invideo, -idere, -idi, -isum | to look at askance, regard with ill will or envy |
obses, -idis, m. /f. | hostage; surety, pledge, guarantee |
nepos, -otis, m. / (f.) | a grandson, descendant |
diuturnus, -a, -um | lasting for a long time, permanent, long-lived |
officium, -(i)i, n. | duty, obligation |
improbus, -a, -um | morally unsound, unprincipled, rascally |
audacia, -ae, f. | boldness, daring; impudence, effrontery |
etsi (conj.) | even if, although |
dissentio, -tire, -si, -sum | to differ in opinion, disagree, dissent |
funus, -eris, n. | funeral rites or ceremonies; funeral |
scelerate (adv.) | with heinous wickedness, atrociously |
praesum, -esse, -fui | to be in charge (of), be in control (of) |
§ 91: Antony as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
103Tua illa pulchra laudatio, tua miseratio, tua cohortatio; tu, tu, inquam, illas faces incendisti, et eas quibus semustilatus ille est et eas quibus incensa L. Bellieni domus deflagravit. tu illos impetus perditorum et ex maxima parte servorum quos nos vi manuque reppulimus in nostras domos immisisti. idem tamen quasi fuligine abstersa reliquis diebus in Capitolio praeclara senatus consulta fecisti, ne qua post Idus Martias immunitatis tabula neve cuius benefici figeretur. meministi ipse de exsulibus, scis de immunitate quid dixeris. optimum vero quod dictaturae nomen in perpetuum de re publica sustulisti: quo quidem facto tantum te cepisse odium regni videbatur ut eius omnem propter proximum dictatorem metum tolleres.
104Study Questions:
- What is the verb of the opening sentence (Tua… cohortatio)?
- How does et eas… et eas fit into the sentence?
- What does the et after perditorum link?
- What kind of construction is quasi fuligine abstersa?
- What kind of ablative is reliquis diebus?
- Parse senatus.
- What noun does qua modify? What case is it in?
- Parse Idus.
- neve: what does the enclitic conjunction -ve link?
- Why is dixeris in the subjunctive?
- What is the main clause in the sentence optimum vero… sustulisti?
- What noun does the genitive dictaturae depend on? What kind of genitive is it?
- Explain the syntax of quo (quo quidem facto).
- What kind of genitive is regni?
- What kind of clause does ut (ut eius omnem…) introduce?
- What does eius refer back to?
105Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the design of the opening sentence (Tua… cohortatio).
- What is the rhetorical effect of the anaphoric tu, tu, inquam?
106Discussion Points:
107• Why was the funeral of Caesar such a charged moment?
laudatio, -onis, f. | panegyric; (funerary) eulogy; funeral oration |
miseratio, -onis, f. | compassion, pity; expression of grief |
cohortatio, -onis, f. | exhortation, encouragement |
fax, -cis, f. | torch, firebrand |
incendo, -dere, -di, -sum | to set on fire, kindle; |
sem(i) ustilo, -are | to half-burn, scorch |
deflagro, -are, -avi, -atum | to destroy by fire, burn down |
impetus, -us, m. | onset, thrust, attack, violence |
repello, -ere, reppuli, repulsum | to drive back, repel, fend off, deter |
immitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to cause to go, send (against), direct |
quasi | as it were |
fuligo, -inis, f. | soot |
abstergeo, -gere, -si, -sum | to wipe clean, remove, wipe off |
senatûs consulta | decrees of the senate |
immunitas, -atis, f. | exemption, immunity |
tabula, -ae, f. | a flat piece of wood, board, plank |
-ve (enclitic) | or |
beneficium, -(i)i, n. | service, kindness; favour |
figo, -gere, -xi, -xum | to drive in, fix in, insert (nails etc.) |
exsul, -lis, m. | a banished person, exile |
tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum | to pick up, lift, hoist; raise |
proximus, -a, -um | nearest, adjacent, close |
§ 92: Selling the Empire
108Constituta res publica videbatur aliis, mihi vero nullo modo, qui omnia te gubernante naufragia metuebam. num igitur me fefellit, aut num diutius sui potuit esse dissimilis? inspectantibus vobis toto Capitolio tabulae figebantur, neque solum singulis venibant immunitates sed etiam populis universis: civitas non iam singillatim, sed provinciis totis dabatur. itaque si haec manent, quae stante re publica manere non possunt, provincias universas, patres conscripti, perdidistis, neque vectigalia solum sed etiam imperium populi Romani huius domesticis nundinis deminutum est.
109Study Questions:
- What noun does omnia modify?
- What construction is te gubernante?
- Parse sui.
- What construction is inspectantibus vobis?
- Parse venibant.
- What construction is stante re publica?
110Stylistic Appreciation:
111• Analyze the dramatic trajectory of the first sentence (constituta… metuebam).
112Discussion Points:
- Explore the political and financial relationships between Rome and its (conquered) provinces in late-republican times. To what extent does the paragraph here foreshadow the realities of the principate?
- Cicero accuses Antony of something akin to treason. Was he a ‘traitor of the people’? Who is a traitor of the people?
constituo, -uere, -ui, -utum | to set up, establish, decree, decide, arrange |
guberno, -are, -avi, -atum | to guide the course of, steer; direct, govern |
naufragium, -(i)i, n. | shipwreck; disaster, calamity, ruin; wreckage |
fallo, -lere, fefelli, -sum | to deceive, trick, mislead; disguise |
diutius (compar. adv.) | longer |
inspecto, -are, -avi, -atum | to look at, watch; (intr.) to look on |
singuli, -ae, -a (pl.) | each one of, every single; individual, single |
universus, -a, -um | whole, entire |
veneo, -ire, -ii, ( -itum) | to be sold |
civitas, -atis, f. | community; the rights of a citizen, citizenship |
singillatim (adv.) | one by one, singly, separately |
vectigal, -alis, n. | revenue; income |
nundinae, -arum, f. pl. | a market-day; a market or fair |
deminuo, -uere, -ui, -utum | to lessen, diminish; curtail, impair |
§ 100: Further Forgeries and a Veteran Foundation
113Sed ad chirographa redeamus. quae tua fuit cognitio? acta enim Caesaris pacis causa confirmata sunt a senatu; quae quidem Caesar egisset, non ea quae egisse Caesarem dixisset Antonius. unde ista erumpunt, quo auctore proferuntur? si sunt falsa, cur probantur? si vera, cur veneunt? at sic placuerat ut ex Kalendis Iuniis de Caesaris actis cum consilio cognosceretis. quod fuit consilium, quem umquam advocasti, quas Kalendas Iunias expectasti? an eas ad quas te peragratis veteranorum coloniis stipatum armis rettulisti?
114o praeclaram illam percursationem tuam mense Aprili atque Maio, tum cum etiam Capuam coloniam deducere conatus es! quem ad modum illinc abieris vel potius paene non abieris scimus.
115Study Questions:
- Identify and explain the mood of redeamus.
- How does quae… Antonius fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- Identify and explain the mood of egisset and dixisset.
- What kind of construction is quo auctore?
- Parse veneunt.
- Identify and explain the case of percursationem.
- What kind of ablative is mense Aprili atque Maio?
- Identify and explain the case of Capuam.
- Parse abieris.
116Stylistic Appreciation:
- Discuss the design and rhetorical force of the question quae tua fuit cognitio?
- How does design reinforce theme in the sentence acta enim Caesaris… dixisset Antonius?
117Discussion Points:
- Why does Cicero use a string of rhetorical questions to attack Antony’s handling of Caesar’s state papers?
