Publications Received
p. 599-609
Texte intégral
1In addition to the books reviewed above, copies of the following have been received before our 2017 copy deadline, and will be considered for review in Yeats Annual No. 22.
Antonielli, Antonia and Mark Nixon (eds.), | Edwin John Ellis’s and William Butler Yeats’s The Works of William Blake: Poetic, Symbolic and Critical: A Manuscript Edition, with a preface by Warwick Gould (Florence: Firenze University Press, 2016), pp. xvi + 746. ISBN Online 9788864533414; Print 97888645303407. |
Arrington, Lauren, | Revolutionary Lives: Constance and Casimir Markievicz (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015), pp. 312; ISBN 9780691161242 15 halftones; e-book ISBN 9781400874187. |
Bubb, Alexander, | Meeting without Knowing It: Kipling and Yeats at the Fin de Siècle (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 288. ISBN 9780198753872. |
Chapman, Wayne K. (ed.), | Rewriting The Hour-Glass: A Play written in Prose and Verse Versions (Clemson: Clemson University Press, 2016), pp. xxxii + 113. ISBN 97781942954163. |
Evans, Siân, | Queen Bees: Six Brilliants and Extraordinary Society Hostesses between the Wars (London: Two Roads, 2016; pb. 2017), pp. viii + 403. ISBN 9781473618053. Includes such London hostesses as Lady Sibyl Colefax, Lady Emerald Cunard, Lady Londonderry and others who were eager to have writers among their social exhibits. |
Frazier, Adrian, | The Adulterous Muse: Maud Gonne, Lucien Millevoye and W. B. Yeats (Dublin: Lilliput, 2016), pp. viii + 312. ISBN 97818435106781. |
Gibson, Matthew, and Neil Mann (eds.), | Yeats, Philosophy, and the Occult (Clemson: Clemson University Press, 20916), pp. xix + 344. ISBN 9781942954255 (print) and ISBN 9781942954262 (e-book). Contains essays by Wayne. K. Chapman, Katherine Ebury, Charles I. Armstrong, Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, Gordon A. Dampier, and Colin McDowell, with appendices on ‘Annotations in the Writings of Walter Savage Landor in the Yeatses Library’ and ‘Yeats’ s Notes on Frobenius’s The Voice of Africa (1913). |
Hassett, Joseph M., | The Ulysses Trials: Beauty and Truth Meet the Law (Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2016), pp. x + 221. ISBN 97801843516682. |
Leonard, Marjorie and Jason McElligott (curators), | Hunting Stolen Books: an Exhibition in Marsh’s Library, Dublin, from May 2077 (Dublin: Marsh’s Library, 2017), pp. 80. ISBN 9780993095337. |
O’Hanlon, Karl, | ‘“Noble in his Grandiose Confusions”: Yeats and Coriolanus in the Poetry of Geoffrey Hill’, English, 65:250 (Autumn 2016), 211–34. |
Pašeta, Senia (ed.), | Uncertain Futures: Essays about the Irish Past for Roy Foster (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. x + 300. ISBN 9780198748274. A festschrift by twenty-two contributors containing inter alia Lauren Arrington, ‘Feeding the Cats: Yeats and Pound at Rapallo, 1928’ (pp. 188–98) and Ben Levitas, ‘A Temper of Misgiving: W. B. Yeats and the Ireland of Synge’ s Time’(pp. 110–22). |
Pietrzak, Wit, | The Critical Thought of W. B. Yeats (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. x + 258. ISBN 97803319600888. |
Psilopoulos, Dionysious, | The Prophets and the Goddess: W. B. Yeats, Aleister Crowley, Ezra Pound, Robert Graves and the Chthonic Esoteric Tradition (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017), pp. xxvi + 307. ISBN (10) 1443893757. |
Sheppard, D. J., | Theodore Wratislaw: Fragments of a Life, with a Foreword by Barry Humphries (High Wycombe: The Rivendale Press, 2017), pp. 291. ISBN 9781904201243. |
Soud, W. David, | Divine Cartographies: God, History, and Poiesis in W. B. Yeats, David Jones, and T. S. Eliot (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 238. ISBN 9780198777779. |
Williams, Mark, | Ireland’s Immortals: A History of the Gods of Irish Myth (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016), pp. xxx + 578. ISBN 9780691157313. |
2Additionally, news has reached us that Douglas Saum of Reno, Nevada has completed his 22 year project of setting Yeats’s poems to music and recording them. He has performed these songs in Dublin, Sligo, New York, San Francisco, Reno, Chestertown NY, and Dublin (Ohio). With a cast of twenty to thirty musicians and speakers, Saum offers nearly three-hundred pieces on nine CD’s, all set to his original music. They may be purchased at A full list of those available follows.
