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8. Enhancing soil fertility

p. 383

Texte intégral

1Georgina Key, Mike Whitfield, Lynn V. Dicks, William J. Sutherland & Richard D. Bardgett

Expert assessors

Martin Collison, Collison and Associates Limited, UK

Julia Cooper, Newcastle University, UK

Thanasis Dedousis, PepsiCo Europe

Richard Heathcote, Heineken, S & N UK Ltd

Shamal Mohammed, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Cranfield University, UK

Andrew Molyneux, Huntapac Produce Ltd, UK

Wim van der Putten, Netherlands Institute of Ecology

Brendan Roth, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, UK

Franciska de Vries, University of Manchester, UK

Scope of assessment: actions to enhance soil fertility for agricultural systems across the world.

Assessed: 2014.

Effectiveness measure is the median % score.

Certainty measure is the median % certainty of evidence, determined by the quantity and quality of the evidence in the synopsis.

Harm measure is the median % score for negative side-effects for the farmer such as reduced yield, crop quality or profits, or increased costs.

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