- How does Cicero manage the transition from one topic (Caesar’s acta) to the next (Antony’s journey and doings in Southern Italy)?
chirographum,-i, n. | one’s handwriting; document, manuscript |
cognitio,-onis, f. | the act of getting to know, comprehension |
actum,-i, n. | act, deed, transaction |
erumpo,-umpere,-upi,-uptum | to burst forth, spring out / up |
profero,-ferre,-tuli,-latum | to bring forth; to put on show, display |
veneo,-ire,-ii, (-itum) | to be sold |
placeo,-ere,-ui or-itus | to be pleasing / acceptable to; seem good |
consilium,-(i)i, n. | debate, discussion, deliberation |
advoco,-are,-avi,-atum | to call upon, summon, call together, convoke |
exspecto,-are,-avi,-atum | to wait for, expect |
peragro,-are,-avi,-atum | to travel through, traverse |
veteranus,-a,-um | mature |
colonia,-ae, f. | settlement, colony |
stipo,-are,-avi,-atum | to compress, press tight |
percursatio,-onis, f. | a rapid journey |
deduco,-cere,-xi,-ctum | to lead away from, remove, bring back |
illinc (adv.) | from that place, thence |
abeo,-ire,-ii,-itum | to go away, depart; pass away |
potius (adv.) | rather, more exactly, on the contrary |
paene (adv.) | almost, all but, practically |
§ 101: Revels and Remunerations
118Cui tu urbi minitaris. utinam conere, ut aliquando illud ‘paene’ tollatur! at quam nobilis est tua illa peregrinatio! quid prandiorum apparatus, quid furiosam vinulentiam tuam proferam? tua ista detrimenta sunt, illa nostra: agrum Campanum, qui cum de vectigalibus eximebatur ut militibus daretur, tamen infligi magnum rei publicae vulnus putabamus, hunc tu compransoribus tuis et collusoribus dividebas. mimos dico et mimas, patres conscripti, in agro Campano collocatos. quid iam querar de agro Leontino? quoniam quidem hae quondam arationes Campana et Leontina in populi Romani patrimonio grandiferae et fructuosae ferebantur. medico tria milia iugerum: quid si te sanasset? rhetori duo: quid si te disertum facere potuisset? sed ad iter Italiamque redeamus.
119Study Questions:
- How does Cui fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- Parse minitaris.
- What kind of clause does utinam introduce?
- What does ‘paene’ refer (back) to?
- Parse conere and explain the mood.
- Parse apparatus.
- How do you reconcile the relative pronoun qui (nominative masculine singular, referring back to agrum Campanum) with a first person plural verb (putabamus)?
- Identify and explain the tense and mood of querar.
- Parse the adjectives Campana and Leontina. What noun do they modify?
- Parse sanasset and explain the tense and mood.
- Parse rhetori.
- What noun needs to be supplied after duo?
120Stylistic Appreciation:
- What might the homoioteleuton in quid furiosam vinulentiam tuam proferam emphasize?
- Discuss the positioning of deictic and pronominal adjectives in tua ista detrimenta sunt, illa nostra.
121Discussion Points:
122• Can you think of more recent instances in history where individuals benefitted financially from close association with powerful politicians? (Put differently, to what extent is kleptocracy a universal?)
minitor, -ari, -atus | (intr. w. dat.) to use threats (against) |
utinam | if only |
conor, -ari, -atus | to attempt, endeavour |
quam | how |
nobilis, -is, -e | renowned, famous, celebrated |
peregrinatio, -onis, f. | travel abroad, foreign travel |
prandium, -(i)i, n. | midday meal |
apparatus, -us, m. | preparation; display, pomp, sumptuousness |
furiosus, -a, -um | frenzied, raving mad; wild, uncontrolled |
vinulentia, -ae, f. | fondness for wine |
profero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum | to bring forth; show, display; produce |
detrimentum, -i, n. | material reduction; harm, damage, loss |
ager, agri, m. | piece of land, country, region; soil, terrain |
vectigalis, -is, -e | (of land etc.) yielding taxes; subject to taxes |
eximo, -imere, -emi, -emptus | to take out, extract; get rid of, banish |
infligo, -gere, -xi, -ctum | to knock or dash (against), to inflict |
compransor, -oris, m. | table-companion |
collusor, -oris, m. | playmate, fellow gambler |
divido, -idere, -isi, -isum | to separate, divide (up), split, share out |
mimus, -i, m. | an actor in mimes; a mime |
mima, -ae, f. | an actress performing in mimes |
colloco, -are, -avi, -atum | to put or set in a particular place; |
queror, -ri, -stus (de) | to regret, complain, grumble, protest |
quoniam (conj.) | seeing that… now, since, because |
quondam (adv.) | formerly; in the future, some day |
aratio, -onis, f. | the action of ploughing; |
patrimonium, -(i)i, n. | property, possession, estate |
grandifer, -era, -erum | yielding large crops |
fructuosus, -a, -um | fruitful, productive; rewarding, lucrative |
fero, -re, tuli, latum | (here) to have on or in it, contain |
medicus, -i, m. | doctor, physician |
mille (indecl. n. and adj.) | a thousand |
milia, -ium (pl.) | thousand |
iugerum, -i/ -is, n. | pl. acres, an expanse of farmland |
sano, -are, -avi, -atum | to cure, heal, restore to health |
rhetori, -oris, m. | teacher of rhetoric, rhetorician |
disertus, -a, -um | eloquent; skillfully expressed |
§ 102: Antony Colonized a Colony!
123Deduxisti coloniam Casilinum, quo Caesar ante deduxerat. consuluisti me per litteras de Capua tu quidem, sed idem de Casilino respondissem: possesne, ubi colonia esset, eo coloniam novam iure deducere. negavi in eam coloniam quae esset auspicato deducta, dum esset incolumis, coloniam novam iure deduci: colonos novos ascribi posse rescripsi. tu autem insolentia elatus omni auspiciorum iure turbato Casilinum coloniam deduxisti, quo erat paucis annis ante deducta, ut vexillum tolleres, ut aratrum circumduceres; cuius quidem vomere portam Capuae paene perstrinxisti, ut florentis coloniae territorium minueretur.
124Study Questions:
- Parse Casilinum and explain its case. Where is Casilinum located?
- Identify and explain the mood of respondissem.
- Why is posses in the imperfect subjunctive?
- Explain the syntax of auspicato.
- Parse rescripsi.
- What construction is omni auspiciorum iure turbato?
- What kind of ablative is paucis annis.
- Explain the syntax of cuius. What noun does it refer back to?
- What kind of clause are ut… tolleres and ut… circumduceres?
125Stylistic Appreciation:
- Discuss the design of the opening sentence (Deduxisti… deduxerat).
- After consuluisti, ‘tu quidem’ is technically speaking unnecessary — why does Cicero add it nevertheless?
126Discussion Points:
127• Do you find it plausible that Antony consulted Cicero on a religious technicality to do with his settlement policy?
deduco, -cere, -xi, -ctum | to lead away from, remove, bring back |
consulo, -ere, -ui, -tum | to consult, take counsel |
auspicato (adv.) | after taking the auspices; auspiciously |
incolumis, -is, -e | undamaged, unimpaired, intact |
ascribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum | to add in writing, insert; enroll, enlist, assign |
rescribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum | to write in response |
insolentia, -ae, f. | unfamiliarity; lack of moderation |
elatus (ppp. of effero) | raised above; exalted; sublime |
vexillum, -i, n. | military standard |
aratrum, -i, n. | a plough |
circumduco, -cere, -xi, -ctum | to lead round, go round |
vomer, -eris, m. | ploughshare |
perstringo, -ngere, -nxi, -ctum | to brush, graze, skirt |
florens, -ntis | flowering, flourishing, prosperous; powerful |
minuo, -uere, -ui, -utum | to reduce in size or extent, make smaller |
§ 103: Antony’s Enrichment Activities
128Ab hac perturbatione religionum advolas in M. Varronis, sanctissimi atque integerrimi viri, fundum Casinatem. quo iure, quo ore? ‘Eodem’, inquies, ‘quo in heredum L. Rubri, quo in heredum L. Turseli praedia, quo in reliquas innumerabiles possessiones’. et si ab hasta, valeat hasta, valeant tabulae modo Caesaris, non tuae, quibus debuisti, non quibus tu te liberavisti. Varronis quidem Casinatem fundum quis venisse dicit, quis hastam istius venditionis vidit, quis vocem praeconis audivit? misisse te dicis Alexandriam qui emeret a Caesare; ipsum enim expectare magnum fuit.
