Précédent Suivant

Primary Texts

p. 423-440

Texte intégral

1References are given only to the editions mentioned in this book, with minor exceptions. For many of the texts and authors dealt with a complete list would be impossible within the scope of this book. Short titles are used where practical. Place of publication is London unless otherwise stated.

1. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

2’M-h-sche Geschichten’ and ’Noch zwei M-Lügen’, in Vade mecum für lustige Leute, nos. VIII and X (1781 and 1783).

3Baron Munchausen’s Narrative of his Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia. Oxford, 1786 [actually 1785].

4Gulliver Revived. The third edition. G. Kearsley, 1786.

5[G. A. Bürger], Wunderbare Reisen zu Wasser und Lande ... des Freyherrn von Münchhausen. Göttingen: J.C. Dieterich, 1786.

6The Surprising Travels... . A Sequel to the Adventures of Baron Munchausen humbly dedicated to Mr Bruce the Abyssinian Traveller. H.D. Symonds & J. Owen, 1792.

7The Surprising Adventures of the Renowned Baron Munchausen. Abridged. Illustrated with 3 engravings. Glasgow: Chapman & Lang, 1802.

8The Surprising Adventures. Edinburgh: W. & J. Deas, 1809.

9Surprising Adventures of the Renowned Baron Munchausen, containing Singular Travels, Campaigns, Voyages and Adventures. Engravings by Rowlandson. Thomas Tegg, 1809 (another edition 1811).

10The Surprising Adventures. Dean &Munday, 1810.

11— Gainsborough: H. Mozley, 1814.

12— Derby: H. Mozley, 1821.

13The Life and Exploits of Baron Munchausen. Who outdid all other Travellers. Related by Himself. Glasgow: Richard Griffin & Co., 1827.

14The Surprising Adventures. Newcastle upon Tyne: W.T. Fordyce, n.d.

15York: C. Croshaw, n.d.

16The Surprising Travels. Derby: Thomas Richardson, n.d.

17William Cole, n.d.

18Baron Munchausen. Webb, Millington & Co., [c. 1860].

19The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Illustrated by William Strang and J.B. Clark, with an introduction by Thomas Seccombe. Lawrence & Bullen, 1895.

20Tales from the Travels of Baron Munchausen. Books for the Bairns, no. 23 (January 1898).

21John Kendrick Bangs, Mr. Munchausen. Grant Richards, 1901.

22The Surprising Travels and Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson. Grant Richards, 1902.

2. A World of Discovery: Joachim Heinrich Campe

23J.H. Campe, Robinson the Younger. Hamburg: C.E. Bohn, 1781-82.

24The New Robinson Crusoe. John Stockdale, 1788.

25The New Robinson Crusoe. E. Newbery, 1790; 1797.

26Elementary Dialogues, for the Improvement of Youth. Hookham & Carpenter, 1792.

27Robinson the Younger. Trans. from the German. Francfort on the Main: F. Wilmans,. 1799, 1807, 1824.

28Robinson the Younger, or the New Crusoe. Trans. by R. Hick. G. Routledge & Co., 1855, 1866.

29The Discovery of America. J. Johnson, 1799.

30Columbus. Sampson Low, 1799.

31Cortes; or, the Discovery of Mexico. J. Johnson, 1800.

32Pizarro; or, the Conquest of Peru. J. Johnson, 1800.

33Pizarro. Trans. Elizabeth Helme. Dublin: P. Wogan, 1800. C. Cradock & W. Joy, 1811; Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1819.

34Polar Scenes. J. Harris, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1825, 1829.

3. Elements of Morality: Salzmann and Wollstonecraft

35C. G. Salzmann, Moralisches Elementarbuch. Leipzig: Siegfried Lebrecht Crusius, 1783; new improved edition 1785.

36Elements of Morality. Trans. Mary Wollstonecraft. J. Johnson, 1790, 1791, 1793, 1799, 1800; Dublin: William Porter, 1798; Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1821. The first edition by Johnson was illustrated by William Blake after Daniel Chodowiecki.

4. Musäus and the Beginnings of the Fairytale

37J.K.A. Musäus, Volksmährchen der Deutschen. Gotha: C.W. Ettlinger, 1782-86.

38Anon., Popular Tales of the Germans. John Murray, 1791.

39Thomas Roscoe (ed.), The German Novelists, vol. 3. Henry Colburn, 1826; reprinted c. 1880. (The Dumb Lover).

40The Odd Volume, pts 1 and 2, 1826 (The Elopement, The Legends of Number Nip).

41Thomas Carlyle, German Romance, vol. 1. Chapman & Hall, 1827; reprinted 1858, 1897. (Dumb Love, Libussa, Melechsala).

42John Oxenford and C.A. Feiling, Tales from the German. Chapman & Hall, 1844. (Libussa).

43Select Popular Tales from the German of Musaeus. [Trans. J.T. Hanstein]. James Burns, 1845.

44Popular Works of Musaeus. Trans. J.T. Hanstein. J. Neal & Co., 1865.

45Legends of Number Nip and Other Tales. Joseph Cundall, 1845.

46’Legends of Number Nip’, in Leitch Ritchie, Schinderhannes: the Robber of the Rhine. Simms & M’Intyre, 1848.

47Zytogorski, The Nymph of the Well and The Barber’s Ghost. G. E. Nias, 1848.

48Melechsala. Trans. W.S.M.E. Ramsgate: Thistleton, 1848.

49The Stolen Veil; or, the Tale à la Montgolfier. Trans. W.S.M.E. Ramsgate: Thistleton, 1850.

50Tales of Fairy Land; or Legends of the Olden Time. The Booksellers, 1852. (The Spectre Barber).

51Mark Lemon, Legends of Number Nip. Macmillan & Co., 1864, 1872.

52George G. Cunningham, Tales and Traditions, chiefly selected from the Literature of Germany. Edinburgh, London and Dublin: A. Fullerton & Co., 1854.

53Francis Paul Palmer, Old Tales for the Young. George Routledge & Co., 1857.

