p. 69-113
Texte intégral
cognita res meritam vati per Achaidas urbes
attulerat famam, nomenque erat auguris ingens;
spernit Echionides tamen hunc ex omnibus unus
contemptor superum Pentheus praesagaque ridet
verba senis tenebrasque et cladem lucis ademptae [515]
obicit. ille movens albentia tempora canis
‘quam felix esses, si tu quoque luminis huius
orbus’ait ‘fieres, ne Bacchica sacra videres!
Study Questions
What is the res mentioned in 511?
What noun does the adjective meritam (511) agree with? What is name for this kind of separation of attribute and noun? What is the effect of its use here?
Parse vati.
Parse attulerat.
What is the subject of spernit (513)?
Identify the respective accusative object (s) of spernit (513), ridet (514), and obicit (516).
Parse superum.
What does the -que after praesaga (514) link? The -que after tenebras (515)? The et in 515?
Parse senis.
Parse canis — how does it fit into the sentence?
What type of conditional clause does si (517) introduce? What is its protasis?
Parse fieres.
How does Ovid bring the theme of ‘blindness and insight’ into play here?
Stylistic Appreciation
1Analyze the rhetorical design of spernit Echionides tamen hunc ex omnibus unus | contemptor superum Pentheus praesagaque ridet | verba senis tenebrasque et cladem lucis ademptae | obicit (513–16), paying attention not least to Ovid’s placement of words in the nominative, accusative objects, and verbs.
Discussion Points
2How does Ovid characterize Pentheus and Tiresias here? What type of power do these figures represent, respectively? Can you think of similar conflicts elsewhere in classical (and contemporary) literature and culture?
cognosco, -oscere, -ovi, -itum | to get to know in the perfect often = to know |
vates/ vatis, -is, m./f. | prophet, seer; poet |
Achais, -idos, f. adj. | Greek |
augur, -uris, m. | prophet, seer; augur |
Echionides | (patronymic) ‘son of Echion’ |
praesagus, -a, -um | portending, ominous |
superi, -orum (or superum) | those who dwell above; gods |
adimo, -imere, -emi, -emptum | to remove by physical force, take away |
obicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum | to throw in the way/in one’s teeth |
albeo, -ere | to be white (with), appear white |
tempus, -oris, n. | the side of the forehead, temple (a less common sense of the Latin word for ‘time’) |
cani, -orum, m. pl. [= cani capilli] | grey hairs (not to be confused with canis, -is, m./f., ‘dog’) |
orbus, -a, -um | deprived (of), bereaved, orphaned |
namque dies aderit, quam non procul auguror esse,
qua novus huc veniat, proles Semeleia, Liber, [520]
quem nisi templorum fueris dignatus honore,
mille lacer spargere locis et sanguine silvas
foedabis matremque tuam matrisque sorores.
eveniet! neque enim dignabere numen honore,
meque sub his tenebris nimium vidisse quereris’. [525]
talia dicentem proturbat Echione natus.
Study Questions
Explain the syntax of quam non procul auguror esse (519).
How does Semeleia (520) scan — and why?
Why type of condition does nisi (521) introduce?
On what noun does the genitive templorum (521) depend?
What word does mille (522) modify?
How does lacer fit into the syntax of the sentence?
Parse spargere (522).
What does the-que after matrem (523) link? And what the -que after matris (523)?
Parse and scan eveniet (524)
Parse dignabere (524).
What does the -que after me (525) link?
Explain the syntax of me (525).
Parse dicentem.
What kind of ablative is Echione (526)?
Stylistic Appreciation
3Discuss Ovid’s use of tense (present; future; future perfect) and repetition (e.g. fueris dignatus ~ dignabere) in this segment. How does it enhance the authority of Tiresias?
Discussion Points
4Tiresias here announces that what soon will go down in the text is the epic equivalent of a modern splatter-movie: horror is in store, as well as the graphic portrayal of gore and violence (see esp. 522–23: mille lacer spargere locis et sanguine silvas | foedabis matremque tuam matrisque sorores). Do you really want to read on? And if so, why?
auguro, -are, -avi, -atum or (as here) as deponent: auguror, -ari, -atus | to foretell by augury, predict, prophesy |
procul (adv.) | some way off, (far) away |
proles, -is, f. | offspring |
digno, -are, -avi, -atum or (as here) as deponent: dignor, -ari, -atus | to consider worthy |
lacer, -era, -um | mutilated, mangled; torn, rent |
spargo, -gere, -si, -sum | to scatter, sprinkle, strew, disperse |
foedo, -are, -avi, -atum | to make filthy/unclean, soil, stain, befoul |
numen, -inis, n. | divine power, divinity |
proturbo, -are, -avi, -atum | to drive forth, push out of the way |
dicta fides sequitur, responsaque vatis aguntur.
Liber adest, festisque fremunt ululatibus agri:
turba ruit, mixtaeque viris matresque nurusque
vulgusque proceresque ignota ad sacra feruntur. [530]
‘Quis furor, anguigenae, proles Mavortia, vestras
attonuit mentes?’ Pentheus ait; ‘aerane tantum
aere repulsa valent et adunco tibia cornu
et magicae fraudes, ut, quos non bellicus ensis,
non tuba terruerit, non strictis agmina telis, [535]
femineae voces et mota insania vino
obscenique greges et inania tympana vincant?
Study Questions
Parse dicta.
Who is Liber?
What is the subject of fremunt (528)? What is the effect of its placement in the sentence?
Sort out what each of the five-que in 529–30 (festisque, mixtaeque, matresque, nurusque, vulgusque, proceresque) links. Which one is technically speaking superfluous? Why does Ovid use it nevertheless?
What is the case of anguigenae and proles Mavortia (531)?
Identify the three subjects of valent (the main verb of the sentence) (533).
What type of clause does ut (534) introduce?
What is the antecedent of the relative pronoun quos?
Identify the three subjects of terruerit (the verb of the relative clause introduced by quos) (535).
Identify the four subjects of vincant (the verb of the ut-clause) (537).
Stylistic Appreciation
How does Ovid bring out stylistically the Dionysiac spirit that has gripped the inhabitants of Thebes in 527–30? (Include consideration of the use of the connective-que.)
Analyze the overall design of Pentheus’rhetorical question aerane… vincant? (532–37).
Discussion Points
Why is Pentheus so upset about the behaviour of his subjects? To what does he object specifically?
Discuss the role of gender in Pentheus’ rhetoric.