129Study Questions:
- On what noun does the genitive M. Varronis depend?
- Parse inquies.
- On what noun do the genitives heredum (2x) depend?
- Identify and explain the tense and mood of valeat and valeant.
- What are the antecedents of quibus (2x)?
- Parse venisse.
- Identify and explain the case of Alexandriam.
- Identify and explain the mood of emeret.
130Stylistic Appreciation:
131• Analyze the design of the sentence Varronis quidem… audivit?
132Discussion Points:
133• How does Cicero play off Caesar against Antony in this paragraph?
perturbatio, -onis, f. | disturbance, upheaval; confusion, disorder |
advolo, -are, -avi, -atum | to fly towards; hasten towards |
sanctus, -a, -um | (religious) sacrosanct, inviolate, sacred |
integer, -gra, -grum | fresh, undecided; whole, complete, untouched morally unblemished, upright |
fundus, -i, m. | bottom, base; basis, foundation |
Casinas, -atis (adj.) | of Casinum |
os, oris, n. | face, countenance, expression |
heres, -edis, m. (f.) | heir, successor |
praedium, -(i)i, n. | a landed property, estate, land |
hasta, -ae, f. | spear, javelin |
reliquus, -qua, -quum | the rest of, remaining |
innumerabilis, -is, -e | countless |
possessio, -onis, f. | occupancy, possession; seizure, control |
valeo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to be powerful, be well, have force |
debeo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to be under an obligation to pay, owe to |
libero, -are, -avi, -atum | to free, release from, discharge, fulfil, cover |
veneo, -ire, -ii, ( -itum) | to be sold |
venditio, -onis, f. | the action/process of selling, sale |
praeco, -onis, m. | announcer; auctioneer |
emo, -emere, emi, emptum | to buy, purchase; win over; procure |
§ 104: Animal House
134Quis vero audivit umquam — nullius autem salus curae pluribus fuit — de fortunis Varronis rem ullam esse detractam? quid? si etiam scripsit ad te Caesar ut redderes, quid satis potest dici de tanta impudentia? remove gladios parumper illos quos videmus: iam intelleges aliam causam esse hastae Caesaris, aliam confidentiae et temeritatis tuae. non enim te dominus modo illis sedibus sed quivis amicus, vicinus, hospes, procurator arcebit. at quam multos dies in ea villa turpissime es perbacchatus! ab hora tertia bibebatur, ludebatur, vomebatur. o tecta ipsa misera, ‘quam dispari domino’ — quamquam quo modo iste dominus? — sed tamen quam ab dispari tenebantur! studiorum enim suorum receptaculum M. Varro voluit illud, non libidinum deversorium.
135Study Questions:
- Parse nullius.
- Identify and explain the case of curae and pluribus.
- What kind of clause is ut redderet?
- How does satis fit into the syntax of the sentence?
- Parse remove.
- Parse intelleges.
- Identify and explain the case of illis sedibus.
- What kind of accusative is multos dies?
136Stylistic Appreciation:
- What are the stylistic devices Cicero uses to underscore the disgraceful conduct of Antony and his mates at Varro’s villa?
- What work is the tragic quote doing here?
137Discussion Points:
138• What would you do as a lodger in Varro’s villa?
umquam (adv.) | at any time, ever |
salus, -utis, f. | personal safety, immunity from harm, |
curae, -ae, f. | anxiety, worry, care, distress; concern |
fortuna, -ae, f. | fortune |
detraho, -here, -xi, -ctum | to detach, strip off, remove, take away |
satis (indecl. noun/adv.) | enough, sufficient; sufficiently, adequately |
removeo, -overe, -ovi, -otum | to move back/away, remove, set aside |
gladius, -(i)i, m. | sword |
parumper (adv.) | for a short while, for a moment |
confidentia, -ae, f. | assurance, self-confidence; |
temeritas, -atis, f. | recklessness, thoughtlessness, boldness |
sedes, -is, f. | a place to sit, seat; dwelling, house |
quivis, quaevis, quodvis | any that you please |
vicinus, -a, -um | situated close at hand |
hospes, -itis, m. | guest, visitor; host |
procurator, -oris, m. | occupant, manager, keeper |
arceo, -ere, -ui | to prevent from approaching, keep away, |
turpis, -is, -e | offensive, loathsome, foul, repulsive; |
perbacchor, -ari, -atus | to carouse or revel through |
vomo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to be sick, vomit; discharge |
tectum, -i, n. | roof, ceiling; house, dwelling |
dispar, -aris | unequal, dissimilar (in character) |
receptaculum, -i, n. | repository |
deversorium, -(i)i, n. | lodging |
§ 105: Animal House: The Sequel
139Quae in illa villa antea dicebantur, quae cogitabantur, quae litteris mandabantur! iura populi Romani, monumenta maiorum, omnis sapientiae ratio omnisque doctrinae. at vero te inquilino — non enim domino — personabant omnia vocibus ebriorum, natabant pavimenta vino, madebant parietes, ingenui pueri cum meritoriis, scorta inter matres familias versabantur. Casino salutatum veniebant, Aquino, Interamna: admissus est nemo. iure id quidem; in homine enim turpissimo obsolefiebant dignitatis insignia.
140Study Questions:
- What does the-que after omnis link?
- What construction is te inquilino?
- Parse salutatum.
- Identify and explain the case of Casino, Aquino, and Interamna.
141Stylistic Appreciation:
- Discuss the stylistic devices Cicero uses to hail Varro’s learning.
- Discuss the stylistic devices Cicero uses to lambast Antony’s depravity.
142Discussion Points:
143• Compare and contrast Cicero’s depiction of Antony’s conduct in Varro’s villa in §§ 104–05 with contemporary frat-boy comedies such as Animal House: what is (or isn’t) funny — and why?
mando, -are, -avi, -atum | to hand over, deliver, consign to commit |
doctrina, -ae, f. | instruction; learning |
inquilinus, -i, m. | tenant, lodger |
persono, -are, -ui/ -avi, -atum | to make a loud/pervasive noise, |
ebrius, -a, -um | intoxicated, drunk |
nato, -are, -avi, -atum | to swim; (w. abl.) to be drenched/inundated |
pavimentum, -i, n. | floor, surface, pavement |
madeo, -ere | to be wet/sodden |
paries, -etis, m. | wall |
ingenuus, -a, -um | native; free-born; honourable |
meritorius, -a, -um | let out for a price, hired |
scortum, -i, n. | prostitute |
obsolefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum | to make common, degrade |
insigne, -is, n. | mark of rank, status, identity, honour distinction |
§ 106: Antony Cocooned
144Cum inde Romam proficiscens ad Aquinum accederet, obviam ei processit, ut est frequens municipium, magna sane multitudo. at iste operta lectica latus per oppidum est ut mortuus. stulte Aquinates: sed tamen in via habitabant. quid Anagnini? qui cum essent devii, descenderunt ut istum, tamquam si esset consul, salutarent. incredibile dictu + sed cum vinus + inter omnis constabat neminem esse resalutatum, praesertim cum duos secum Anagninos haberet, Mustelam et Laconem, quorum alter gladiorum est princeps, alter poculorum.
145Study Questions:
- Parse ei: whom does the pronoun refer to?
- Who is the subject of processit?
- What is a municipium?
- What is the meaning of ut in ut mortuus?
- Explain the syntax of qui (qui cum essent devii).
- What is the significance of Cicero’s use of the imperfect subjunctive in tamquam si esset consul?
- NB: We don’t know why the text here has become garbled beyond restoration (to date). It doesn’t happen often in Cicero’s classic speeches.
- Parse and explain the syntax of esse resalutatum.
- On what noun does the genitive poculorum depend?
146Stylistic Appreciation:
147• What stylistic devices does Cicero use in his portrayal of Antony’s alleged mistreatment of locals on his journey back to Rome?
