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Long Narrative Songs from the Mongghul of Northeast Tibet

Texts in Mongghul, Chinese, and English

Gerald Roche und Li Dechun (Hrsg.)
Übersetzt von Li Dechun

Containing ballads of martial heroism, tales of tragic lovers and visions of the nature of the world this book is a rich repository of songs collected amongst the Mongghul of the Seven Valleys, on the northeast Tibetan Plateau in western China. These songs represent the apogee of Mongghul oral literature, and they provide valuable insights into the lives of Mongghul people-their hopes, dreams, and worries. They bear testimony to the impressive plurilingual repertoire commanded by some Mong...

  • Verlag : Open Book Publishers
  • Buchreihe : World Oral Literature Series | 8
  • Erscheinungsort : Cambridge
  • Erscheinungsjahr : 2017
  • Auf OpenEdition Books veröffentlicht : 04 juillet 2018
  • EAN (Printversion) : 978-1-78374-383-4
  • EAN (elektronische Version) : 979-10-365-0966-7
  • Seitenzahl : xii + 458 p.


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