What ‘character type’ does Pentheus conform to? Can you think of contemporary public figures who exhibit similar traits?
Liber, -eri, m. | Bacchus |
festus, -a, -um | festive, merry |
(cf. dies festus | a holiday observed in honour of a god) |
fremo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to rumble, roar, hum, buzz |
ululatus, -us, m. | drawn-out cries, howling, yelling |
ruo, -ere, -i | to rush |
misceo, -ere, -ui, mixtum | to mix, blend, mingle, confound |
nurus, -us, f. | daughter-in-law |
(here: in poetry, usually in plural) | young (married) woman |
proceres, -um, m. pl. | the leading men of a country |
anguigena,-ae, m. [anguis + genus] | offspring of a serpent or dragon |
Mavortius, -a, -um | of or belonging to Mars, warlike |
attono, -are, -ui, -itum | to strike with lightening, drive crazy |
aes, aeris, n. | copper, bronze, brass (musical) instrument made thereof |
tantum (adverbial use of the acc. of tantus) | to such an extent/degree |
repello, -ere, reppuli, repulsum | to drive back, repel, repulse |
aduncus, -a, -um | hooked, curved |
tibia, -ae, f. | pipe |
(cf. tibia curva | a pipe with a curved end, associated with Eastern religious rites) |
cornu, -us, n. | horn |
fraus, -dis, f. | mischief, crime, deceit, trickery |
ensis, -is, m. | sword |
Stringo , -ngere, -nxi, -ctum | to bind fast, secure; draw tight; scratch (here) to bare, unsheathe |
insania, -ae, f. | madness, frenzy, folly |
obscenus, -a, -um | disgusting, filthy, loathsome, lewd |
grex, -egis m. | flock, herd, band, troop |
inanis, -is, -e | empty, hollow |
tympanum, -i, n. | percussive instrument, drum |
vosne, senes, mirer, qui longa per aequora vecti
hac Tyron, hac profugos posuistis sede penates,
nunc sinitis sine Marte capi? vosne, acrior aetas, [540]
o iuvenes, propiorque meae, quos arma tenere,
non thyrsos, galeaque tegi, non fronde decebat?
este, precor, memores, qua sitis stirpe creati,
illiusque animos, qui multos perdidit unus,
sumite serpentis! pro fontibus ille lacuque [545]
interiit: at vos pro fama vincite vestra!
ille dedit leto fortes: vos pellite molles
et patrium retinete decus! si fata vetabant
stare diu Thebas, utinam tormenta virique
moenia diruerent, ferrumque ignisque sonarent! [550]
Study Questions
What case is senes (538)?
Identify and explain the mood of mirer (538).
What noun do the demonstrative adjectives hac — hac (539) modify?
What construction does sinitis (540) introduce and what part of it has been omitted (and needs to be supplied mentally)?
Explain the case of meae. What noun has to be supplied mentally after meae?
What is the antecedent of quos (541)? Why is quos in the accusative?
Parse este (543).
Identify and explain the mood of sitis… creati (543).
What noun does illius (544) modify?
What does the -que after illius (544) link?
On what noun does the genitive serpentis (545) depend?
What does the -que after lacu (545) link?
Parse vos (546).
What kind of conditional sequence does si (548) introduce? (Note: the combination imperfect indicative (vetabant) in the protasis + imperfect subjunctive (diruerent, sonarent) in the apodosis does not easily match onto any type you will find in grammars.)
Explain the form of Thebas (549).
veho,-here,-xi,-ctum | to convey, carry |
Tyros, i, f. | Tyre (a city on the Phoenician coast) |
profugus, -a, -um | fugitive, exiled |
penates, -ium, m. pl. | tutelary divinities of the household |
acer, acris, acre | sharp, fierce, vigorous, energetic |
thyrsus, -i, m. | a wand crowned with ivy used in the worship of Bacchus |
galea, -ae, f. | a soldier’s helmet |
frons, frondis, f. | foliage, leafy boughs, garlands |
memor, -oris (adjective) | mindful |
fons, -ntis, m. | spring, well, fountain |
lacus,-us, m. | lake, pond, pool |
intereo, -ire, -ii, -itum | to die, perish |
decus, -oris, n. | high esteem, honour, glory |
patrius, -a, -um | of/belonging to a father, ancestral, native |
Thebae, -arum, f. pl. | Thebes |
tormentum, -i, n. | rope, catapult; torture, agony |
diruo, -ere, -i, -tum | to demolish, wreck |
Stylistic Appreciation
5Analyze the rhetorical techniques Pentheus uses in his appeal to the Thebans. Are they effective?
Discussion Points
What other epic famously features exiles who sailed across the sea with their tutelary household divinities? Are the parallels significant?
What do you make of the fact that Pentheus upholds the murderous dragon of Mars who killed off most of the companions of his grandfather Cadmus upon his arrival at the future site of Thebes (see Met. 3.1–49) as a positive role-model?
essemus miseri sine crimine, sorsque querenda,
non celanda foret, lacrimaeque pudore carerent;
at nunc a puero Thebae capientur inermi,
quem neque bella iuvant nec tela nec usus equorum,
sed madidus murra crinis mollesque coronae [555]
purpuraque et pictis intextum vestibus aurum,
quem quidem ego actutum (modo vos absistite) cogam
adsumptumque patrem commentaque sacra fateri.
an satis Acrisio est animi, contemnere vanum
numen et Argolicas venienti claudere portas: [560]
Penthea terrebit cum totis advena Thebis?
Study Questions
Identify and explain the tense and mood of essemus, querenda + celanda foret, and carerent (551–52)
What kind of ablative is pudore (552)?
What is the subject of capientur (553)?
Identify the seven (!) subjects (three negatives, four positives) that go with iuvant (554–56).
Explain the grammar and discuss the meaning and design of pictis intextum vestibus aurum (556).
Explain how the infinitive fateri (558) fits into the sentence. What kind of construction does it introduce?
What kind of genitive is animi (559)? On what word does it depend?
Parse venienti. How does it fit into the sentence?
Parse Penthea (561).
Stylistic Appreciation
What formal devices does Pentheus use to reinforce his mockery of Bacchus?
Looking back over the speech, analyze its overall design with particular attention to Pentheus’ (changing) interaction with his audience.
Discussion Points
In his portrayal of Bacchus, Pentheus uses several stereotypes to characterize him as strange and foreign — a technique called ‘othering’ (to make someone look different from oneself). What are these stereotypes? Do they still have currency in contemporary culture? If so, where?