148Discussion Points:
149• Discuss the implications of Cicero challenging Antony’s status as consul (cf. tamquam si esset consul).
accedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum | to draw near, approach, reach |
obviam (adv.) | in the way / path of, so as to meet |
procedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum | to go / move forward, come forth, advance |
frequens, -ntis | densely packed, crowded, populous |
municipium, -(i)i, n. | municipality, community |
sane (adv.) | certainly, truly |
multitudo, -inis, f. | large number, large quantity, multitude |
operio, -ire, -ui, -tum | to shut, close, cover (from sight), conceal |
habito, -are, -avi, -atum | to live in, inhabit, dwell |
devius, -a, -um | out-of-the-way, remote; turning aside |
tamquam (conj.) | in the same way as, just as(w. conditional clause) just as (if) |
saluto, -are, -avi, -atum | to greet, hail, salute; to call on to pay respects |
consto, -are, -iti | to stand together, take up a position |
constat | a decision is taken |
resaluto, -are, -avi, -atum | to return the greeting of |
praesertim (adv.) | above all, first and foremost, especially |
praesertim cum | (causal) especially since, seeing that |
alter… alter… | the one… the other… |
princeps, -ipis, m. | master, expert, chief man; person in charge |
poculum, -i, n. | drinking-vessel, cup, bowl |
§ 107: Symbolic Strutting after Caesar
150Quid ego illas istius minas contumeliasque commemorem quibus invectus est in Sidicinos, vexavit Puteolanos, quod C. Cassium et Brutos patronos adoptassent? magno quidem studio, iudicio, benevolentia, caritate, non, ut te et Basilum, vi et armis, et alios vestri similis quos clientis nemo habere velit, non modo illorum cliens esse. interea dum tu abes, qui dies ille collegae tuo fuit, cum illud quod venerari solebas bustum in foro evertit! qua re tibi nuntiata, ut constabat inter eos qui una fuerunt, concidisti. quid evenerit postea nescio — metum credo valuisse et arma; collegam quidem de caelo detraxisti effecistique non tu quidem etiam nunc ut similis tui, sed certe ut dissimilis esset sui.
151Study Questions:
- Identify and explain the mood of commemorem.
- Locate the Sidicini and the town of Puteoli on a map.
- Who were C. Cassius and the (two) Bruti?
- Who was Basilus?
- Parse adoptassent and explain the mood.
- What construction is qua re tibi nuntiata?
- Explain the syntax of qua.
- Parse evenerit and explain the mood.
152Stylistic Appreciation:
153• What stylistic features help to underscore Cicero’s spitting contempt in illas istius minas contumeliasque commemorem?
154Discussion Points:
- Why would the Sidicini and the inhabitants of Puteoli side with the liberators?
- What does patronage of local communities by leading Roman aristocrats entail?
- What episode does Cicero refer to when he talks about the destruction of the ‘tomb’ by Antony’s colleague Dolabella?
minae, -arum, f. | threats, menaces |
contumelia, -ae, f. | insult, indignity, affront |
commemoro, -are, -avi, -atum | to recall, mention, relate |
inveho, -here, -xi, -ctum | to carry / bring in; import; to ride into attack |
vexo, -are, -avi, -atum | to agitate, buffet; damage; attack constantly; |
patronus, -i, m. | patron; advocate |
adopto, -are, -avi, -atum | to select, secure; adopt |
studium, -(i)i, n. | earnest application, zeal, ardour; |
iudicium, -(i)i, n. | exercise of judgement; decision favourable opinion, esteem |
benevolentia, -ae, f. | goodwill, benevolence, friendliness |
caritas, -atis, f. | dearness, high price; love, affection, esteem |
veneror, -ari, -atus | to worship, adore; pay homage to |
bustum, -i, n. | funeral pyre; grave-mound, tomb |
everto, -tere, -ti, -sum | to turn upside down; overturn; ruin |
unâ (adv.) unâ esse | in one body, together; at the same time to be present |
concido, -ere, -i | to collapse, fall; to die or be killed |
evenio, -enire, -eni, -entum | to come out, emerge; to happen, come about |
metus, -us, m. | fear |
valeo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to be powerful, have strength |
detraho, -here, -xi, -ctum | to remove; to pull or force down to pull down, demolish |
§ 108: Swords Galore, or: Antony’s Return to Rome
155Qui vero inde reditus Romam, quae perturbatio totius urbis! memineramus Cinnam nimis potentem, Sullam postea dominantem, modo Caesarem regnantem videramus. erant fortasse gladii, sed absconditi nec ita multi; ista vero quae et quanta barbaria est! agmine quadrato cum gladiis sequuntur, scutorum lecticas portari videmus. atque his quidem iam inveteratis, patres conscripti, consuetudine obduruimus. Kalendis Iuniis cum in senatum, ut erat constitutum, venire vellemus, metu perterriti repente diffugimus.
156Study Questions:
- What kind of accusative is Romam?
- Parse totius.
- Explain the grammar and sense of agmine quadrato.
- How do you account for the genitive in the phrase scutorum lecticas?
- What construction is his… inveteratis?
- Identify and explain the case of Kalendis Iuniis.
157Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the design of the sentence memineramus… videramus.
- Identify the stylistic devices that Cicero employs to contrast a bad past with a worse present in this paragraph.
158Discussion Points:
159• How do you think Antony would have advertised his return to Rome?
inde (adv.) | from that place, thence, from there |
reditus, -us, m. | return |
perturbatio, -onis, f. | physical disturbance, agitation, upheaval |
nimis (adv.) | to an excessive degree, too much, unduly |
potens, -ntis | having or exercising power over, powerful |
dominor, -ari, -atus | to exercise sovereignty, act as despot, rule |
modo (adv.) | just, only (now); recently |
fortasse (adv.) | it may be, possibly, perhaps |
absconditus, -a, -um | hidden, concealed; covert, disguised |
barbaria, -ae, f. | the foreign world, uncivilized people |
agmen, -inis, n. | stream, current; mass, multitude, throng |
quadro, -are, -avi, -atum | to square up, to form a rectangular shape |
agmen quadratum | an army marching in a rectangle, the baggage in the midst (= ready for any enemy attack from any direction); |
scutum, -i, n. | shield |
lectica, -ae, f. | a litter |
porto, -are, -avi, -atum | to transport, convey; to carry, bear |
invetero, -are, -avi, -atum | to become old or established; |
consuetudo, -inis, f. | habit, custom |
obduresco, -escere, -ui | to become hard, harden; |
metus, -us, m. | fear |
perterreo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to frighten greatly, terrify |
repente (adv.) | without warning, suddenly; in an instant, |
diffugio, -ugere, -ugi | to run away, flee; scatter, disperse |
§ 109: Playing Fast and Loose with Caesar’s Legislation
160At iste, qui senatu non egeret, neque desideravit quemquam et potius discessu nostro laetatus est statimque illa mirabilia facinora effecit. qui chirographa Caesaris defendisset lucri sui causa, is leges Caesaris easque praeclaras, ut rem publicam concutere posset, evertit. numerum annorum provinciis prorogavit; idemque, cum actorum Caesaris defensor esse deberet, et in publicis et in privatis rebus acta Caesaris rescidit. in publicis nihil est lege gravius; in privatis firmissimum est testamentum. leges alias sine promulgatione sustulit, alias ut tolleret promulgavit. testamentum irritum fecit, quod etiam infimis civibus semper obtentum est. signa, tabulas, quas populo Caesar una cum hortis legavit, eas hic partim in hortos Pompei deportavit, partim in villam Scipionis.
161Study Questions:
- Identify and explain the case of senatu.
- Why is egeret in the (imperfect) subjunctive?
- What is the antecedent of qui?
- Identify and explain the case of lucri sui.
- What kind of clause is ut rem publicam concutere possit?
- What kind of ablative is lege?
- What is the antecedent of quod?
- Identify and explain the case of infimis civibus.
162Stylistic Appreciation:
163• In this paragraph, we get a cascade of main clauses, with the verbs in the perfect tense: desideravit – laetatus est – effecit – evertit – prorogavit – rescidit – sustulit – promulgavit – fecit – deportavit. What is the rhetorical effect? And what does the principle, stated in the present tense halfway through the paragraph (in publicis nihil est lege gravius; in privatis firmissimum est testamentum), add to the overall design and rhetorical impact?