54Mary C. Rowsell, Number Nip; or the Spirit of the Giant Mountains. Swan Sonnenschein, 1884.

55Andrew Lang, The Brown Fairy Book. Longmans, Green & Co., 1904.

56The Enchanted Knights; or, the Chronicle of the Three Sisters. Trans. A. Sagorski. H. Cunningham, 1845.

57M.G. Kennedy, The Arm! – the Sword! – and the Hour! Or, the Legend of the Enchanted Knights. Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1850.

58The Three Sons-in-law. Trans. A.F. Frere, 1861.

59Mark Lemon, Fairy Tales. Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 1868.

60Alfred H. Miles, Fifty-two Fairy Tales. Hutchinson & Co., 1892.

5. Discovering Germany

61Lenglet du Fresnoy, Geography for Children, 16th edition. J. Johnson and E. Newbery, 1791. First publ. 1737.

62A Lady, Geography and History, 5th edition. C. Law, J. Scatcherd, Longman & Rees & Darton & Harvey, 1803. 19th edition, 1843. First publ. 1790.

63Sir Richard Phillips (pseud. J. Goldsmith), A Grammar of General Geography. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, n.d. First publ. 1803.

64Abbé Gaultier, A Complete Course of Geography. E. Newbery, 1795.

65Barbara Hofland, The Panorama of Europe. A.K. Newman & Co., n.d. Firxt publ. 1813.

66Isaac Taylor, Scenes in Europe. John Harris, 1818.

67Priscilla Wakefield, The Juvenile Travellers. Harvey & Darton, 1824. First publ. 1801.

68Abbé Gaultier, Familiar Geography. John Harris, 1826.

69A Peep at Various Nations of the World. Dean & Munday; A. K. Newman, c. 1825-30.

70Samuel Griswold Goodrich, Peter Parley’s Tales about Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia. 3rd ed. Darton & Clark, c. 1839-40.

71Anon., Travels with Minna and Godfrey in Many Lands. Smith, Elder & Co., 1839.

72John Guy, Geography for Children, 75th edition. T.J. Allman, 1869. First publ. 1840.

73Sir Francis Bond Head, Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. Frankfort o.M.: C. Jugel, 1845.

74John Olding Butler, A New Introduction to Geography. 18th edition. William Walker, 1860.

75Murray’s Handbook for Travellers on the Continent. 13th ed. John Murray, 1860.

76M. Betham Edwards, Scenes and Stories of the Rhine. Griffith & Farran, 1863.

77George Gill, Descriptive and Pictorial Europe. 1881

78James Cornwell, A School Geography. 70th edition. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1882. First publ. 1847.

6. The Swiss Family Robinson

79Johann David Wyss, Der Schweizerische Robinson. Herausgegeben von Johann Rudolf Wyss. Zürich: Orell, Füssli, 1812-13, 1826-27.

80Le Robinson suisse. Traduit de l’allemand de M. Wiss par Isabelle de Montolieu. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1814.

81[Johann David Wyss], The Family Robinson Crusoe. Trans. from the German of M.Wiss. M.J. Godwin & Co., 1814.

82[Johann David Wyss], The Swiss Family Robinson. Fourth edition. M.J. Godwin & Co., 1820. The new title came with the second edition, 1818.

83Johann Rudolf Wyss, Schweizerischer Robinson oder der schiffbrüchige Schweizerprediger und seine Familie. [Herausgegeben von Heinrich Kurz]. Zürich: Orell, Füssli und Comp., [1841/42].

84Frederick Marryat, Masterman Ready. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1841-45.

85The Swiss Family Robinson, second series. Sampson Low, etc., 1849.

86The Swiss Family Robinson, new edition, combining the first and second series. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1852.

87Adrien Paul, Willis the Pilot. C.H. Clarke, 1857. First publ. in Paris under the title Le Pilote Willis, 1855.

88The Swiss Family Robinson. Halifax: Milner & Sowerby, 1859. ’Cottage Library’.

89The Swiss Family Robinson. Halifax: Milner & Sowerby, 1862.

90Mary Godolphin, The Swiss Family Robinson in Words of one Syllable. George Routledge & Sons, 1869.

91The Swiss Family Robinson. Trans. W.H.D. Adams. Nelson & Sons, 1870. From the French of Mme Elise Voïart, first publ. Paris: Lavigne, 1841.

92Pierre-Jules Stahl, Le Nouveau Robinson suisse. Paris, 1864.

93The Swiss Family Robinson. Ed. and trans. John Lovell. Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [1869]. From the French of P.-J. Stahl.

94J. Bonnet, Der schweizerische Robinson. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1870.

95The Swiss Family Robinson. James Nisbet, 1877. Anonymously trans. from the German of J. Bonnett.

96The Swiss Family Robinson. New and unabridged trans. by Mrs H.B. Paull. Frederick Warne & Co., n.d.

97The Swiss Family Robinson. Trans. H. Frith. Ward, Lock, 1878.

98The Swiss Family Robinson. A new trans. from the original German edited by William H.G. Kingston. George Routledge & Sons, 1879.

99Johann Rudolf Wyss, The Swiss Family Robinson. New translation edited by Alfonzo Gardiner. Manchester: John Heywood, 1887.

100The Swiss Family Robinson. Edited by Julia S.E. Rae. Trischler & Co, 1891.

101The Swiss Family Robinson. Edited by G.E. Mitton. A. & C. Black, 1907.

102The Swiss Family Robinson. J.M. Dent & Sons, 1910. ’Everyman’s Library’.

7. Moral, Didactic and Religious Tales

103Maria Joseph Crabb, Tales for Children in a Popular Style. Darton & Harvey, 1805.

104[Gottlob Eusebius Fischer], Gustavus; or, the Macaw. Darton, Harvey & Darton, 1814.

105Friedrich Adolf Krummacher, Parables. Trans. F. Shoberl. R. Ackermann, 1824.

106Parables. Trans. Miss F. Johnston. London and Brighton, 1839.

107Parables for Little People. Books for the Bairns, no. 121 (March 1906).