Bacchus demands infraction and suspension of the norms and expectations that bind (a) society. Tabulate these as Pentheus’speech captures them.
sors, -tis, f. | lot, fortune, destiny |
queror, -ri, -stus | to regret, complain, protest |
celo, -are, -avi, -atum | to conceal from view, hide |
pudor, -oris, m. | feeling of shame; dishonour |
inermis, -is,-e | unarmed, lacking military power |
murra, -ae, f. | myrrh |
crinis, -is, m. | hair |
purpura, -ae, f. | shellfish yielding purple dye; purple dye; purple-dyed cloth |
pingo, -ere, pinxi, pictum | to adorn with colour, paint, embroider |
intexo, -ere, -ui, -tum | to weave into, embroider on |
actutum (adverb) | forthwith, immediately |
assumo, -ere, -psi, -ptum | to insert, add; choose for oneself, adopt here: to lay claim to (wrongly) |
comminiscor, -inisci, -entus | to think up, contrive, invent, fabricate |
advena, ae, m./f. | new arrival, foreigner, stranger |
ite citi’ (famulis hoc imperat), ‘ite ducemque
attrahite huc vinctum! iussis mora segnis abesto!’
hunc avus, hunc Athamas, hunc cetera turba suorum
corripiunt dictis frustraque inhibere laborant. [565]
acrior admonitu est inritaturque retenta
et crescit rabies moderaminaque ipsa nocebant:
sic ego torrentem, qua nil obstabat eunti,
lenius et modico strepitu decurrere vidi;
at quacumque trabes obstructaque saxa tenebant, [570]
spumeus et fervens et ab obice saevior ibat.
Study Questions
Parse ite (562). What is the rhetorical effect of its repetition (ite — ite)?
What is the rhetorical effect of the parenthesis famulis hoc imperat?
Parse vinctum (563).
What noun does the adjective segnis (563) modify?
Parse abesto (563).
Ponder Ovid’s use of tense in 564–67: corripiunt — laborant — est — inritatur — crescit — nocebant.
What noun do the attributes acrior and retenta (566) modify? What is the rhetorical effect of this kind of placement?
Parse eunti (568). What noun does it modify?
Parse lenius (569).
What is the subject of ibat (571)?
Stylistic Appreciation
What is the technical term for the repetition of hunc (564)? What is its rhetorical effect here?
Discuss Ovid’s use of the simile in lines 568–71: how do the components of the simile match up to the surrounding narrative? How does Ovid draw on nature to illustrate an emotional condition?
Who makes the claim of autopsy (ego… vidi) and what effect does this have?
Discussion Points
6Does the phenomenon Ovid here describes, i.e. that attempts at diffusing Pentheus’anger actually worsen his condition, ring psychologically true? Why would that be the case? Can you think of other literary figures (or real-life persons) who manifest similar tendencies?
famulus, -i, m. | servant, attendant |
attraho, -here,-xi, -ctum | to draw with force, drag in |
vincio, -cire, vinxi, vinctum | to tie up, bind |
[cf. vinco, -ere, vici, victum | to win, conquer] |
mora, -ae, f. | delay |
Segnis, -is, -e | slothful, inactive, sluggish |
avus,-i, m. | grandfather |
corripio,- ipere, -ipui, -eptum | to seize, grasp to censure, rebuke, find fault with |
inrito, -are, -avi, -atum | to move to anger, provoke, annoy |
retineo, -ere, -ui, retentum | to hold fast, detain; delay, check |
moderamen, -inis, n. | control |
torrens, -ntis, m. | rushing stream, torrent |
strepitus, -us, m. | noise, clamour, uproar, din, turmoil |
trabs, -bis, f. | tree-trunk, beam |
obstruo, -xi,-ctum | to build before or against; to impede, obstruct, barricade |
saxa obstructa | stones placed in the way |
obex, -icis, m./f. | bar, bolt; barrier, obstacle |
ecce cruentati redeunt et, Bacchus ubi esset,
quaerenti domino Bacchum vidisse negarunt;
‘hunc’ dixere ‘tamen comitem famulumque sacrorum
cepimus’et tradunt manibus post terga ligatis [575]
sacra dei quendam Tyrrhena gente secutum.
adspicit hunc Pentheus oculis, quos ira tremendos
fecerat, et quamquam poenae vix tempora differt,
‘o periture tuaque aliis documenta dature
morte’, ait, ‘ede tuum nomen nomenque parentum [580]
et patriam, morisque novi cur sacra frequentes!’
Study Questions
Identify and explain the tense and mood of esset (572).
Parse quaerenti (573).
Parse negarunt (573). What construction does it introduce?
Parse dixere (574).
What is the accusative object of tradunt (575)? And what is the accusative object of the participle secutum (576)?
What construction is manibus post terga legatis?
What kind of ablative is Tyrrhena gente (576)?
What does the et between fecerat and quamquam link (578)?
Parse periture and dature (579).
Scan lines 579–80. What noun does the attribute tua modify?
Parse parentum (580).
What does the-que after moris link?
Identify and explain the mood of frequentes (581).
Stylistic Appreciation
7Discuss the dramatic force of the geminations Bacchus (573) ~ Bacchum (574) and tuum nomen nomenque parentum (580), and of the polyptoton sacrorum (574), sacra dei (576), sacra (581).
Discussion Points
8Comment on how Ovid handles the theme of sight in these lines. You may wish to focus on lexical items to do with seeing (ecce, vidisse, adspicit, oculis) and words that evoke graphic images (cruentati, tremendos). Who sees what?
ecce (interjection) | See! Behold! Look! Lo and behold! |
cruento, -are, -avi, -atus | to stain with blood; to pollute with blood-guiltiness |
comes, -itis, m. (f.) | companion |
ligo, -are, -avi, -atum | to fasten, bind, attach |
quidam, quaedam, quiddam | a certain (unspecified) person, someone |
Tyrrhenus,-a,-um | Tuscan, Etruscan |
gens,-tis, f. | race, nation, people; a (Roman) clan |
tremendus, -a, -um | such as to cause dread, awe-inspiring |
differo, -rre, distuli, dilatum | to scatter; to postpone, defer, put off |
documentum, -i, n. | an example (serving as a precedent, warning, instruction) |
edo, -ere, -idi, -itum | to emit; bring forth; utter; declare to make known in words, disclose, tell |
mos, moris, m. | established practice, custom |
frequento, -are, -avi, -atum | to populate, make crowded to visit or attend (a person) constantly to celebrate, observe |
ille metu vacuus ‘nomen mihi’ dixit ‘Acoetes,
patria Maeonia est, humili de plebe parentes.
non mihi quae duri colerent pater arva iuvenci,
lanigerosve greges, non ulla armenta reliquit; [585]
pauper et ipse fuit linoque solebat et hamis
decipere et calamo salientis ducere pisces.
ars illi sua census erat; cum traderet artem,
‘accipe, quas habeo, studii successor et heres’,
dixit ‘opes’, moriensque mihi nihil ille reliquit [590]
praeter aquas: unum hoc possum appellare paternum.