164Discussion Points:
165• Is Cicero here making mountains out of molehills?
egeo,-ere,-ui | to need, want, require; to lack, be devoid of |
desidero,-are,-avi,-atum | to long for, desire; to stand in need of, require |
potius (adv.) | rather, on the contrary; by preference |
discessus,-us, m. | absence (from), departure, going away |
laetor,-ari,-atus | to rejoice, be glad, be delighted (in) |
statim (adv.) | immediately, at once, without delay |
mirabilis,-is,-e | causing wonder, remarkable, extraordinary |
facinus,-oris, n. | deed, act, event; misdeed, crime, outrage |
chirographum,-i, n. | one’s handwriting; document, manuscript |
lucrum,-i, n. | material gain, profit |
concutio,-tere,-ssi,-ssum | to shake, agitate; distress, upset |
everto,-tere,-ti,-sum | to turn upside down; overturn; ruin |
prorogo,-are,-avi,-atum | to extend (a term of office) |
rescindo,-indere,-idi,-issum | to remove by hewing, split, break open |
gravis,-is,-e | heavy, ponderous; stern, harsh |
testamentum,-i, n. | will, testament |
promulgatio,-onis, f. | official proclamation (of a proposed law) |
promulgo,-are,-avi,-atum | to make known (the terms of a proposed law) |
irritus,-a,-um | not ratified or valid, null and void; ineffectual |
infimus,-a,-um | lowest in position |
obtineo,-inere,-inui,-entum | to maintain, keep up, persist in |
signum,-i, n. | mark; sign, emblem; statue |
tabulae,-ae, f. | (here) painting |
una cum + abl. | together with |
hortus,-i, m. | garden |
lego,-are,-avi,-atum | to send as an envoy |
partim… partim… (adv.) | in part… in part… |
deporto,-are,-avi,-atum | to bring, convey, transport |
§ 110: Caesar: Dead Duck or Deified Dictator?
166Et tu in Caesaris memoria diligens, tu illum amas mortuum? quem is honorem maiorem consecutus erat quam ut haberet pulvinar, simulacrum, fastigium, flaminem? est ergo flamen, ut Iovi, ut Marti, ut Quirino, sic divo Iulio M. Antonius. quid igitur cessas? cur non inauguraris? sume diem, vide qui te inauguret: collegae sumus; nemo negabit. o detestabilem hominem, sive quod tyranni sacerdos es sive quod mortui! quaero deinceps num hodiernus dies qui sit ignores. nescis heri quartum in circo diem ludorum Romanorum fuisse, te autem ipsum ad populum tulisse ut quintus praeterea dies Caesari tribueretur? cur non sumus praetextati? cur honorem Caesaris tua lege datum deseri patimur? an supplicationes addendo diem contaminari passus es, pulvinaria contaminari noluisti? aut undique religionem tolle aut usque quaque conserva.
167Study Questions:
- In the phrase in Caesaris memoria, what kind of genitive is Caesaris?
- Explain the grammar of quem (quem is honorem…).
- Parse inauguraris.
- Parse sume.
- Identify and explain the case of destestabilem hominem.
- How is mortui to be construed?
- Explain the syntax of the sentence quaero… ignores.
168Stylistic Appreciation:
- What is the tone of the initial question (Et tu… mortuum)?
- Discuss the rhetorical force and arrangement of pulvinar, simulacrum, fastigium, flaminem. (Make sure you know what each of these items refers to.)
- Analyze the design of est ergo flamen, ut Iovi, ut Marti, ut Quirino, sic divo Iulio M. Antonius.
- Cicero shows a notable preference for asyndeton in this paragraph. Why?
- What figure of thought does Cicero use in sive quod tyranni sacerdos es sive quod mortui and aut undique religionem tolle aut usque quaque conserva? Why is it effective?
169Discussion Points:
170• Cicero here blasts Antony for inconsistency in his attitude towards Caesar. What might account for such ‘qualified devotion’ to the dead dictator on Antony’s part?
diligens, -ntis | careful, attentive, diligent, scrupulous |
consequor, -qui, -cutus | to go or come after, follow; |
pulvinar, -aris, n. | a cushioned couch for the statue of a god |
simulacrum, -i, n. | likeness, image, statue |
fastigium, -i, n. | tip, apex; top, summit |
flamen, -inis, m. | a flamen (a specially appointed priest) |
cesso, -are, -avi, -atum | to hold back from, desist; be inactive |
inauguro, -are, -avi, -atum | to consecrate by augury for a priesthood |
sumo, -mere, -mpsi, -mptum | to take (up), to adopt |
detestabilis, -is, -e | detestable, execrable, abominable |
deinceps (adv.) | in succession, in turn; after that, next |
num (interrogative particle) | introducing a question implying a negative answer |
hodiernus, -a, -um hodiernus dies | of or belonging to this day |
ignoro, -are, -avi, -atum | to be ignorant or unaware of, fail to recognize |
nescio, -ire, -ivi/ -ii, -itum | not to know, to be unaware of |
heri (adv.) | yesterday |
fero, -rre, tuli, latum | (here) to propose to (ad) |
praeterea (adv.) | in addition to that, as well, besides |
tribuo, -uere, -ui, -utum | to grant, bestow, award; allocate, devote |
praetextatus, -a, -um | wearing the toga praetexta |
desero, -ere, -ui, -tum | to forsake, leave, abandon; part company |
patior, -ti, -ssus | to be subjected to, undergo, experience to suffer, put up with, tolerate, allow |
supplicatio, -onis, f. | the offering of propitiation to a deity; |
contamino, -are, -avi, -atum | to defile, pollute, befoul; corrupt to render ritually unclean, profane, desecrate |
undique (adv.) | from all sides or directions |
usque quaque (adv.) | everywhere, in every possible respect, wholly |
§ 111: A Final Look at Antony’s Illoquence
171Quaeris placeatne mihi pulvinar esse, fastigium, flaminem. mihi vero nihil istorum placet: sed tu, qui acta Caesaris defendis, quid potes dicere cur alia defendas, alia non cures? nisi forte vis fateri te omnia quaestu tuo, non illius dignitate metiri. quid ad haec tandem? exspecto enim eloquentiam. disertissimum cognovi avum tuum, at te etiam apertiorem in dicendo. ille numquam nudus est contionatus: tuum hominis simplicis pectus vidimus. respondebisne ad haec, aut omnino hiscere audebis? ecquid reperies ex tam longa oratione mea cui te respondere posse confidas?
172Study Questions:
- Parse vis.
- What kind of ablative are quaestu and dignitate?
- What is the verb in the sentence quid ad haec tandem?
- How does the genitive phrase hominis simplicis fit into the sentence?
- What is the antecedent of cui?
173Stylistic Appreciation:
174• Cicero here blasts Antony for his lack of eloquence. What ensures that he does so eloquently?