First Songs: Lullabies for Ireland
1. Come Ride and Ride to the Garden (1:54)
2. Wisdom and Dreams (1:52)
3. Love Song (3:25)
4. Going the Road (1:54)
5. The Danaan Quicken Tree (3:07)
6. Full Moody is my Love and Sad (3:44)
7. Street Dancers (4:22)
8. A Song of the Rosy Cross (2:40)
9. I will go Cry with the Woman (2:26)
10. When you are Sad (2:32)
11. The Glove and the Cloak (2:34)
12. Seven Paters Seven Times (3:41)
13. In the Firelight (3:19)
14. Remembrance (3:31)
15. Where my Books Go (2:14)
16. Four Rivers (1:48)
17. Lift up the White Knee (4:14)
The Rose and the Crossway
[Disc One: from ‘Crossways’]
1. Cast a Cold Eye (1:08)
2. Advice from the Happy Shepherd (: 54)
3. The Sad Shepherd (4:50)
4. The Cloak, the Boat, and the Shoes (1:32)
5. The Falling of the Leaves (2:30)
6. The Stolen Child (4:26)
7. To an Isle in the Water (2:15)
8. Down by the Salley Gardens (3:33)
9. The Meditation of the Old Fisherman (3:58)
10. The Ballad of Father O’Hart (3:25)
11. The Ballad of Moll Magee (5:58)
12. The Ballad of the Foxhunter (3:24)
[Disc Two: from ‘The Rose’]
13. To the Rose upon the Rood of Time (4:02)
14. A Faery Song (3:20)
15. The Lake Isle of Innisfree (3:27)
16. A Cradle Song [‘Angels are stooping…’ ] (1:30)
17. The Pity of Love (2:37)
18. The Sorrow of Love (2:08)
19. When You are Old (2:13)
20. The White Birds (4:47)
21. A Dream of Death (1:46)
22. The Countess Cathleen in Paradise (3:24)
23. Who Goes with Fergus? (1:40)
24. The Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland (4:02)
25. The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner (3:35)
26. The Ballad of Father Gilligan (3:34)
27. The Happy Shepherd Bids Farewell (:58)
The Wind, the Reeds, and the Seven Woods
[Disc One]
1. To Ireland in the Coming Times (5:26)
2. A Dawn Song (2:56)
3. The Gates of the Day (2:21)
4. The Hosting of the Sidhe (3:31)
5. The Everlasting Voices (2:36)
6. The Moods (1:42)
7. The Lover tells of the Rose in his Heart (2:19)
8. The Host of the Air (3:41)
9. The Fish (1:46)
10. The Unappeasable Host (4:34)
11. Into the Twilight (2:19)
12. The Song of Wandering Aengus (2:32)
13. The Song of the Old Mother (3:25)
14. The Heart of the Woman (1:50)
15. The Lover Mourns for the Loss of Love (2:24)
16. He mourns for the Change that has come upon Him and his Beloved and longs for the End of the World (3:46)
17. He bids his Beloved be at Peace (3:25)
18. He Reproves the Curlew (2:41)
19. He Remembers forgotten Beauty (2:54)
20. A Poet to his Beloved (2:26)
21. He gives his Beloved certain Rhymes (:48)
22. To his Heart, bidding it have no Fear (3:06)
[Disc Two]
23. The Cap and Bells (3:45)
24. The Valley of the Black Pig (4:02)
25. He tells of a Valley full of Lovers (1:19)
26. He tells of the Perfect Beauty (3:33)
27. He hears the Cry of the Sedge (1:07)
28. He thinks of Those who have spoken Evil of his Beloved (2:18)
29. Spiritual Marriage (The Secret Rose) (1:16)
30. Maid Quiet (2:10)
31. The Lover pleads with his Friend for Old Friends (2:16)
32. He wishes his Beloved were Dead (2:27)
33. He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven (2:08)
34. He thinks of his Past Greatness when a part of the Constellations of Heaven (3:38)
35. The Fiddler of Dooney (2:34)
36. In the Seven Woods (2:00)
37. The Folly of Being Comforted (1:23)
38. Never give all the Heart (2:29)
39. Adam’s Curse (5:16)
40. Red Hanrahan’s Song about Ireland (4:55)
41. The Old Men admiring Themselves in the Water (4:28)
42. The Ragged Wood (2:29)
43. O do not Love Too Long (3:02)
