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What Works in Conservation 2018

William J. Sutherland
Lynn V. Dicks
Nancy Ockendon
et al.

4. Farmland conservation

4. Farmland Conservation

Lynn V. Dicks, Joscelyne E. Ashpole, Juliana Dänhardt, Katy James, Annelie Jönsson, Nicola Randall, David A. Showler, Rebecca K. Smith, Susan Turpie, David R. Williams et William J. Sutherland

Texte intégral

Expert assessors

Lynn V. Dicks, University of Cambridge, UK

Ian Hodge, University of Cambridge, UK

Clunie Keenleyside, Institute for European Environmental Policy, UK

Will Peach, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK

Nicola Randall, Harper Adams University, UK

Jörn Scharlemann, United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, UK

Gavin Siriwardena, British Trust for Ornithology, UK

Henrik Smith, Lund University, Sweden

Rebecca K. Smith, University of Cambridge, UK

William J. Sutherland, University of Cambridge, UK

Scope of assessment: for native farmland wildlife in northern and western Europe (European countries west of Russia, but not south of France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and Romania).

Assessed: 2014

Effectiveness measure is the % of experts that answered yes to the question: based on the evidence presented does this intervention benefit wildlife? (Yes, no or don’t know).

Certainty measure is the median % score for the question: how much do we understand the extent to which this intervention benefits wildlife on farmland? (0 = no evidence, 100% = certainty).

Harm measure was not scored for this synopsis.



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