175Discussion Points:
176• Explore the role of ancestors in Roman culture—and political oratory. Who was Antony’s avus?
pulvinar,-aris, n. | a cushioned couch for the statue of a god |
fastigium, -i, n. | tip, apex; top, summit |
flamen, -inis, m. | a flamen (a priest specially appointed for a specific divinity) |
cur (adv.) | (interr.) for what reason/purpose, why |
curo, -are, -avi, -atum | to watch over, look after, care for, attend to |
forte (adv.) | by chance, perhaps |
fateor, -eri, fassus | to concede, admit, acknowledge, confess |
quaestus, -us, m. | gainful occupation, profit, income, gain |
metior, -iri, mensus (metitus) | to measure, mark off, estimate, gauge |
tandem (adverb) | after all; at last |
disertus, -a, -um | dexterous or skilled in speaking, eloquent |
cognosco, -oscere, -ovi, -itum | to get to know, find out; to find to be |
avus, -i, m. | grandfather; ancestor |
etiam (particle) | still, yet, even now; even, actually |
apertus, -a, -um | open; uncovered, unveiled, bare, naked |
numquam (adv.) | at no time, never; not in any circumstances |
nudus, -a, -um | naked |
contionor, -ari, -atus | to deliver a public speech, address a meeting |
simplex, -icis | simple, basic, plain, artless, simple-minded |
pectus, -oris, n. | breast, chest; soul, mind, personality |
omnino (adv.) | in every respect, absolutely, altogether; |
hisco, -ere | to open, gape, open the mouth to speak |
audeo, -dere, -sus | to have a mind, be prepared, intend |
ecquis, ecquid | is there anyone who? is there anything that? |
reperio, -ire, repperi, -tum | to find, discover, light upon; make up, devise |
§ 112: The Senate Under Armour
177Sed praeterita omittamus: hunc unum diem, unum, inquam, hodiernum diem, hoc punctum temporis, quo loquor, defende, si potes. cur armatorum corona senatus saeptus est, cur me tui satellites cum gladiis audiunt, cur valvae Concordiae non patent, cur homines omnium gentium maxime barbaros, Ituraeos, cum sagittis deducis in forum? praesidi sui causa se facere dicit. non igitur miliens perire est melius quam in sua civitate sine armatorum praesidio non posse vivere? sed nullum est istud, mihi crede, praesidium: caritate te et benevolentia civium saeptum oportet esse, non armis.
178Study Questions:
- Parse praeterita.
- Identify and explain the mood of omittamus.
- Parse inquam.
- Parse Concordiae. What does it refer to?
- Who are the Ituraeans?
- Explain the syntax of perire.
- What kind of ablatives are caritate and benevolentia?
179Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the design and the rhetorical force of the accusative objects of defende.
- Discuss the rhetorical power of the sequence of rhetorical questions introduced by cur (4x).
180Discussion Points:
181• Do you agree with Cicero that the best ‘bodyguard’ a statesman can have is the devotion and benevolence he inspires among his fellow-citizens?
praeteritus, -a, -um | past, bygone, former |
omitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to let go off, release; discontinue |
punctum, -i, n. | a small hole, prick, sting |
armatus, -i, m. | an armed man, soldier |
corona, -ae, f. | wreath, garland, crown |
saepio, -ire, -si, -tum | to surround with a hedge, fence round, |
satelles, -itis, m. | one of a bodyguard, henchman, attendant |
valvae, -arum, f. pl. | a double door, a folding door |
pateo, -ere, -ui | to be open; to be visible; to extend |
sagitta, -ae, f. | arrow |
praesidium, -(i)i, n. | means of security, defence, protection; |
miliens (adv.) | a thousand times |
pereo, -ire, -ii ( -ivi), -itum | to vanish, disappear; to perish, die |
caritas, -atis, f. | love, affection, esteem |
benevolentia, -ae, f. | goodwill, benevolence, friendliness |
§ 113: The Res Publica Has Watchers!
182Eripiet et extorquebit tibi ista populus Romanus, utinam salvis nobis! sed quoquo modo nobiscum egeris, dum istis consiliis uteris, non potes, mihi crede, esse diuturnus. etenim ista tua minime avara coniunx, quam ego sine contumelia describo, nimium diu debet populo Romano tertiam pensionem. habet populus Romanus ad quos gubernacula rei publicae deferat: qui ubicumque terrarum sunt, ibi omne est rei publicae praesidium vel potius ipsa res publica, quae se adhuc tantum modo ulta est, nondum reciperavit. habet quidem certe res publica adulescentis nobilissimos paratos defensores. quam volent illi cedant otio consulentes; tamen a re publica revocabuntur. et nomen pacis dulce est et ipsa res salutaris; sed inter pacem et servitutem plurimum interest. pax est tranquilla libertas, servitus postremum malorum omnium non modo bello sed morte etiam repellendum.
183Study Questions:
- Explain the construction utinam salvis nobis.
- Parse egeris.
- Why does Cicero call Antony’s wife Fulvia minime avara?
- Parse volent.
- Identify and explain the mood of cedant.
- What kind of genitive is pacis?
- What kind of genitive is malorum omnium?
- What kind of ablatives are bello and morte?
184Stylistic Appreciation:
- What makes the first two sentences (Eripiet… diuturnus) ‘a brilliant opening to a passage of high rhetoric’? (Lacey 1986: 240).
- With the phrase gubernacula rei publicae Cicero brings the well-known metaphor of the ‘ship of state’ into play (with gubernacula as metonym for the ship): what does the metaphor contribute to his rhetorical agenda?
185Discussion Points:
- Who are the political agents in this paragraph? Can you bring them into systematic correlation?
- Do you agree with Cicero that slavery is worse than death?
- What do you think freedom consists in?
eripio, -ipere, -ipui, -eptum | to seize, pull, tear from; snatch (away) |
extorqueo, -quere, -si, -tum | to remove with a twist, wrench away |
salvus, -a, -um | safe, secure, unharmed; intact, undamaged |
ago, agere, egi, actum + cum | (here) to transact business (with), treat |
consilium, -(i)i, n. | debate, discussion, deliberation, advice |
utor, -i, usus | to use, employ, engage in |
diuturnus, -a, -um | lasting for a long time, durable, lasting |
avarus, -a, -um | greedy, avaricious, rapacious; miserly, mean |
coniunx, -ugis, m. /f. | partner in marriage, spouse, husband/wife |
contumelia, -ae, f. | insulting language or behaviour; affront |
describo, -bere, -psi, -ptum | to represent, draw, describe |
pensio, -onis, f. | a payment (of money), instalment |
gubernaculum, -i, n. | steering-oar; the helm of the ship of state |
defero, -rre, detuli, delatum deferre ad | to carry, convey, bring; transfer |
ubicumque (adv.) | in whatever place, wherever; in any place whatever |
adhuc (adv.) | up to the present time, as yet, so far |
tantum modo | only, merely, only just |
ulciscor, -cisci, -tus | to inflict retribution / take revenge on |
nondum (adv.) | not yet |
recipero, -are, -avi, -atum | to recover, regain, get back; restore, revive |
adulescens, -ntis, m. /f. | a youthful person, young man or woman |
paratus, -a, -um [ppl. of paro] | ready to hand, available; prepared, ready |
cedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum | to withdraw, go away, retire, depart |
otium, -(i)i, n. | leisure, relaxation; idleness; |
consulo, -ere, -ui, -tum | to consult, take counsel about, decide upon |
revoco, -are, -avi, -atum | to call upon to return, summon back, recall |
salutaris, -is, -e | salutary, wholesome, promoting life/health |
servitus, -utis, f. | servitude, bondage, slavery |
intersum, -esse, -fui | to lie between, intervene |
postremus, -a, -um | last, final; most recent |
malum, -i, n. | trouble, distress, pain, hardship; |
repello, -ere, reppuli, repulsum | to push or thrust away, drive back, repel |
§ 114: Caesar’s Assassination: A Deed of Unprecedented Exemplarity
186Quod si se ipsos illi nostri liberatores e conspectu nostro abstulerunt, at exemplum facti reliquerunt. illi quod nemo fecerat fecerunt. Tarquinium Brutus bello est persecutus, qui tum rex fuit cum esse Romae licebat; Sp. Cassius, Sp. Maelius, M. Manlius propter suspicionem regni appetendi sunt necati: hi primum cum gladiis non in regnum appetentem, sed in regnantem impetum fecerunt. quod cum ipsum factum per se praeclarum est atque divinum, tum expositum ad imitandum est, praesertim cum illi eam gloriam consecuti sint quae vix caelo capi posse videatur. etsi enim satis in ipsa conscientia pulcherrimi facti fructus erat, tamen mortali immortalitatem non arbitror esse contemnendam.
187Study Questions:
- Who was Tarquinius?
- What case is Romae?
- Who were Sp. Cassius, Sp. Maelius, and M. Manlius?
- Explain the construction regni appetendi.
- In the phrase in regnum appetentem does the preposition in govern the noun regnum or the participle appetentem?
- What noun does the genitive phrase pulcherrimi facti depend on?