108The Little Dove. Trans. Ann Steinkopff. Harvey & Darton, 1828.

109The Little Dove. New edition. Dean & Son, c. 1854; Charles Gilpin.

110Alfred and the Little Dove. Edinburgh: Johnstone Hunter & Co., n.d.

111Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher, The Infant Saviour; the Ransomed of the Lord; and the Flying Roll. B. Wertheim, 1837.

112[Franz Sales Meyer], Little Swiss Seppeli. Harvey & Darton, 1829.

113Friedrich Wilhelm Carové, The Story Without an End. Trans. Sarah Austin. Effingham Wilson, 1834; repr.1840, 1864.

114The Story Without an End. Illustrated by E.V. Boyle. Sampson Low & Co., 1868; repr. 1874.

115The Story Without an End. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1899.

116The Story Without an End. Illustrated by Frank C. Papé. Duckworth & Co., 1912.

117Christoph von Schmid, Little Henry. Trans. from the French of M. Lambert. John Harris & Son, 1823.

118The Stolen Child, or how Henry of Eichenfels came to the Knowledge of God. Trans. J. Bachman and J.Miller. Harrisburg, Pa.: John Winebrenner, second edition, 1836.

119How Little Henry came to the Knowledge of God. New edition. Thomas Allman, 1853.

120The Easter Eggs. 1829.

121Godfrey, the Little Hermit. Milner & Co, 1853.

122Louis, the Little Emigrant. Baltimore, 1841.

123Christmas Eve. 1843.

124Genevieve. New York: Catholic Publication Society, c. 1872.

125The Basket of Flowers. Trans. G.T. Bedell. Philadelphia, 1833.

126The Flower-Basket. Trans. William E. Drugulin. Stuttgart: J.B. Müller; London: W.S. Orr, 1848.

127The Basket of Flowers. Trans. J.H. St A. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1857.

128The Basket of Flowers. Anonymous trans. Frederick Warne & Co., 1866.

129The Basket of Flowers. Anonymous trans. Blackie, c. 1900.

130C.G. Barth, Setma, the Turkish Girl; and Woodrof, the Swedish Boy. Darton & Harvey, 1838.

131Setma. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1853.

132The Swedish Shepherd Boy. Religious Tract Society, 1850s.

133The Juvenile Artist. Trans. Samuel Jackson. Darton & Clark, 1838.

134Gregory Krau; or the Window Shutter. Trans. R. Menzies. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1850.

135Winter Evening Stories. Darton & Clark, c. 1844.

136Cuff, the Negro Boy. Trans. R. Menzies. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1848.

137The Young Tyrolese. Trans. Samuel Jackson. Darton & Clark, [1838].

138Christmas Morning; or, the Little Ink Cask. Trans. R. Menzies. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1851.

139The Raven’s Feather. Religious Tract Society, c. 1855; repr. 1878.

8. Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué: Undine and Sintram

140Undine. Trans. George Soane. London, 1821.

141The Seasons. [Trans. Thomas Tracy]. James Burns, 1843.

142Undine. Anonymous trans. James Burns, 1845; repr. Edward Lumley, 1850s and 1860s.

143Undine. Illus. Julius Höppner. Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, 1885.

144Undine. Illus. Heywood Sumner. Chapman & Hall, 1888.

145Sintram and his Companions and Undine. Introduction by Charlotte M. Yonge. Illus. Gordon Browne. W. Gardner, Darton & Co., 1896.

146Undine. Trans. Sir Edmund Gosse. Illus. W.E.F. Britten. Lawrence & Bullen, 1896.

147― Illus. Florence M. Rudland. Lawrence & Bullen, 1897.

148Undine. Illus. Rosie M.M. Pitman. Macmillan, 1897.

149Undine. Adapted by W.A. Courtney. Illus. Arthur Rackham. Heinemann, 1909.

150Undine. Edited by Mary Macgregor. Illus. Katharine Cameron. T.C. & E.C. Jack, [1907].

151The Story of Undine. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1908.

152The Story of Undine. Edited by Mary Macleod. Wells Gardner & Co., 1912.

153The Story of Undine. The Sprite Maiden. Books for the Bairns, no. 163 (September 1909).

154Undine. Edited by Gladys Davidson. 1908.

155Sintram. Trans. Julius C. Hare. 1820.

156– Trans. Julius C. Hare. Illus. Heywood Sumner. Seeley & Co., 1883.

157Sintram. James Burns, 1842.

158– Illus. H.C. Selous. James Burns, 1843; repr. Edward Lumley, n.d.

159Sintram and Aslauga’s Knight. Illus. Charles Robinson. J.M. Dent & Co., 1900.

160Sintram. Trans. A.M. Richards. Illus. Anna Richards. Fremantle & Co., 1900.

161Sintram. Trans. A.C. Farquharson. Illus. Edward J. Sullivan. Methuen, 1908.

9. Adelbert von Chamisso’s Peter Schlemihl

162Peter Schlemihl. [Trans. Sir John Bowring] from the German of Lamotte Fouqué. With plates by George Cruikshank. G. and W.B. Whittaker, 1824.

163The Shadowless Man; or, the Wonderful History of Peter Schlemihl. Anonymous trans. James Burns, 1843; repr. 1845. Reissued. by Edward Lumley, c. 1860.

164Peter Schlemihl. Bilingual edition. Trans. William Howitt. Longman & Co.

165Peter Schlemihl. Adapted, in Tales of Fairy Land; or, Legends of the Olden Time. The Booksellers, 1852.

166The Shadowless Man; or, the Wonderful History of Peter Schlemihl. G. Routledge & Sons, [1877].

167Peter Schlemihl, Carové, The Story Without an End, and Novalis, Hymns to Night. Cassell, 1889.

168Peter Schlemihl. Illus. Sir Philip Burne-Jones. George Allen, 1899.

169The Shadowless Man, Peter Schlemihl. Trans. Sir John Bowring. Illus. Gordon Browne. Chatto & Windus, 1910.