Study Questions
What kind of ablative is metu (582)?
Lines 584–85 jumble a main clause and a relative clause: rewrite in standard prose order.
What is the antecedent of the relative pronoun quae (584)?
Identify the subject and the object of colerent (584)
What is the mood of colerent (584) and why?
Identify the subject and the (three) accusative objects of reliquit (585).
What is the direct object of decipere (587)?
Parse salientis (587). What noun does it agree with?
What kind of dative is illi (588)?
What is the accusative object of accipe and the antecedent of quas (589)?
Stylistic Appreciation
9Discuss the devices by which Acoetes manages to take nine lines to say ‘my parents were poor and I inherited nothing’. Can you detect touches of irony, more specifically formulations reminiscent of elevated epic style that are here used to express the unremarkable and the everyday?
Discussion Points
What do you make of the presence of words such as plebs (583) and census (588) that evoke the political culture of republican and early imperial Rome?
What might make you wonder if this sounds like Bacchus, god and metonymy of wine, talking?
Maeonia, -ae, f. | Lydia Etruria (because the Etruscans were said to be descended from the Lydians) |
humilis, -is,-e | low, base, humble, obscure, poor |
plebs, -bis, f. | the common people, lower class |
iuvencus, -i, m. | a young bullock |
laniger, -gera, -gerum | wool-bearing, fleecy |
grex, gregis, m. | flock, herd; troop, band |
armentum, -i, n. | cattle for ploughing |
pauper, paupera, pauperum | poor |
linum, -i, n. | thread, rope, cable; net |
hamus, -i, m. | hook |
decipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum | to catch, ensnare, entrap, beguile |
calamus, -i, m. | reed; object made thereof, such as: fishing-rod |
salio, -ire, salui | to leap, spring, bound |
piscis, -is, m. | fish |
census, -us, m. | a registering and rating of Roman citizens or property hence: wealth, riches, property |
trado, -ere, tradidi, traditum | to hand over, transmit, betray, surrender |
heres, heredis | heir, heiress |
ops, opis, f. | power, might; property, wealth; help |
appello, -are, -avi, -atum | to drive toward, accost to address, speak to, call upon * to call, term, entitle, declare |
paternus, -a, -um | belonging to a father, paternal |
mox ego, ne scopulis haererem semper in isdem,
addidici regimen dextra moderante carinae
flectere et Oleniae sidus pluviale Capellae
Taygetenque Hyadasque oculis Arctonque notavi [595]
ventorumque domos et portus puppibus aptos.
forte petens Delon Chiae telluris ad oras
applicor et dextris adducor litora remis
doque levis saltus udaeque inmittor harenae:
Study Questions
What type of subordinate clause does ne (592) introduce?
What is the force of ad- in addidici (593)?
What kind of construction is dextra moderante (593)?
On what noun does the genitive carinae (593) depend?
What is the accusative object of flectere (594)?
Identify the six accusative objects of notavi (595).
Scan line 599 — how does the scanning help in figuring out grammar and meaning?
Identify and explain the voice of applicor (598), adducor (598) and immittor (599).
Stylistic Appreciation
10Acoetes continues to take long to say little. Discuss the techniques by which he beefs up ‘I learned to be a helmsman and happened to land on Chios’.
Discussion Points
11Can you identify the stars and constellations Ovid mentions here on a starchart? Why has he chosen those and not others? Do they add up to a coherent picture?
scopulus, -i, m. | rock, cliff, crag |
haereo, -ere, haesi, haesum | to hang, stick, cleave, cling, sit fast |
addisco, -scere, -dici (here + inf.) | to learn in addition, learn further |
moderor, -ari,-atus | to moderate, temper; guide, govern |
regimen, -inis, n. | here: ‘steering-oar’ |
Olenius, -a, -um [= Gk Ôlenios] | Olenian, poetic for Achaian |
pluvialis,-is, -e | rainy |
capella, -ae, f. | she-goat; star in the constellation Auriga |
Taygete, -es, f. | a daughter of Atlas and Pleione one of the Pleiades |
Hyades, -um, f. | the Hyades (a group of seven stars) daughters of Atlas, sisters of the Pleiades |
Arctos, -i, f. | Great and Lesser Bear, North Pole |
puppis, -is, f. | stern; ship |
forte (adverb; from fors) | perchance |
Chius, -a, -um | of the island Chios, Chian |
applico, -are, -avi, -atum (ad) | to bring into contact, put in (at) |
here middle/ passive: | (of persons): to land (at) |
adduco, -cere, -xi, -ctum | to lead or bring |
here middle/passive: | (of persons): to sail (a ship) to |
levis, -is, -e | light (with short-e-) [contrast lêvis = smooth] |
saltus, -us, m. | a jump, leap |
udus, -a, -um | wet, moist, damp, humid |
immitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to cause to go, send |
middle/passive (+ dat.): | to throw oneself, leap (on or into) |
nox ibi consumpta est; aurora rubescere primo [600]
coeperat: exsurgo laticesque inferre recentis
admoneo monstroque viam, quae ducat ad undas;
ipse quid aura mihi tumulo promittat ab alto
prospicio comitesque voco repetoque carinam.
“adsumus en” inquit sociorum primus Opheltes, [605]
utque putat, praedam deserto nactus in agro,
virginea puerum ducit per litora forma.
ille mero somnoque gravis titubare videtur
vixque sequi; specto cultum faciemque gradumque:
nil ibi, quod credi posset mortale, videbam. [610]
Study Questions
Identify and explain the mood of ducat (602).
Identify and explain the mood of promittat (603).
What kind of clause does ut (606) introduce? (Consider the mood of putat.)
What does the-que after ut (606) link?
What kind of ablative is virginea… forma?
What kind of ablatives are mero and somno?
Parse credi (610).
Identify and explain the mood of posset (610).
