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What Works in Conservation 2018

William J. Sutherland
Lynn V. Dicks
Nancy Ockendon
et al.

2. Bat conservation

2.9 Threat: Invasive species

Texte intégral

2.9.1 Invasive species

Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence)

● Remove invasive plant species

1One site comparison study in North America found higher bat activity in forest preserves where invasive plant species had been removed alongside other restoration practices. Assessment: unknown effectiveness (effectiveness 20%; certainty 10%; harms 0%).


Likely to be ineffective or harmful

● Translocate to predator or disease free areas

3Two small unreplicated studies in New Zealand and Switzerland found low numbers of bats remaining at release sites after translocation, and observed homing tendencies, disease and death. Assessment: Likely to be ineffective or harmful (effectiveness 5%; certainty 40%; harms 80%).


No evidence found (no assessment)

5We have captured no evidence for the following interventions:

6• Control invasive predators

2.9.2 White-nose syndrome

No evidence found (no assessment)

7We have captured no evidence for the following interventions:

  • Control anthropogenic spread
  • Cull infected bats
  • Increase population resistance
  • Modify cave environments to increase bat survival

Table des illustrations

Fichier image/jpeg, 153k
Fichier image/jpeg, 92k


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