170Adelbert von Chamisso, The Marvellous History of the Shadowless Man, and Wilhelm Hauff, The Cold Heart. Illus. Forster Robson. Holden & Hardingham, [1913].

10. The Fairytales of the Brothers Grimm

171[Edgar Taylor], German Popular Stories, translated from the Kinder und Haus Märchen collected by M.M. Grimm, from oral tradition. C. Baldwyn, 1823 (vol. 1); James Robins & Co.; Dublin: Joseph Robins Junr. & Co., 1826 (vol. 2).

172Madame Leinstein, Unlucky John and his Lump of Silver. Dean & Munday, c. 1825.

173A Lady, Wishing; or, the Fisherman and his Wife; a Juvenile Poem. Dean & Munday, c. 1825.

174George G. Cunningham, Foreign Tales and Traditions, Chiefly Selected from the Fugitive Literature of Germany. Glasgow: Blackie, Fullarton & Co., 1828.

175W.J. Thoms, Lays and Legends of Germany. George Cowie, 1834.

176[Edgar Taylor], Gammer Grethel. John Green, 1839. Repr. 1849, 1888, 1897.

177G[eorge] N[icol], The Wolf and the Seven Kids. W. Wright, 1839; 1841.

178Household Tales and Traditions of England, Germany, France, Scotland, &c. 2 vols. James Burns, 1843-45.

179John Edward Taylor, The Fairy Ring: a New Collection of Popular Tales, Translated from the German of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. John Murray, 1846. Enlarged 1847; repr. 1857.

180The Charmed Roe; or, the Little Brother and Little Sister. Illus. by Otto Speckter. John Murray, 1847.

181Papa’s Present of Household Stories, from the German. Darton & Co., 1851.

182Madame de Chatelain, Fairy Folk and Wonderful Men. Addey & Co., 1852.

183Household Stories, collected by the Brothers Grimm. 2 vols. Addey & Co., 1853. Republ. by David Bogue, 1857; George Routledge & Co., 1862.

184Madame de Chatelain, Tales of the Fairy Folk. Darton & Co., c. 1855.

185Matilda Davis, Home Stories. G. Routledge & Co., 1855.

186Grimms’ Goblins. George Vickers, [1861].

187Household Tales and Popular Stories. Ward & Lock, 1862.

188Mrs H.B. Paull, Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Frederick Warne & Co., 1862.

189The Frog Prince. Illus. by Walter Crane. George Routledge & Sons, [1874].

190Lucy Crane, Household Stories from the collection of the Bros: Grimm. Illus. by Walter Crane. Macmillan & Co., 1882.

191Rumpel-stilts-kin. Illus. by George R. Halkett. Thomas de la Rue, 1882.

192Margaret Hunt, Grimm’s Household Tales. 2 vols. George Bell & Sons, 1884.

193Clever Hans. Illus. by J. Lawson. Thomas de la Rue, c. 1884.

194Mrs H.B. Paull and L.A. Wheatley, Grimms’ Fairy Tales and Household Stories. Frederick Warne & Co., 1893.

195Fairy Tales from Grimm. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1894.

196Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Illus. by Ada Dennis. Ernest Nister, 1898.

197Beatrice Marshall, Grimm’s Fairy Tales for Children and the Household. Ward, Lock & Co., 1900.

198Edric Vredenburg (ed.), Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Raphael Tuck & Sons, 1900.

199Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm. J.M. Dent, 1906. ’Everyman’s Library’.

200Amy Steedman, Stories from Grimm. ’Told to the children’. T.C. & E.C. Jack, c. 1906.

201Mrs Edgar Lucas, Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm. Illus. by Arthur Rackham. Constable & Co., 1909.

202Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Illus. by Charles Robinson. Ernest Nister, 1910.

203Stories from Grimm. Blackie & Son, c. 1912.

204Edith Robarts, Golden Tales from Grimm. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., n.d.

205Edric Vredenburg (ed.), Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Raphael Tuck & Sons, 1914.

11. The Fairy Tales of Wilhelm Hauff

206C.A. Feiling and J. Oxenford, Tales from the German. Chapman & Hall, 1844.

207Popular Tales. Rugeley: J.T. Walters; London: James Burns, 1844.

208Select Popular Tales from the German of Wilhelm Hauff. James Burns, 1845.

209The King of the Swans and Other Tales. Cundall, 1846. Includes ’The False Prince’

210Tales of Wonder; or, the Inn in the Black Forest. Cheap Repository Series, 1861.

211Grimms’ Goblins. GeorgeVickers, [1861]. Includes versions of several tales by Hauff.

212The Caravan. Trans. from the German of Wilhelm Hauff. Ward, Lock, 1862; repr. 1884.

213M.A. Faber, Tales by Wilhelm Hauff. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1867.

214Elizabeth S. Harrington, The Storks and the False Prince. Sotheran, 1875.

215Percy E. Pinkerton, Longnose the Dwarf and other Fairy Tales. Swan Sonnenschein & Allen, 1881.

216S. Mendel, Tales by Wilhelm Hauff. George Bell & Sons, 1886; repr. 1914.

217The Cold Heart. Trans. Agnes Henry. Digby & Lang, 1890.

218Andrew Lang, The Green Fairy Book. Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. Includes ’The Story of Caliph Stork’.

219The Little Glass Man and Other Stories. T. Fisher Unwin, 1893.

220Books for the Bairns, nos. 32, 57, 160. Retellings by W.T. Stead from 1898 onwards.

221Andrew Lang, The Violet Fairy Book. Longmans, Green & Co., 1901. Includes ’The History of Dwarf Longnose’.

222Hauff’s Tales. Trans. and adapted by Cicely McDonnell. Dean & Son, 1903.

223Andrew Lang, The Crimson Fairy Book. Longmans, Green & Co., 1903. Includes ’The Story of the Sham Prince, or the Ambitious Taylor’.

224Hauff’s Tales. Trans. Sybil Thesiger. James Finch & Co., 1905.

225E.J. Cunningham, The Caliph Stork. Swan Sonnenschein, 1905.