Stylistic Appreciation
Analyze the rhetorical design of 601 (exsurgo...) — 604 (... carinam), paying particular attention to symmetry and order.
Analyze the design of 607 and the gender-issues it raises.
Discussion Points
Why does Opheltes believe that a beautiful, intoxicated young boy they chanced upon in an empty field makes for a suitable victim of kidnapping? What kind of character/society does his reaction evoke?
How does Acoetes identify Bacchus?
consumo, -ere, -sumpsi,-sumptum | to take up, consume; of time: to spend, pass |
rubesco, -ere, rubui | to grow red, turn red, redden |
exsurgo, -ere, surrexi | to rise up, get up |
latex, -icis, m. | liquid, fluid, water |
recens, -entis | fresh, young, recent |
promitto, -ere, -misi, -missum | to send/put forth |
prospicio, -ere, -exi, -ectum | to look forward/into the distance |
en (interjection) | lo! behold! see! see there! |
nanciscor, -i, nactus/nanctus | to get, obtain; meet with, stumble on |
virgineus, -a, -um | maidenly, virginal |
merum, -i, n. | pure, unmixed wine |
titubo, -are, -avi, -atum | to stagger, totter, reel |
cultus, -us, m. | care, cultivation, refinement, style |
gradus, -us, m. | step, pace |
et sensi et dixi sociis: “quod numen in isto
corpore sit, dubito; sed corpore numen in isto est!
quisquis es, o faveas nostrisque laboribus adsis;
his quoque des veniam!” “pro nobis mitte precari!”
Dictys ait, quo non alius conscendere summas [615]
ocior antemnas prensoque rudente relabi.
hoc Libys, hoc flavus, prorae tutela, Melanthus,
hoc probat Alcimedon et, qui requiemque modumque
voce dabat remis, animorum hortator, Epopeus,
hoc omnes alii: praedae tam caeca cupido est. [620]
Study Questions
Explain why sit (612) is in the subjunctive.
Explain why faveas, adsis (613), and des (614) are in the subjunctive.
Parse mitte (614).
What kind of ablative is the relative pronoun quo (615)?
What is the verb of the relative clause introduced by quo (615–16)?
How do the infinitives conscendere (615) and relabi (616) fit into the syntax of the sentence?
What kind of construction is prenso rudente (616)?
What does the-que after prenso (616) link?
Explain the syntax of prorae tutela (617) and animorum hortator (619).
Identify the five subjects (and four accusative objects) of probat (618).
What is the antecedent of qui (618)?
What type of genitive is praedae (620)?
dubito, -are, -avi, -atum | to be uncertain, be in doubt, waver |
faveo, -ere, favi, fautum | to be favourable, be well disposed |
venia, -ae, f. | indulgence, kindness; permission; forbearance, pardon, forgiveness |
conscendere, -ere, -i, -nsum | to mount, ascend; to embark |
antemna, -ae, f. | a sail yard |
prendo, -ere, -di, -sum | to lay hold of, grasp, snatch, seize |
rudens, -entis, m. | rope, line, cord |
relabor, -bi, -lapsus | to slide or glide back; slide down |
flavus, -a, -um | golden-yellow, blond |
prora, -ae, f. | forepart of a ship, prow |
tutela, -ae, f. | charge, care, safeguard; guardianship keeper, warder, guardian |
remus, -i, m. | oar |
Stylistic Appreciation
What is the term for the stylistic device that Ovid uses in 611–12 quod numen in isto corpore sit, dubito; sed corpore numen in isto est! What is its effect here?
What is the technical term for, and the rhetorical effect of, the fourfold repetition of hoc in 617–20?
How does Ovid generate interest in the catalogue of the members of the crew?
Why is flavus… Melanthus (617) funny?
What kind of figure is prorae tutela (617)?
How does Ovid use style to reinforce the contrast between Acoetes and his crew?
Discussion Points
12Discuss the psychology/ motivation behind the positions of Acoetes and the rest of crew. Consider the social dynamics that unfold here, with one lone voice taking a principled if seemingly hopeless stance against the rest. Where else in ancient and modern literature do we find this situation?
“non tamen hanc sacro violari pondere pinum
perpetiar” dixi; “pars hic mihi maxima iuris”
inque aditu obsisto: furit audacissimus omni
de numero Lycabas, qui Tusca pulsus ab urbe
exilium dira poenam pro caede luebat; [625]
is mihi, dum resto, iuvenali guttura pugno
rupit et excussum misisset in aequora, si non
haesissem, quamvis amens, in fune retentus.
inpia turba probat factum; tum denique Bacchus
(Bacchus enim fuerat), veluti clamore solutus [630]
sit sopor aque mero redeant in pectora sensus,
“quid facitis? quis clamor?” ait “qua, dicite, nautae,
huc ope perveni? quo me deferre paratis?”
Study Questions
What noun does the demonstrative adjective hanc (621) modify?
Parse perpetiar (622).
What is the verb in the clause pars hic mihi maxima iuris (622)?
Identify and explain the case of mihi (622).
What kind of genitive is iuris (622)? On what noun does it depend?
What kind of ablative is iuvenali… pugno (626)?
What kind of condition does si non (627) introduce? What is the apodosis?
What is the main verb of the sentence that starts with tum denique Bacchus (629)?
What kind of ablative is clamore (630)?
What does the-que after the preposition a (631) link?
What noun does the interrogative adjective qua (632) modify?
Stylistic Appreciation
Discuss how the Latin re-enacts the way Bacchus gradually emerges out of his drunken stupor.
Is there a point to the s-alliteration solutus | sit sopor… sensus?
