URL originale : https://books.openedition.org/obp/6452

4.3 Perennial (non-timber) crops
p. 262
Texte intégral

Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence)
● Maintain traditional orchards
1A replicated, controlled site comparison from Germany found more plant species in mown orchards than grazed or abandoned ones, but found no effects on wasps or bees. Two replicated site comparisons from Germany and Switzerland found traditional orchards managed under agri-environment schemes either did not have more plant species than controls="true" or offered no clear benefits to birds. Assessment: unknown effectiveness — limited evidence (effectiveness 10%; certainty 15%).
No evidence found (no assessment)
3We have captured no evidence for the following interventions:
- Manage short-rotation coppice to benefit wildlife (includes 8 m rides)
- Restore or create traditional orchards

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What Works in Conservation 2018
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