226L.L. Weedon, Fairy Tales by Wilhelm Hauff. Ernest Nister, 1910.

227Caravan Tales and some others by Wilhelm Hauff. Freely adapted and retold by J.G. Hornstein. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., n.d.

228The Marvellous History of the Shadowless Man, by A. von Chamisso, and The Cold Heart, by Wilhelm Hauff. Holden & Hardingham, [1914].

12. The Folktale Tradition in Germany

229Ludwig Bechstein, The Old Story-teller. Popular German Tales. Addey & Co., 1854.

230As Pretty as Seven and other Popular German Tales. John Camden Hotten, 1872; reissued Chatto & Windus, 1884.

231Andrew Lang, The Green Fairy Book. Longmans, Green & Co., 1892.

232The Pink Fairy Book. Longmans, Green & Co., 1897.

233Benjamin Thorpe, Yule-Tide Stories. A Collection of Scandinavian and North German Popular Tales and Traditions. George Bell & Sons, 1892.

234Zoe Dana Underhill, The Dwarf’s Tailor and others. Fairy Tales from all Nations. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1897.

235Madame de Chatelain, Merry Tales for Little Folk. Cundall & Addey, 1851.

236Fairy Folk and Wonderful Men. Addey & Co., 1852.

237Dinah Mulock, The Fairy Book. Macmillan, 1863.

238The True Annals of Fairyland in the Reign of King Cole. J.M. Dent & Sons, 1909.

239Anna Dabis, Fairy Tales from the Isle of Rügen. David Nutt, 1896.

240Joseph Snowe, Legends, Traditions, Histories of the Rhine. Frankfort o.M.: Charles Jugel. 1847.

241Robert Southey, Poetical Works, vol. 6. Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1844.

242Thomas Roscoe, The German Novelists. Henry Colburn, 1826.

243Mary C. Rowsell, Hatto’s Tower; and other stories. Blackie & Son, c. 1870.

244Robert Browning, Bells and Pomegranates. 1842.

245Kate Greenaway (illus.), The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Frederick Warne & Co., 1888.

246Robert Buchanan, The Piper of Hamelin. William Heinemann, 1893.

247Gustav Nieritz, The Ratcatcher’s Magic Whistle, trans. C.W. Heckethorn. Ben George, c. 1873.

248[Rachel Busk], Household Stories from the Land of Hofer; or, Popular Tales of Tirol. Griffith & Farran, 1871.

249W. Westall, Tales and Legends of Saxony and Lusatia. Griffith & Farran, 1877.

250Leitch Ritchie, Schinderhannes, the Robber of the Rhine. Simms & M’Intyre, 1848.

251Francis Paul Palmer, Old Tales for the Young. George Routledge & Co., 1857.

252Mary C. Rowsell, Number Nip; or, the Spirit of the Giant Mountains. Swan Sonnenschein, 1884.

253Andrew Lang, The Brown Fairy Book. Longmans, Green & Co., 1904.

254Alfred C. Fryer, Fairy Tales from the Harz Mountains. David Nutt, 1908.

255Lady Maxwell Wallace, Princess Ilse. Bell & Daldy, [1856].

13. E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Nutcracker and Mouse King

256William Makepeace Thackeray, ’The History of Krakatuk’, National Standard, 1833. Reprinted in: Lewis Melville and Reginald Hargreaves, Great German Short Stories. Ernest Benn, 1929, pp. 513-26.

257Alexandre Dumas the Elder, The History of a Nutcracker. Chapman & Hall, 1847, Reprinted in: A Picture Story-book. G. Routledge & Sons, c. 1875.

258E.T.A. Hoffmann, The Serapion Brothers. Trans. by Major Alexander Ewing. George Bell & Son, 1886.

259Nutcracker and Mouse King. Trans. from the German by Ascott R. Hope. T. Fisher Unwin, 1892.

260Nutcracker and Mouse-King. Adapted by E. Gordon Browne. Illus. by Florence Anderson. George G. Harrap & Co. 1919.

14. Lesser Fairytale Authors

261Albert Ludwig Grimm, Fairy Tales. Illus. [Robert] Cruikshank. Charles Tilt, 1827.

262Tales from the Eastern-Land. Trans. H.V. Joseph Cundall, 1847. Repr. H.G. Bohn, 1852.

263The Two Talismans. Joseph Cundall, 1846.

264The Water Fairy’s Gift and Other Tales. Joseph Cundall, 1846.

265The Miller’s Son. Joseph Cundall, 1846.

266The Playmate. A Pleasant Companion for Spare Hours. David Bogue, c. 1860.

267A..L.Grimm, J.J. Rudolphi, Wilhelm Hauff and Ernst von Houwald, The Christmas Roses and Other Tales. Joseph Cundall, 1845.

268The King of the Swans, and Other Tales. Joseph Cundall, 1846

269[Robert Reinick], The Donkey’s Shadow and other Stories. Addey & Co., c. 1856.

270Robert Reinick, The King of Root Valley and his Curious Daughter. London, 1856.

271The Root Princess. A Christmas Story. Philadelphia: F. Laypoldt, 1865.

272Richard von Volkmann-Leander, Dreams by a French Fireside. Trans. M. O’Callaghan.

273Chapman & Hall, 1886.

274Dreams by French Firesides. Trans. J. Raleigh. Adam and Charles Black, 1890.

275The Diamond Fairy Book. Hutchinson & Co., 1897.

276The Golden Fairy Book. Hutchinson & Co., n.d.

277Zoe Dana Underhill, The Dwarf’s Tailor and Others. Fairy Tales from all Nations. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1897.

278John Ruskin, The King of the Golden River. Orpington: George Allen, 1851. Many reprints.

15. Clemens Brentano’s Fairytales

279Kate Freiligrath Kroeker, Fairy Tales from Brentano. T. Fisher Unwin, 1884. Repr. 1890, 1911, 1925.

280New Fairy Tales from Brentano. T. Fisher Unwin, 1887. Repr. 1902.