Discussion Points
13Why do things turn violent?
pinus, -us (and-i), f. | pine, pine-tree; anything made of pine-wood; ship |
perpetior, -ti, -ssus | to suffer to the full; tolerate, put up with |
aditus, -us, m. | approach, entry, entrance |
obsisto, -ere, -stiti, -stitum | to set oneself before; to oppose, resist |
pello, -ere, -pepuli, pulsus | to strike; here: to drive into exile, banish |
Tuscus, -a, -um | of Etruria or its inhabitants, Etruscan |
luo, -ere, lui | to pay a debt or penalty |
luere poenam/ poenas | to suffer/undergo as punishment |
resto, -are, restiti | to stop behind; to withstand, resist, oppose |
iuvenalis, -is, -e | youthful |
guttur, -uris, n. | gullet, throat |
pugnus, -i, m. | fist |
rumpo, -ere, rupi, ruptum | to break, burst, tear, rend, rupture |
excutio, -tere, -ssi, -ssum | to shake off, throw |
funis, -is, m. | rope, cord |
quamvis | (adv.) ever so much, exceedingly; (conj.) although, albeit |
retineo, -ere, -ui, -tentum | to hold/keep back, not let go, hold fast |
solvo, -ere, solvi, solutum | to free, set free, release |
sopor, -oris, m. | sleep; drowsiness |
defero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum | to bear or bring away; impeach, accuse |
“pone metum” Proreus, “et quos contingere portus
ede velis!” dixit; “terra sistere petita”. [635]
“Naxon” ait Liber “cursus advertite vestros!
illa mihi domus est, vobis erit hospita tellus”.
per mare fallaces perque omnia numina iurant
sic fore meque iubent pictae dare vela carinae.
dextera Naxos erat: dextra mihi lintea danti [640]
“quid facis, o demens? quis te furor”, inquit “Acoete”,
pro se quisque, “tenet? laevam pete!” maxima nutu
pars mihi significat, pars quid velit ore susurro.
Study Questions
Parse pone (634) and ede (635).
What does the et in line 634 link?
What kind of subordinate clause does quos introduce? What noun does it modify? What are the subject and the verb of the subordinate clause?
Parse velis (635).
Scan line 635 and parse terra and sistere.
What kind of accusative is Naxon?
What kinds of dative are mihi and vobis (637)?
What kind of clause does iurant (638) introduce?
Parse fore (639).
What kind of clause does iubent (639) introduce?
Parse danti (640).
What case is demens (641) in?
Why is velit (643) in the subjunctive?
contingo, -ere, -tigi, -tactum | to touch, take hold of, seize |
hospes, -itis, m./ hospita, -ae, f. | host; guest used adjectively: hospitable |
fallax, -acis | deceitful, deceptive |
pingo, -ere, pinxi, pictum | to adorn with colour, paint, embroider |
linteum, -i, n. | linen cloth; sail |
nutus, -us, m. | a nod |
significo, -are, -avi, -atum | to show (by signs), point out, intimate |
os, oris, n. | mouth |
susurrus, -a, -um | muttering, whispering |
Stylistic Appreciation
14This is a highly ‘dramatic’ sequence, with a lot of direct speech (including imperatives and vocatives) along with whispering and accompanying gestures and movements. One way to appreciate the theatrical quality is to reconceive the passage as a script with stage directions:
Proreus (fallaciter): ‘pone metum et ede quos portus contingere velis! terra petita sistere’.
Liber: ‘Cursus vestros Naxon advertite! illa mihi domus est, tellus vobis hospita erit’.
Omnes (fallaciter): ‘per mare et per omnia numina sic fore iuramus. Acoete, vela da ventis !’
Pro se quisque (pars nutu, pars ore susurro): ‘quid facis, o demens? quis te furor, Acoete, tenet? laevam pete!’
Discussion Points
15The action that unfolds here resembles a farce, mime, or comedy — that is, dramatic genres of slapstick-entertainment value that are far less elevated than epic or tragedy. Why do you think Ovid lets rip like this in terms of his generic registers?
obstipui “capiat” que “aliquis moderamina!” dixi
meque ministerio scelerisque artisque removi. [645]
increpor a cunctis, totumque inmurmurat agmen;
e quibus Aethalion “te scilicet omnis in uno
nostra salus posita est!” ait et subit ipse meumque
explet opus Naxoque petit diversa relicta.
tum deus inludens, tamquam modo denique fraudem [650]
senserit, e puppi pontum prospectat adunca
et flenti similis “non haec mihi litora, nautae,
promisistis” ait, “non haec mihi terra rogata est!
quo merui poenam facto? quae gloria vestra est,
si puerum iuvenes, si multi fallitis unum?” [655]
Study Questions
What does the que after capiat (644) link? What the-que after me (645)?
Parse te (647).
What is the rhetorical force of scilicet (647)?
What kind of construction is Naxo… relicta (649)?
What is the main verb of the sentence that begins with tum deus (650)?
Parse senserit (651) and explain the mood.
What does the et at the beginning of line 652 link?
What noun does the attribute adunca (651) modify?
Parse flenti (652).
What kinds (plural!) of dative are mihi in 652 and mihi in 653?
What noun does the interrogative adjective quo modify (654)? What case is it in?
Stylistic Appreciation
16Discuss the rhetorical devices Bacchus uses to express his outrage at the crew’s treachery, with particular attention to the design of 655.
Discussion Points
17Can you think of other moments in literature (or other media, such as cinema) in which an all-powerful character initially ‘plays possum’ or feigns naïveté when set upon by a gang of toughs, only to emerge victoriously? What makes this scenario so attractive?
obstipesco, -ere, obstipui | to be stupefied; be amazed; struck dumb |
moderamen, -inis, n. | means of managing; rudder, helm |
ministerium, -ii, n. | office, function, service; administration |
increpo, -are, increpui, increpitum | to make a noise; to upbraid loudly, chide |
immurmuro, -are, -avi,-atum | to murmur in, at, or against |
agmen, -inis, n. | multitude (in motion), group, band, army |
scilicet (adverb) | it is evident, clear, plain, manifest of course, naturally, undoubtedly ironically: of course, doubtless, forsooth |
subeo, -ire,-ii, -itum | to come or go under; to take the place of |
expleo, -ere,-evi, -etum | to fill up; to complete, finish |
diversus, -a, -um | different, opposite, contrary, conflicting |
inludo, -ere, -si, -sum | to mock, ridicule; to play at |
tamquam | as if |
fraus, fraudis, f. | deceit, fraud, deception; offence, crime |
puppis, -is, f. | the hinder part of the ship, stern |
pontus, -i, m. | the sea |
aduncus, -a, -um | hooked; curved |
fleo, -ere, flevi, fletum | to weep, cry, shed tears |
similis, -e (with gen. or, as here, dat.) | like, resembling, similar |
mereo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to deserve, merit, be entitled to; earn |
fallo, -ere, fefelli, falsum | to deceive, trick, dupe, cheat |
iamdudum flebam: lacrimas manus inpia nostras
ridet et inpellit properantibus aequora remis.
per tibi nunc ipsum (nec enim praesentior illo
est deus) adiuro, tam me tibi vera referre
quam veri maiora fide: stetit aequore puppis [660]
haud aliter quam si siccum navale teneret.
illi admirantes remorum in verbere perstant
velaque deducunt geminaque ope currere temptant:
inpediunt hederae remos nexuque recurvo
serpunt et gravidis distinguunt vela corymbis. [665]
Study Questions
Explain the tense of flebam.
