p. 11-12
Texte intégral
1AA L’Amour de l’art: les musées d’art européens et leur public (The Love of Art, European Art Museums and their Public)
2CD Choses dites (In Other Words)
3CF1 Contre-feux 1 (Firing Back: Against the Tyranny of the Market)
4CF2 Contre-feux 2 (Firing Back: Against the Tyranny of the Market 2)
5CP Propos sur le champ politique
6D La Distinction: critique sociale du jugement (Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste)
7DM La Domination masculine (Masculine Domination)
8E Esquisse pour une auto-analyse (Sketch for a Self-Analysis)
9ETP Esquisse d’une théorie de la pratique (Outline of a Theory of Practice)
10FCP The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature
11H Les Héritiers: les étudiants et la culture (The Inheritors: French Students and their Relation to Culture)
12HA Homo academicus (Homo Academicus)
13I Interventions 1961-2001: science sociale et action politique (Political
14Interventions: Social Science and Political Action)
15ID La Production de l’idéologie dominante
16IRS An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology
17LE Libre-échange (Free Exchange)
18LL Leçon sur la leçon
19LPS Langage et pouvoir symbolique (Language and Symbolic Power)
20MM La Misère du monde (The Weight of the World)
21MP Méditations pascaliennes (Pascalian Meditations)
22MS Le Métier de sociologue: préalables épistémologiques (The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries)
23NE La Noblesse d’État: grandes écoles et esprit de corps (The State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power)
2412 Bourdieu and Literature
25QS Questions de sociologie (Sociology in Question)
26R La Reproduction: éléments pour une théorie du système d’enseignement
27(Reproduction in Education, Society, and Culture)
28RA Les Règles de l’art: genèse et structure du champ littéraire (The Rules of Art:
29Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field)
30RP Raisons pratiques: sur la théorie de l’action (Practical reason: On the Theory of Action)
31SP Le Sens pratique (The Logic of Practice)
32SSR Science de la science et réflexivité (Science of Science and Reflexivity)
33T Sur la télévision: suivi de l’emprise du journalisme (On Television)
34References to the French editions of Bourdieu’s published works will be given in the text, using the abbreviations listed above. Translations are supplied in the footnotes, using shortened forms of the English titles. In view of the range of literature referred to in the text, it has not proved possible in every case to trace English translations of works originating in other languages. The author’s own translations are given on such occasions, indicated by the initials J.S. Full details of translated works are given in the bibliography at the end of the book.

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