16. Learning about German History

281M.E. Budden, Hofer the Tyrolese. John Harris & Sons, 1824.

282Charlotte Maria Tucker / A.L.O.E., The Life of Luther. The Book Society, 1873.

283Henry Mayhew, The Boyhood of Martin Luther. Edinburgh and London: Gall & Inglis, c. 1890.

284Samuel Rawson Gardiner, The Thirty Years’ War. Longmans, Green & Co., 1874.

285L. Cecil Jane, From Metternich to Bismarck. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910.

286James Bryce, The Holy Roman Empire. Oxford: T. & G. Shrimpton, 1864.

287Julia Corner, A History of Germany, and the Austrian Empire. Thomas Dean & Co., 1841.

288[Robert B. Paul], A History of Germany, from the Invasion of Marius to the Battle of Leipsic. On the plan of Mrs Markham’s Histories. John Murray, 1847.

289Wilhelm Pütz, Handbook of Modern Geography and History, part III. Trans. R.B. Paul. Francis & John Rivington, 1850.

290Anon., Scenes and Narratives from German History. SPCK, c. 1858-60.

291James Sime, History of Germany. Macmillan & Co., 1874.

292Charlottte M. Yonge, Aunt Charlotte’s Stories of German History for the Little Ones. Belfast and New York: Marcus Ward & Co., 1878.

293S. Baring-Gould, with the collaboration of Arthur Gilman, Germany. T. Fisher Unwin, 1886.

294H.E. Marshall, A History of Germany. Henry Frowde & Hodder & Stoughton, 1913.

295Richmal Mangnall, Questions for the Use of Young People. First publ. 1800.

17. The Thirty Years War

296Friedrich Schiller, History of the Thirty Years War in Germany. Trans. Captain Blaquiere. London, 1799. Dublin, 1800. Repr. Frankfurt am Main: Charles Jugel, 1842.

297Caroline Pichler, Waldstein; or, the Swedes in Prague. Editions with varying titles in 1828, 1839, 1845 (James Burns) and 1878.

298Hezekiah Butterworth, Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1883.

299Gustav Nieritz, The Siege of Magdeburg. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1855.

300Mrs Percy [Jane] Sinnett, A Story about a Christmas in the Seventeenth Century. Chapman & Hall, 1846.

301J.B. De Liefde, The Maid of Stralsund. 1876. Reissued as A Brave Resolve; or, the Siege of Stralsund. Hodder & Stoughton, ninth ed. 1894.

302G.A. Henty, The Lion of the North. Blackie & Son, 1886.

303Deborah Alcock, The King’s Service. Religious Tract Society, c. 1890.

304Wilhelm Noeldechen, Die Zwillingsbrüder. Eine Erzählung aus dem Zeitalter des 30jährigen Krieges für die deutsche Jugend. Bielefeld: Velhagen und Klasing, 1892.

305W. Noeldechen, Baron and Squire. Trans. Sarah M.S. Clarke. 1892.

306Grace Stebbing, Never Give In. John F. Shaw, 1890s.

307G.A. Henty, Won by the Sword. Blackie & Son, 1900.

18. Historical Tales and Adventure Stories

308Gustav Nieritz, The Foundling, or the School of Life. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1850.

309― [wrongly attributed to the non-existent Gustav Moritz] Duty and Affection. Edinburgh: William & Robert Chambers, 1850.

310The Little Drummer; or, Filial Affection. A Story of the Russian Campaign. Trans. H.W. Dulcken. G. Routledge & Co., 1856; repr. 1856, 1859.

311The German Drummer Boy; or, the Horrors of War. Trans. Mrs Campbell Overend. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 1883.

312The Siege of Magdeburg. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1855.

313The Exiles of Salzburg, and Other Stories. Trans. Mrs L.H. Kerr. Religious Tract Society, c. 1885. Including The King of Prussia’s Tall Soldier.

314Alexander Menschikoff, the Founder of a Family. Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., 1855.

315The Perils of Greatness: the Story of Alexander Menschikoff. Edinburgh: W.P. Nimmo, 1865.

316Menzikoff, or the Danger of Wealth. Trans. Mrs Alexander Kerr. Religious Tract Society, [1854].

317Friedrich Gerstäcker, The Wanderings and Fortunes of Some German Emigrants. Trans. D. Black. D. Bogue, 1848.

318The Pirates of the Mississippi. London, 1856.

319Each for Himself; or, the Two Adventurers. London, 1859.

320The Young Gold-Digger; or, a Boy’s Adventures in the Gold Regions. London, 1860.

321The Two Convicts. London, 1857.

322The Little Whaler; or, the Adventures of Charles Hollberg. G. Routledge & Co., 1857.

323— M. L’E[strange], Heligoland; or, Reminiscences of Childhood. John W. Parker, fifth edition, 1851.

324Charles Sealsfield [Karl Postl], The Cabin Book, or National Characteristics. London, 1852.

325Scenes and Adventures in Central America. Ed. F. Hardman. Edinburgh and London, 1852.

19. Picture Books

326[Wilhelm Hey], Funfzig Fabeln für Kinder; Noch funfzig Fabeln für Kinder. Hamburg: Friedrich Perthes, 1833; 1837.

327[Wilhelm Hey], The Child’s Picture and Verse Book: commonly called Otto Speckter’s Fable Book. Trans. Mary Howitt. Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1844.

328[Wilhelm Hey], Short Stories and Poems. James Burns, 1846.

329[Wilhelm Hey], Picture Fables drawn by Otto Speckter. Trans. Henry W. Dulcken. George Routledge & Co., 1858.

330[Wilhelm Hey], One Hundred Picture Fables. 1868.

331[Wilhelm Hey], Fifty Fables for Children; Other Fifty Fables for Children. Trans. S. Klingemann. Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1869.

332[Charles Perrault], Puss in Boots; and the Marquis of Carabas. Illus. Otto Speckter. John Murray, 1847.

333J. and W. Grimm, The Charmed Roe. Illus. Otto Speckter. John Murray, 1847.

