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ANZUS and the Early Cold War

Strategy and Diplomacy between Australia, New Zealand and the United States, 1945-1956

The ANZUS Alliance was a defence arrangement between Australia, New Zealand and the United States that shaped international policy in the aftermath of the Second World War and the early stages of the Cold War Forged by influential individuals and impacting on global events including the Japanese Peace Treaty, the Korean War and the Suez Crisis, the ANZUS Alliance was a crucial factor in the seismic changes that took place in the second half of the twentieth century.

In this compact and...

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  • Editor : Open Book Publishers
  • Colección : OBP collection
  • Lugar de edición : Cambridge
  • Año de edición : 2018
  • Publicación en OpenEdition Books : 21 mars 2019
  • EAN (publicación papel) : 978-1-78374-494-7
  • EAN electrónico : 979-10-365-2504-9
  • Número de páginas : xii + 206 p.


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