- What word does the partitive genitive fructus depend on?
188Stylistic Appreciation:
- How does Cicero differentiate the recent from the distant past?
- Consider Cicero’s use of the verb facere in this paragraph: exemplum facti — fecerat — fecerunt — (impetum) fecerunt — ipsum factum — (in ipsa conscientia) pulcherrimi facti. Why does he insist so much on ‘deed’ and ‘done’?
- Why is mortali immortalitatem ‘an effective use of adnominatio’ (Ramsey)?
189Discussion Points:
- In what ways is the murder of Caesar particularly glorious?
- What does immortality consist of for Cicero in this paragraph?
- How would you justify tyrannicide?
conspectus, -us, m. | sight, view; appearance, look |
aufero, -rre, abstuli, ablatum | to carry or fetch away, remove, take away |
persequor, -qui, -cutus | to follow persistently, pursue, press hard |
licet, -cere, -uit/ -itum est | it is permitted, one may |
propter (prep. + acc.) | because of, for the purpose of, on account of |
suspicio, -onis, f. | suspicion, mistrustful feeling; |
regnum, -i, n. | kingship, tyranny; kingdom |
appeto, -ere, -ivi/ -ii, -itum | to try to reach, stretch out for; desire, seek |
neco, -are, -avi, -atum | to put to death, kill |
impetus, -us, m. | onset, thrust, attack; violent impulse, urge |
cum… tum… | (here) not only, as well as |
praeclarus, -a, -um | radiant, brilliant, magnificent, glorious |
divinus, -a, -um | divine, godlike |
expono, -onere, -osui, -ositum exponere ad | to expose; to put on show, display to expose to |
§ 115: Looking for the Taste of (Genuine) Glory…
190Recordare igitur illum, M. Antoni, diem quo dictaturam sustulisti; pone ante oculos laetitiam senatus populique Romani, confer cum hac nundinatione tua tuorumque: tum intelleges, quantum inter lucrum et laudem intersit. sed nimirum, ut quidam morbo aliquo et sensus stupore suavitatem cibi non sentiunt, sic libidinosi, avari, facinerosi verae laudis gustatum non habent. sed si te laus adlicere ad recte faciendum non potest, ne metus quidem a foedissimis factis potest avocare? iudicia non metuis? si propter innocentiam, laudo; sin propter vim, non intellegis, qui isto modo iudicia non timeat, ei quid timendum sit?
191Study Questions:
- Parse recordare.
- Parse senatus.
- What noun governs the genitive tuorum?
- Parse intelleges.
- Why is intersit in the subjunctive?
- Parse quidam.
- What kind of dative is ei?
192Stylistic Appreciation:
- Analyze the rhetorical craftsmanship of sed nimirum… non habent.
- What is the effect of the asyndetic paratactic opening sequence (three imperatives — recordare, pone, confer — followed by tum intelleges)?
193Discussion Points:
- What does vera laus consist in for Cicero?
- What is a stronger motivation for ethical conduct: desire for praise or fear of punishment?
recordor, -ari, -atus | to call to mind, recollect |
laetitia, -ae, f. | joy, gladness, pleasure; delight |
confero, -rre, contuli, collatum | to bring, take, carry, convey |
nundinatio, -onis, f. | the action of trading or trafficking |
quantum (adv.) | how much; to what extent |
lucrum, -i, n. | material gain, profit |
laus, -dis, f. | praise, commendation; renown; |
nimirum (particle) | without doubt, evidently, presumably |
quidam, quaedam, quoddam | a particular, a certain |
morbus, -i, m. | disease, illness, sickness, infirmity |
sensus, -us, m. | capacity to perceive by the senses; sensation feeling |
stupor, -oris, m. | numbness, stupefaction, dullness |
suavitas, -atis, f. | pleasantness, charm |
cibus, -i, m. | food, nutriment |
libidinosus, -a, -um | arbitrary, capricious; lustful, licentious |
avarus, -a, -um | greedy, avaricious |
facinerosus, -a, -um | criminal, wicked |
gustatus, -us, m. | the act of tasting; the sense of taste |
adlicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum | to entice, attract, lure; to attract to, win over |
foedus, -a, -um | offensive, foul, loathsome; |
avoco, -are, -avi, -atum | to call/summon away, turn aside, avert |
innocentia, -ae, f. | freedom from guilt, innocence |
§ 116: Caesar You Are Not!
194Quod si non metuis viros fortis egregiosque civis, quod a corpore tuo prohibentur armis, tui te, mihi crede, diutius non ferent. quae est autem vita dies et noctes timere a suis? nisi vero aut maioribus habes beneficiis obligatos quam ille quosdam habuit ex eis a quibus est interfectus, aut tu es ulla re cum eo comparandus. fuit in illo ingenium, ratio, memoria, litterae, cura, cogitatio, diligentia; res bello gesserat, quamvis rei publicae calamitosas, at tamen magnas. multos annos regnare meditatus, magno labore, magnis periculis quod cogitarat effecerat; muneribus, monumentis, congiariis, epulis multitudinem imperitam delenierat; suos praemiis, adversarios clementiae specie devinxerat. quid multa? attulerat iam liberae civitati partim metu, partim patientia consuetudinem serviendi.
195Study Questions:
- Parse ferent.
- Identify and explain the case of dies et noctes.
- What kind of ablative is ulla re?
- What kind of accusative is multos annos?
- Parse cogitarat.
196Stylistic Appreciation:
- What is the rhetorical effect of Cicero’s penchant for asyndetic enumerations in this paragraph? (See esp. ingenium, ratio, memoria, litterae, cura, cogitatio, diligentia and muneribus, monumentis, congiariis, epulis, but also magno labore, magnis periculis and suos praemiis, adversarios clementiae specie.)
- What are your thoughts on Cicero’s repeated use of the attribute magnus? (res… at tamen magnas, magno labore, magnis periculis)?
- After concluding two sentences with the verb (effecerat; delenierat), why does Cicero depart from standard word order in the last sentence and lead with the verb (attulerat)?
197Discussion Points:
- Does Cicero get his assessment of Caesar right?
- What accounts for the rise of autocratic demagogues? Are they born or made?
metuo, -ere, -i, metutum | to regard with fear, be afraid of, to fear |
egregius, -ia, -ium | outstanding, excellent, pre-eminent |
prohibeo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to keep off, hold at bay; prevent, preclude |
timeo, -ere, -ui | (intr.) to experience fear, be afraid |
beneficium, -(i)i, n. | service, kindness; favour |
obligo, -are, -avi, -atum | to tie up, secure, place under obligation |
interficio, -ficere, -feci, -fectum | to do away with, put to death, kill; destroy |
ingenium, -(i)i, n. | natural disposition, temperament; |
ratio, -onis, f. | the act of reckoning, calculation; reason |
littera, -ae, f. | letter (of the alphabet) |
litterae (pl.) | letter, missive, dispatch |
cura, -ae, f. | anxiety, worry, care; serious attention, zeal |
cogitatio, -onis, f. | reflection, thought |
diligentia, -ae, f. | carefulness, attentiveness, assiduity |
quamvis (adverb) | to any degree you like; no matter how |
calamitosus, -a, -um | wretched, unfortunate, ill-starred |
meditor, -ari, -atus | to think about constantly, contemplate |
munus, -eris, n. | function, task; duty; gift, tribute, token |
monumentum, -i, n. | statue, trophy, building; monument |
congiarium, -(i)i, n. | a quantity (of wine, oil, money) distributed as a gift |
epulum, -i, n. | a public feast, banquet |
imperitus, -a, -um | lacking experience, ignorant, untutored |
delenio, -ire, -ii, -itum | to soothe down, mollify, cajole; bewitch |
clementia, -ae, f. | clemency, leniency |
species, -ei, f. | spectacle, sight; appearance, look, display |
devincio, -cire, -xi, -ctum | to tie fast, bind; subjugate; oblige |
affero, -rre, attuli, allatum | to bring with one, deliver, fetch; add, confer |
partim… partim… (adv.) | partly… partly… |
patientia, -ae, f. | endurance, hardiness; forbearance, tolerance |
consuetudo, -inis, f. | usage, custom, habit, convention |
servio, -ire, -ivi / ii, -itum | to serve, wait on, be the servant of |
§ 117: Once Burnt Lesson Learnt!