334Nicholas Bohny, The New Picture Book; being Pictorial Lessons on Form, Comparison and Number for Children under Seven Years of Age. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1858; sixth edition, 1873.

335Oscar Pletsch, Buds and Flowers of Childish Life. G. Routledge & Sons, 1870.

336Little Lily’s Alphabet. Verses by S.M.P. Frederick Warne & Co., [1865].

337Happy Child Life. Rhymes by Mrs Charles Heaton. G. Routledge & Sons, 1875.

338Little Lasses and Lads. Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1869.

339’Reimerich Kinderlieb’ [Heinrich Hoffmann], Lustige Geschichten und drollige Bilder. Frankfurt: Dr Löning / Literarische Anstalt, 1845.

340[Heinrich Hoffmann], The English Struwwelpeter or Pretty Stories and Funny Pictures. Leipzig: Friedrich Volckmar, 1848.

341Struwelpeter [sic], Routledge, Warnes & Routledge, c. 1865.

342Mark Twain, Slovenly Peter. Composed 1891. First publ. New York: Limited Editions Club, 1935.

343The Magic Lantern Struwwelpeter. Frederick Warne, 1896.

344Struwwelpeter of Today. Dean & Son, c. 1900.

345Shock Headed Peter and Other Funny Stories. Books for the Bairns, no. 68. October 1901.

346The English Struwwelpeter. Dean & Son, 1905. Rag book.

347Struwwelpeter or Merry Stories and Funny Pictures. Blackie & Son, c. 1909.

348[Adolf Glassbrenner and Theodor Hosemann, A Laughter Book for Little Folk. Trans. Madame de Chatelain. Cundall & Addey, 1851.

349Harold Begbie and F. Carruthers Gould, The Political Struwwelpeter. Grant Richards, 1899.

350The Struwwelpeter Alphabet. Grant Richards, 1900.

351E.V. Lucas and Geo. Morrow, Swollen-headed William. Painful Stories and Funny Pictures. Methuen & Co., 1914.

352The Egyptian Struwwelpeter. H. Grevel & Co., [1896].

353Archibald Williams and A. Wallis Mills, Petrol Peter. Methuen & Co., 1906.

354A.and C. Williams, The Marlborough Struwwelpeter. Marlborough: The ’Times’ Office, [1908]

355J. R. Planché, King Nut-Cracker or the Dream of Poor Reinhold. A Fairy Tale for Children.? William Tegg, 1855.

356Clara Fechner, Nut-Cracker and Sugar Dolly. Trans. Charles A. Dana. Joseph Cundall, 1849.

357Wilhelm Busch, Max and Maurice. A Juvenile History in Seven Tricks. Trans. Charles T. Brooks. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1871.

358Max and Moritz. A Story Book in Seven Tricks. Trans. Anon. Munich: Braun & Schneider, London: A.N. Myers, 1874.

359Max and Moritz. Trans. Arundell Esdaile. G. Routledge & Sons [1913].

360A Bushel of Merrythoughts. Trans. W. Harry Rogers. Sampson Low, Son & Marston, 1868.

361A Book of Merry Thoughts. Books for the Bairns, no. 48, February 1900.

362Pious Jemima. A Doleful Tale. Trans. John MacLush. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1872.

363Naughty Jemima. Ward, Lock & Co., [1874].

364Buzz a Buzz; or, the Bees. Trans. W.C. Cotton. Griffith & Farran, 1872.

365Fools Paradise. J.C. Hotten, [1872].

366Hookeybeak the Raven and Other Tales. Trans. H.W. Dulcken. G. Routledge & Sons, [1878].

367Diogenes and the Two Naughty Young Corinthians. Trans. A.B. Westmacott. Alfred Hays, 1879.

368Cousin Freddy’s First and Last Donkey Ride. Trans. A.B. Westmacott. Alfred Hays, 1879.

369The Power of Sound; or, the Effect of Music. Trans. A.B. Westmacott. Alfred Hays, 1879.

20. Siegfried and the Nibelungenlied

370The Heroic Life and Exploits of Siegfried the Dragon Slayer: an Old German Book. Joseph Cundall & David Bogue, 1848.

371Guido Goerres, Der Hürnen Siegfried und sein Kampf mit dem Drachen. Illus. W. Kaulbach. Schaffhausen, 1843.

372James Baldwin, The Story of Siegfried. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1882. Repr. 1888, 1931.

373F.J. Kiefer, The Legends of the Rhine from Basle to Rotterdam. Trans. L.W. Garnham. Mayence: David Kapp, n.d.

374G.W. Cox and E.H. Jones, Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. Longmans, Green & Co., 1891.

375Tales of the Teutonic Lands. Longmans, Green & Co., 1872.

376W. Wägner, Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages. Swan Sonnenschein, 1883, fifth edition, 1889.

377Lydia Hands, Golden Threads from an Ancient Loom. Das Nibelungenlied. Griffith & Farran, 1880,

378S. Baring-Gould, Siegfried. Dean & Son, 1904.

379The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie. Illus. Arthur Rackham. W. Heinemann, 1910.

380Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods. Illus. Arthur Rackham. W. Heinemann, 1911.

381The Linden Leaf; or, the Story of Siegfried. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1907.

382Mary Macgregor, Stories of Siegfried. T.C. & E.C. Jack, c. 1908.

383Dora Ford Madeley, The Heroic Life and Exploits of Siegfried the Dragon-Slayer. An Old Story of the North. George G. Harrap & Co., 1910.

384Siegfried and Kriemhild. A Story of Passion and Revenge. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1912.

385A.J. Church, Heroes of Chivalry and Romance. Seeley & Co., 1898.

386Thomas Cartwright, Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer. W. Heinemann, 1907.

21. The Franco-Prussian War

387Hesba Stretton, Max Krömer. A Story of the Siege of Strasbourg. Religious Tract Society, [1871].

388G.A. Henty, The Young Franc-Tireurs and their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War. Griffith & Farran, 1872.