44. The Players ask for a Blessing on the Psaltery and on Themselves (3:24)
45. The Happy Townland (4:21)
1. [Introductory Rhymes] (2:51)
2. September 1913 (4:07)
3. To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing (3:04)
4. Paudeen (4:18)
5. To a Shade (3:46)
6. The Three Hermits (2:36)
7. Beggar to Beggar Cried (3:27)
8. Running to Paradise (1:56)
9. Murphy, Martyn, and Moore (2:02)
10. A Song from ‘The Player Queen’ (1:50)
11. The Realists (4:23)
12. I. The Witch (:44)
13. II. The Peacock (2:24)
14. The Mountain Tomb (2:18)
15. I. To a Child Dancing in the Wind (3:09)
16. II. Two Years Later (2:26)
17. A Memory of Youth (1:53)
18. Fallen Majesty (3:32)
19. Friends (2:55)
20. The Cold Heaven (3:36)
21. That the Night Come (4:04)
22. The Magi (3:54)
23. The Dolls (4:13) 24. A Coat (:42)
25. [Concluding Rhymes] (2:21)
The Wild Swans at Coole
[Disc One]
1. The Wild Swans at Coole (7:16)
2. In Memory of Major Robert Gregory (7:15)
3. An Irish Airman foresees his Death (2:03)
4. Men Improve with the Years (2:03)
5. The Collar-Bone of a Hare (3:04)
6. Under the Round Tower (3:08)
7. Solomon to Sheba (2:23)
8. The Living Beauty (1:30)
9. A Song (2:34)
10. To a Young Beauty (1:29)
11. To a Young Girl (3:09)
12. The Scholars (2:06)
13. Tom O’Roughley (1:49)
14. Shepherd and Goatherd (8:15)
15. Lines Written in Dejection (2:12)
16. The Dawn (3:03)
17. On Woman (3:27)
18. The Fisherman (2:56)
19. The Hawk (2:39)
20. Memory (4:05)
21. Her Praise (2:39)
22. The People (3:30)
[Disc Two]
23. His Phoenix (3:59)
24. A Thought from Propertius (2:59)
25. Broken Dreams (4:06)
26. A Deep-sworn Vow (:26)
27. Presences (3:23)
28. The Balloon of the Mind (2:20)
29. To a Squirrel at Kyle-na-no (2:31)
30. On being asked for a War Poem (3:41)
31. In Memory of Alfred Pollexfen (4:06)
32. (Upon a Dying Lady) I. Her Courtesy (2:41)
33. (UADL) II. Certain Artists bring her Dolls and Drawings (1:36)
34. (UADL) III. She turns the Doll’s Faces to the Wall (2:04)
35. (UADL) IV. The End of Day (1:39)
36. (UADL) V. Her Race (2:06)
37. (UADL) VI. Her Courage (2:56)
38. (UADL) VII. Her Friends bring her a Christmas Tree (3:12)
39. Ego Dominus Tuus (6:14)
40. A Prayer on going into my House (2:09)
41. The Phases of the Moon (5:14)
42. The Cat and the Moon (2:13)
43. The Saint and the Hunchback (1:52)
44. First Fool’s Song (1:18)
45. Second Fool’s Song (2:29)
46. Another Song of a Fool (3:20)
47. The Double Vision of Michael Robartes (4:37)
Youth and Age
1. Brown Penny (2:46)
2. Father and Child (1:03)
3. First Love (2:23)
4. A Drinking Song (: 37)
5. Before the World was Made (1:43)
6. Human Dignity (:58)
7. His Dream (2:51)
8. A First Confession (2:37)
9. The Mermaid (1:08)
10. Peace (2:45)
11. Her Triumph (1:46)
12. The Death of the Hare (1:53)
13. The Mask (2:03)
14. Consolation (2:18)
15. The Empty Cup (2:07)
16. The Coming of Wisdom with Time (1:06)
17. Chosen (1:32)
18. His Memories (3:25)
19. The Choice (3:30)
20. Parting (2:02)
21. The Friends of his Youth (2:12)
22. These are the Clouds (2:35)
23. Her Vision in the Wood (2:36)
24. Summer and Spring (2:07)
25. The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner (reprise) (2:15)
26. A Last Confession (3:38)
27. The Secrets of the Old (2:43)
28. Cuchulain Comforted (2:59)
29. Meeting (3:17)
30. His Wildness (1:23)
31. Youth and Age (:42)
32. From the Antigone (2:50)
33. From Oedipus at Colonus 3:16)
34. Transit (2:01)
Music for Words Perhaps
1. Broth in the Pot (: 59)
2. Crazy Jane and the Bishop (3:14)