198Cum illo ego te dominandi cupiditate conferre possum, ceteris vero rebus nullo modo comparandus es. sed ex plurimis malis quae ab illo rei publicae sunt inusta hoc tamen boni est quod didicit iam populus Romanus quantum cuique crederet, quibus se committeret, a quibus caveret. haec non cogitas, neque intellegis satis esse viris fortibus didicisse quam sit re pulchrum, beneficio gratum, fama gloriosum tyrannum occidere? an, cum illum homines non tulerint, te ferent?
199Study Questions:
- What kind of ablatives are cupiditate and ceteris… rebus?
- What are the subject and the verb of the sentence starting sed ex plurimis malis…?
- What kind of ablative is ab illo?
- Parse inusta.
- What does the genitive boni depend on?
- Explain the syntax of satis.
- What kind of ablatives are re, beneficio, and fama?
- Parse ferent.
200Stylistic Appreciation:
201• What do the stylistic devices on display here, such as alliteration or asyndetic tricola, contribute to the tone of the passage?
202Discussion Points:
- Do you share Cicero’s view of tyrannicide?
- ‘We don’ t get fooled again’. This passage is often thought to be the nub of the whole speech. Does it read that way?
dominor, -ari, -atus | to exercise sovereignty, act as a despot, rule |
inuro, -rere, -ssi, -stum | to burn, scorch; to make / imprint by burning |
disco, -ere, didici | to acquire knowledge of, learn, get to know |
credo, -ere, -idi, -itum | to commit, entrust; trust, rely on |
committo, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to bring together, join, connect; entrust to |
caveo, -ere, cavi, -tum | to take precautions, be aware, take care |
pulcher, -chra, -chrum | pleasing, beautiful; excellent, fine |
beneficium, -(i)i, n. | service, kindness; favour |
gratus, -a, -um | grateful, thankful; welcome, popular |
gloriosus, -a, -um | boastful, vainglorious; glorious, illustrious |
occîdo, -dere, -di, -sum | to cause the death of, kill, slaughter |
§ 118: Here I Stand. I Can Do Naught Else
203Certatim posthac, mihi crede, ad hoc opus curretur neque occasionis tarditas exspectabitur. respice, quaeso, aliquando rem publicam, M. Antoni; quibus ortus sis, non quibuscum vivas, considera. mecum, ut voles: redi cum re publica in gratiam. sed de te tu videris; ego de me ipse profitebor. defendi rem publicam adulescens, non deseram senex: contempsi Catilinae gladios, non pertimescam tuos. quin etiam corpus libenter obtulerim, si repraesentari morte mea libertas civitatis potest, ut aliquando dolor populi Romani pariat quod iam diu parturit!
204Study Questions:
- What tense is curretur?
- Why are ortus sis and vivas in the subjunctive?
- Parse considera.
- How are we to construe mecum?
- Parse voles.
- Parse redi.
- Parse videris.
- Parse defendi.
- Parse obtulerim and explain the mood.
205Stylistic Appreciation:
- What is the rhetorical effect of the impersonal passive curretur?
- How does Cicero pile pressure on Antony?
206Discussion Points:
- What do you think of Cicero’s self-promotion, i.e. that he has led a life devoted to selfless service to the state?
- Would you sacrifice your life for the welfare of the state?
- What do you make of Cicero’s birth imagery?
certatim (adv.) | with rivalry, in competition, emulously |
posthac (adv.) | from this time, from now on, hereafter |
occasio, -onis, f. | convenient or favourable circumstances; |
tarditas, -atis, f. | slowness, delay |
exspecto, -are, -avi, -atum | to wait for, await, expect |
respicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum | to look round, look back; |
quaeso, -ere | to ask for, pray for, request |
aliquando (adv.) | at some time or other; sometimes |
orior, -iri, -tus | to rise, emerge, arise; |
gratia, -ae, f. in gratiam redire | favour, goodwill, kindness, friendship |
profiteor, -iteri, -essus | to state openly, declare, avow |
defendo, -dere, -di, -sum | to ward off, fend off; defend, protect |
desero, -ere, -ui, -tum | to forsake, leave, abandon; part company |
contemno, -nere, -psi, -ptum | to regard with contempt, despise |
pertimesco, -escere, -ui | to become very scared of |
quin etiam (adv.) | yes, and…; and furthermore |
libenter (adv.) | with pleasure, willingly, gladly |
offero, -rre, obtuli, oblatum | to put in the path of, expose to; |
repraesento, -are, -avi, -atum | to give immediate effect to; to present to view, manifest to bring back into the present, revive |
pario, -ere, peperi, partum | to give birth to, bear, produce, bring forth |
parturio, -ire, -ivi | to be on the point of giving birth; be in labour |
§ 119: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
207Etenim si abhinc annos prope viginti hoc ipso in templo negavi posse mortem immaturam esse consulari, quanto verius nunc negabo seni! mihi vero, patres conscripti, iam etiam optanda mors est, perfuncto rebus eis quas adeptus sum quasque gessi. duo modo haec opto, unum ut moriens populum Romanum liberum relinquam—hoc mihi maius ab dis immortalibus dari nihil potest—alterum ut ita cuique eveniat ut de re publica quisque mereatur.
208Study Questions:
- What kind of accusative is annos… viginti?
- Parse consulari and seni and explain how they fit into the syntax of the sentence.
- What kind of ablative is quanto?
- What kind of dative is mihi?
- Parse perfuncto and explain how it fits into the sentence.
- Identify and explain the case of hoc (mihi maius).
209Stylistic Appreciation:
- Discuss the effect of the numerous reiterations of the same word (negavi/negabo; mortem immaturam/mors; optanda… est/opto; cuique/quisque) in the final paragraph.
- Explore Cicero’s pregnant use of the letter ‘m’in this paragraph (mortem immaturam; mihi [… optanda] mors [est]; moriens; mihi maius [ab dis] immortalibus). How does sound reinforce sense?
210Discussion Points:
- Did Cicero reap what he sowed?
- Should Antony have got the message?
abhinc (adv.) | back from the present, ago |
prope (adv.) | near, nearby; close; almost |
viginti (indeclinable) | twenty |
nego,-are,-avi,-atum | to say (that… not); deny |
immaturus,-a,-um | unripe, immature; premature, untimely |
consularis,-is,-e | of or proper to a consul |
vere (adv.) | really, truly; correctly, truthfully |
senex,-is, m. | an old man |
opto,-are,-avi,-atum | to desire, pray for |
perfungor,-gi,-ctus | to carry through/discharge one’s part (in perfect + abl.) to have finished one’s part, be done (with) |
adipiscor,-ipisci,-eptus | to overtake, catch up with, arrive at, attain |
gero,-rere,-ssi,-stum | to bear, carry; perform; conduct |
modo (adv.) | not more than, only, just |
evenio,-enire,-eni,-entum | to come out, emerge |
mereo,-ere,-ui,-itum mereri bene/male (de) (deponent) mereri (de) | to earn, procure, gain; deserve to deserve |
quisque, quaeque, quidque | each |
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Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53-86
Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation
Ingo Gildenhard
Tacitus, Annals, 15.20-23, 33-45
Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, and Commentary
Mathew Owen et Ingo Gildenhard (dir.)
Virgil, Aeneid, 4.1–299
Latin text, study questions, commentary and interpretive essays
Virgil Ingo Gildenhard (éd.)
Cicero, On Pompey's Command (De Imperio), 27-49
Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, Commentary, and Translation
Cicero, Ingo Gildenhard et Louise Hodgson
Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3.511-733
Latin Text with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary of Terms, Vocabulary Aid and Study Questions
Ingo Gildenhard et Andrew Zissos
Cicero, Philippic 2, 44–50, 78–92, 100–119
Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, and Commentary
Ingo Gildenhard