389Annie Lucas, Léonie; or, Light out of Darkness; and Within Iron Walls: a Tale of the Siege of Paris. Twin Stories of the Franco-German War. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1875.

390L[illias] Lobenhoffer, Fritz of the Tower. A Tale of the Franco-German War. Religious Tract Society, [1887].

391M.E. Clements, Eagle and Dove. A Tale of the Franco-Prussian War. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1889.

392G.A. Henty, A Woman of the Commune. A Tale of the two Sieges of Paris. F.V. White & Co., 1895.

393Herbert Hayens, Paris at Bay. Blackie & Son, [1897].

394Evelyn Everett-Green, The Castle of the White Flag. A Tale of the Franco-German War. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1904.

395Ringed by Fire. Thomas Nelson & Sons, [1904].

396F.S. Brereton, A Hero of Sedan. A Tale of the Franco-Prussian War. Blackie & Son, 1910.

22. German Books for Girls

397Amalie Schoppe, Heinrich und Marie oder die verwaisten Kinder. Leipzig: Leopold Michelsen, second edition, 1839.

398Henry and Mary, or the Little Orphans. Trans. Susan Cobbett. Manchester: John Heywood; London: Simpkin & Marshall, & Houlston & Wright, [1860].

399[Marie Nathusius], Christfried’s First Journey, and Other Tales. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter, & Co., c. 1871.

400Christfrid’s First Journey, in Max Wild the Merchant’s Son, and other Stories for the Young. William P. Nimmo, 1874.

401Louisa von Plettenhaus: the Diary of a Poor Young Lady. Trans. Anon. Boston and New York: Francis, 1857.

402The Diary of a Poor Young Gentlewoman. Trans. M. Anna Childs. Trübner & Co., 1860.

403Step by Step; or, the Good Fight. R. Bentley, 1860.

404Diary of a Poor Young Lady. Trans. Miss Thompson. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1867.

405Diary of a Poor Young Lady. Trans. Emily Ritzerow. 1869.

406Ottilie Wildermuth, The Holidays at Bärenburg Castle. Trans. Mary or William Howitt, in Mary Howitt, The Golden Casket. [1861].

407― The Holidays at Bärenburg Castle. Trans. William Howitt, in Luke Barnicott and Other Stories. Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [1866].

408Midsummer Holidays at Castle Bärenburg. 1865.

409The Home Queen; or, Unconscious Rule. Frederick Warne & Co., c. 1893.

410By Daylight; or Pictures from Real Life. 1865.

411Nurse Margaret’s Two St. Sylvester’s Eves. SPCK, 1871.

412Barbara’s Christmas. SPCK, 1873.

413The Little Sand Boy; or, Who is best off. Edinburgh, 1877. Travels in Switzerland. C.J.G. & F. Rivington, 1831.

414J.P.C. de Florian, William Tell; or, Swisserland Delivered. Sherwood, Neely & Jones, 1809.

415Johanna Spyri, Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre. Heidi kann brauchen, was es gelernt hat. Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1880-81.

416Heidi: Her Years of Wandering and Learning. Heidi: How she Used what she Learned. Trans. Louise Brooks. Boston: De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., 1884.

417Heidi’s Early Experiences. Heidi’s Later Experiences. London, 1884.

418Heidi’s Years of Learning and Travel. Heidi Makes Use of what she has Learned. Trans. Helen B. Dole. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1899.

419― further translations by H.A. Melcon. New York: A.L. Burt, [1901]; by Helene S. White. New York: T.Y. Crowell & Co., [1902]; by M.E. J.M. Dent & Co., [1909] ’Everyman’s Library’.

420Swiss Stories for Children and those who love Children. Trans. Lucy Wheelock. Blackie & Son, 1889 [actually 1888].

23. Children’s Books and the First World War

421Elizabeth O’Neill, The War 1914-15. A History and an Explanation for Boys and Girls.

422T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1915.

423The War, 1915-16. T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1916.

424Sir Edward Parrott, The Children’s Story of the War. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1915.

425Nelly Pollock, The Belgian Playmates. Heroes Small – and Heroes Tall. Gay & Hancock,


427John Lea, Brave Boys and Girls in War-time. Blackie & Son, [1918].

428Mrs Belloc Lowndes, Told in Gallant Deeds. James Nisbet & Co., [1915].

429Herbert Strang, The Blue Book of the War. Humphrey Milford / Oxford University Press, 1917.

430With Haig on the Somme. Humphrey Milford / Oxford University Press, 1917.

431F.S. Brereton, With the Allies to the Rhine. A Story of the Finish of the War. Blackie & Son, [1919].

432Charles Gilson, Submarine U93. ’The Boy’s Own Paper’, c. 1917.

433Jessie Pope, War Poems. Grant Richards, 1915.

434E.V. Lucas, In Gentlest Germany. John Lane The Bodley Head, 1915.

435A.T. Mason, The Book of Artemas. W. Westall, 127th edition, 1918.

436The Second Book of Artemas. W. Westall, second edition, 1918.

437Alfred Leete, Schmidt the Spy and his Message to Berlin. Duckworth & Co., 1916.

438Hansi, Professor Knatschke. Selected Works of the Great German Scholar and of his Daughter Elsa. Trans. R.L. Crewe. Hodder & Stoughton, second edition, 1917.

439Elphinstone Thorpe, Nursery Rhymes for Fighting Times. Everett & Co., [1914].

440J.G. Russell Harvey and Charlie Thomas, Rhymes of the Times for War Babies of All Ages. Bristol: A.W. Ford & Co., [1919].

441George H. Powell, The Crown Prince’s First Lesson Book or Nursery Rhymes for the Times. Grant Richards, [1914].

442St John Hamund, The Book of William. The Rubaiyat of William the War-Lord. Grant Richards, [1915].

443With apologies to Edward Lear. Frederick Warne & Co., [1914].

444Horace Wyatt, Malice in Kulturland. The Car Illustrated, 1914.

445E.V. Lucas and Geo. Morrow, Swollen-headed William. Painful Stories and Funny Pictures. After the German. Methuen & Co., 1914.

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