3. Crazy Jane Reproved (2:42)
4. Crazy Jane on the Day of Judgment (2:44)
5. Crazy Jane and Jack the Journeyman (3:55)
6. Crazy Jane on God (2:38)
7. Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop (2:12)
8. Crazy Jane Grown Old looks at the Dancers (3:42)
9. Crazy Jane on the Mountain (2:30)
10. Girl’s Song (2:10)
11. Young Man’s Song (3:30)
12. Her Anxiety (2:19)
13. His Confidence (2:56)
14. Love’s Loneliness (2:11)
15. Her Dream (2:08)
16. His Bargain (2:38)
17. Three Things (3:10)
18. Lullaby (3:30)
19. After Long Silence (3:10)
20. Mad as the Mist and Snow (2:06)
21. Those Dancing Days are Gone (3:21)
22. ‘I am of Ireland’ (3:19)
23. The Dancer at Cruachan and Cro-Patrick (2:17)
24. Tom the Lunatic (1:44)
25. Tom at Cruachan (1:40)
26. Old Tom Again (:59)
27. The Delphic Oracle upon Plotinus (1:45)
28. Who Goes with Fergus? (3:10)
Upon a Golden Bough
1. Coole Park, 1929 (4:43)
2. The Second Coming (3:12)
3. The Wheel (2:20)
4. For Anne Gregory (1:57)
5. Remorse for Intemperate Speech 2:19
6. The Crazed Moon 3:12
7. The New Faces (2:11)
8. The Leaders of the Crowd (2:53)
9. The Fool by the Roadside (2:10)
10. In Memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markievicz (3:28)
11. Blood and the Moon (1:17)
12. Oil and Blood (1:27)
13. Stream and Sun at Glendalough (3:19)
14. The Rose Tree (2:17)
15. Veronica’s Napkin (2:30)
16. Two Songs from a Play (2:09)
17. Sixteen Dead Men (2:49)
18. Symbols (1:55)
19. Sailing to Byzantium (5:50)
20. Easter, 1916 (4:47)
21. Leda and the Swan (2:42)
22. Towards Break of Day (3:40)
23. On a Political Prisoner (3:29)
24. Death (2:34)
25. Quarrel in Old Age (2:13)
26. A Meditation in Time of War (1:02)
27. Byzantium (5:37)
Last Songs: Upanishads for Ireland (and All)
[Disc One]
3An Invocation, an Appreciation, and a Wish:
1. The Gyres (2:49)
2. Gratitude to the Unknown Instructors (1:09)
3. A Prayer for Old Age (1:34)
4In the Pub:
4. My Paistin Finn (2:10)
5. I would that I were an Old Beggar (1:51)
6. A Drunken Man’s Praise of Sobriety (2:32)
7. Come Gather Round me Parnellites (2:14)
5In the Theatre:
8. The Cloak, the Boat, and the Shoes (3:58)
9. I am Content (from ‘A Dialogue of Self and Soul’) (2:38)
10. Beautiful Lofty Things (2:46)
11. Short Subjects (Homage to Bob Weir) (1:47)
12. Song for the Severed Head (2:32)
6At Home:
13. The Curse of Cromwell (3:46)
14. Hound Voice (1:24)
15. Sweet Dancer (2:32)
16. Politics (:56)
17. The Wild Old Wicked Man (3:42)
18. The Results of Thought (2:46)
19. To be Carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee (:50)
20. The Old Stone Cross (1:49)
7… and Abroad:
21. Imitated from the Japanese (:48)
22. The Pilgrim (4:14)
23. The Black Tower (2:14)
24. At Algeciras: A Meditation upon Death (4:03)
25. Mohini Chatterjee (2:06)
26. Under Ben Bulben [Abridged] (5:51)
[Disc Two]
8Supernatural Songs:
27. I Ribh at the Tomb of Baile And Aillinn (2:20)
28. II Ribh denounces Patrick (1:27)
29. III Ribh in Ecstasy (1:23)
30. IV There (1:00)
31. V Ribh considers Christian Love insufficient (4:07)
32. VI He and She (2:01)
33. VII What Magic Drum? (1:04)
34. VIII Whence had they Come? (2:33)
35. IX The Four Ages of Man (:28)
36. X, XI Conjunctions | A Needle’s Eye (2:51)
37. XII Meru (3:02)
9India… and Beyond:
38. The Indian to his Love (3:32)
39. The Indian upon God (4:19)
40. Upanishads for Ireland (13:42)
41. Confluence | Raga Bairagi (Alap) (11:14)
42. What Then? (2:10)
43. ‘I must be gone…’ (2:56)

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