What kind of construction is properantibus… remis (657)?
What word does the preposition per (658) govern?
What kind of ablative is illo (658)?
What is the subject accusative, what the infinitive of the indirect statement introduced by adiuro (659)?
What are the two accusative objects of referre (659)?
What kind of ablative is fide (660)?
Explain the mood of teneret (661).
On what noun does the genitive remorum (662) depend?
What is the subject of inpediunt (664), serpunt (665) and distinguunt (665)?
Stylistic Appreciation
Analyze the rhetorical design of lines 662–65, with special attention to stylistic symmetries.
Scan line 662 and explore possible links between metre and sense.
Discussion Points
18What are the rhetorical strategies Acoetes employs to render the incredible truthful? Compare them to those found in other texts (such as the Bible) that are invested in portraying divine interventions in human life that defy empirical plausibility as historical facts.
iamdudum | long since, a long time ago |
fleo, -ere, flevi, fletum | to weep, cry, shed tears; bewail, lament |
propero, -are, -avi,-atum | to hasten, quicken; make haste |
adiuro, -are, -avi,-atum | to swear to, confirm by oath |
verum, -i, n. | what is true or real; the truth, reality, fact |
fides, -ei, f. | faith, confidence, credence, belief trustworthiness, faithfulness, credibility |
siccus, -a, -um | dry |
navale, -is, n. | dock, dockyard |
verber, -eris, n. | lash, whip, scourge, rod; stroke, blow |
Persto, -are, -stiti | to stand firm, continue; persist |
deduco, -ere, -xi, -ctum | to lead, fetch, bring down |
geminus, -a, -um | born at the same time, twin-born paired, double, both, two |
impedio, -ire, -ivi, -itum | to entangle, ensnare, shackle, hamper to hold fast, detain, obstruct |
hedera, -ae, f. | ivy |
recurvus, -a, -um | bent back on itself, bent round |
serpo, -ere, -si | to crawl [cf. serpens, -ntis: snake] |
gravidus, -a, -um | pregnant; laden, filled, full |
distinguo, -guere, -xi, -ctum | to divide off, mark out; embellish, adorn |
corymbus, -i, m. | a cluster of ivy-berries |
ipse racemiferis frontem circumdatus uvis
pampineis agitat velatam frondibus hastam;
quem circa tigres simulacraque inania lyncum
pictarumque iacent fera corpora pantherarum.
exsiluere viri, sive hoc insania fecit [670]
sive timor, primusque Medon nigrescere coepit
corpore et expresso spinae curvamine flecti.
incipit huic Lycabas “in quae miracula” dixit
“verteris?” et lati rictus et panda loquenti
naris erat, squamamque cutis durata trahebat. [675]
Study Questions
What kind of accusative is frontem (666)?
What noun does racemiferis modify?
Identify the accusative object of agitat (667).
Scan line 669: what is unusual about its metrical design?
Parse exsiluere (670).
What does the et after corpore (672) link?
What kind of construction is expresso… curvamine (672)?
Parse verteris (674).
What is the verb of the clause starting with lati rictus (674)?
Parse loquenti (674).
What does the-que after squamam (675) link?
Stylistic Appreciation
19How does Ovid render Bacchus’ epiphany graphic and effective? (Be sure to include comments on its impact on the audience in the text.) How does he manage to visualize the phenomenon of transformation?
Discussion Points
20This block of text brings together gods, humans, and beasts (including the transformation of humans into beasts). Discuss how ancient (and modern) cultures configure these three ‘life-forms’ and their interrelation.
racemifer, -era, -erum | bearing clusters [of grapes] |
uva, -ae, f. | grape |
pampineus, -a, -um | full of tendrils or vine-leaves |
velo, -are, -avi, -atum | to cover (up), wrap, envelop, veil |
hasta, -ae, f. | lance, spear |
circa (adverb) | around, round about, all around |
simulacrum, -i, n. | likeness, image, form, figure |
inanis, -is, -e | empty, void; lifeless, dead |
lynx, lyncis, f. | a lynx |
panthera, -ae, f. | a panther |
exsilio, -ire, -ui | to spring out, bound forth, leap up |
nigresco, -ere, -grui | to become black, grow dark |
exprimo, -ere, -pressi, -pressum | to press or squeeze out, force out |
curvamen, -inis, n. | curvature; curved form; arc |
verto, -ere, -ti, -sum | to turn; to change, alter, transform; to translate; to overturn, overthrow |
latus, -a, -um | broad, wide, extended |
rictus, -us, m. | the mouth wide-open; gaping jaws |
pandus, -a, -um | bent, crooked, curved |
naris, -is, f. | nose |
squama, -ae, f. | a scale |
cutis, -is, f. | skin |
at Libys obstantis dum vult obvertere remos,
in spatium resilire manus breve vidit et illas
iam non posse manus, iam pinnas posse vocari.
alter ad intortos cupiens dare bracchia funes
bracchia non habuit truncoque repandus in undas [680]
corpore desiluit: falcata novissima cauda est,
qualia dividuae sinuantur cornua lunae.
undique dant saltus multaque adspergine rorant
emerguntque iterum redeuntque sub aequora rursus
inque chori ludunt speciem lascivaque iactant [685]
corpora et acceptum patulis mare naribus efflant.
Study Questions
Parse and scan obstantis (676). What noun does it modify? How does metre reinforce meaning?
Parse manus (677) and explain its syntactical function in the sentence.
What noun does the attribute breve (677) agree with?
What construction does vidit (677) introduce?
What noun does the attribute dividuae (682) modify?
Parse saltus (683).
On what noun does the genitive chori (685) depend?
Stylistic Appreciation
Discuss the ways in which Ovid represents the disappearance of human anatomy — and the appearance of dolphinesque features.
How do lines 683–86 enact the frolicking of dolphins in the sea?
Discussion Points
21Has the transformation into dolphins also altered the character of the sailors?
obverto, -ere, -ti, -sum | to turn towards/against; direct towards |
resilio, -ire, -ui (-ii) | to jump back, rebound, shrink |
penna, ae f. / pinna, ae f. | feather, wing; fin |
intorqueo, -ere, -torsi, -tortum | to twist, turn round; brandish, hurl |
intortus, -a, -um | twisted (made by twisting) involved, entwined |
bracchium, -ii, n. | arm, forearm (from hand to elbow) |
funis, -is, m. | rope |
truncus, -a, -um | maimed, mutilated, disfigured |
repandus, -a, -um | bent backwards, turned up |
falcatus, -a, -um [from falx: sickle] | armed with scythes; sickle-shaped, curved |
cauda, -ae, f. | tail |
dividuus, -a, -um | divided, separated; with luna: half-moon |
sinuo, -are, -avi, -atum | to bend, wind, curve |
roro, -are, -avi, -atum [ ros + o] | (intr.) to shed moisture, to drizzle |
aspergo, -ginis f. | action of sprinkling; what is sprinkled here: spraying |
rursus (adverb) | back again, again |
chorus, -i, m. | dance; chorus |
species, -ei, f. | sight, appearance |
in speciem | so as to give an appearance/impression |
lascivus, -a, -um | playful, frisky, frolicsome; mischievous |
patulus, -a, -um | wide-open, gaping |
accipio, -ere, accepi, acceptum | to take, receive |
efflo, -are, -avi, -atum | to blow out, breathe out |
de modo viginti (tot enim ratis illa ferebat)
restabam solus: pavidum gelidoque trementem
corpore vixque meo firmat deus “excute” dicens
“corde metum Dianque tene!” delatus in illam [690]
accessi sacris Baccheaque sacra frequento’.
‘Praebuimus longis’ Pentheus ‘ambagibus aures’,
inquit ‘ut ira mora vires absumere posset.
praecipitem, famuli, rapite hunc cruciataque diris
corpora tormentis Stygiae demittite nocti!’ [695]
Study Questions
What is the accusative object of ferebat (687)?
What kind of ablative is corde (690)?
What words does the-que after Diam link?
Parse tene (690).
Scan line 691. Why does the-e- in Bacchea scan long?
Scan line 693. What case is ira, what case mora?
What case is famuli (694)?
What does the-que after cruciata link?
Stylistic Appreciation
22How does Ovid bring out Pentheus’pent-up anger?
Discussion Points
23Does Pentheus have a point when he calls Acoetes’story ‘a long-winded runaround’ (cf. longis… ambagibus)?
viginti (numeral adjective, indeclinable) | twenty |
modo (adverb) | only, merely; of time just passed: a moment ago |
ratis, -is, f. | a wooden vessel, raft, boat |
tremo, -ere, -ui | to shake, quake, quiver, tremble |
firmo, -are, -avi, -atum | to strengthen, fortify, support, encourage |
excutio, -ere, -cussi, -cussum | to shake out or off; remove, banish |
cor, cordis, n. | heart |
Dia, -ae, f. | an old name for the island of Naxos |
defero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum | to bear, carry, bring; transfer, deliver |
accedo, -ere, -essi, -cessum | to go/come near, approach; enter upon |
Baccheus, -a, -um | of Bacchus, Bacchic |
praebeo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to hold forth, reach out; give, furnish |
ambages, -is, f. | a going around, roundabout way circumlocution, evasion, riddle |
auris, -is, f. | ear [not to be confused with aura,-ae, f. = breeze] |
absumo, -ere, -psi, -ptum | to use up, consume, exhaust |
praeceps, -ipitis | headlong, impetuous |
crucio, -are, -avi, -atum | to put to the rack, torture, torment |
dirus, -a, -um | fearful, awful; ill-omened, ominous |
Stygius, -a, -um | Stygian, hellish, infernal |
demitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum | to let fall, make descend, send down |
protinus abstractus solidis Tyrrhenus Acoetes
clauditur in tectis; et dum crudelia iussae
instrumenta necis ferrumque ignesque parantur,
sponte sua patuisse fores lapsasque lacertis
sponte sua fama est nullo solvente catenas. [700]
perstat Echionides, nec iam iubet ire, sed ipse
vadit ubi electus facienda ad sacra Cithaeron
cantibus et clara bacchantum voce sonabat.
ut fremit acer equus, cum bellicus aere canoro
signa dedit tubicen pugnaeque adsumit amorem, [705]
Penthea sic ictus longis ululatibus aether
movit, et audito clamore recanduit ira.
Study Questions
What noun does the attribute solidis (696) modify? How does the word order enact meaning?
Parse iussae (697). What noun does it agree with?
What type of ablative is lacertis (699)?
What does the-que after lapsas (699) link?
Identify the two subject accusatives and the two infinitives of the indirect statement introduced by fama est (700).
What construction is nullo solvente (700)?
Parse bacchantum (703).
What noun does the attribute bellicus (704) modify?
What kind of genitive is pugnae (705)?
Parse ictus (706). What noun does it agree with?
What type of ablative is longis ululatibus (706)?
What kind of construction is audito clamore (707)?
Stylistic Appreciation
How does Ovid generate a sense of marvel at the liberation of Acoetes?
Discuss the illustrative value of the simile in lines 704–05.
Discussion Points
24Profile Pentheus’state of mind. Why does he remain unimpressed by the miraculous liberation of Acoetes? What makes him rush to his doom on Mount Cithaeron?
protinus | right on, straightaway, immediately |
abstraho, -here, -xi, -ctum | to drag away, remove forcibly |
sponte sua | of itself, spontaneously |
foris, -is, mainly in plural: fores, -um, f. | door, gate |
labor, -bi, -psus | to move, glide; to slip, fall |
lacertus, -i, m. | upper arm (from shoulder to elbow) |
Catena, -ae, f. | fetter, shackle, chain |
persto, -are, -stiti | to stand firmly, remain steadfast, persist |
Vado, -ere | to go, walk, rush |
Cithairon/ Cithaeron, -onis, m. | Cithaeron (mountain in Boeotia) |
eligo, -igere, -egi, -ectum | to select, choose, pick out |
bacchor, -ari, -atus | to celebrate the rites of Bacchus, to act like a Bacchante, rave, rage |
fremo, -ere, -ui, -itum | to roar, resound, growl, grumble |
canorus, -a, -um | melodious, euphonious |
tubicen, -cinis, m. | a trumpeter |
icio, -ere, -i, -tum | to strike, smite |
recandesco, -ere, -dui | to grow white/hot (again), glow |
monte fere medio est, cingentibus ultima silvis,
purus ab arboribus, spectabilis undique, campus:
hic oculis illum cernentem sacra profanis [710]
prima videt, prima est insano concita cursu,
prima suum misso violavit Penthea thyrso
mater et ‘o geminae’ clamavit ‘adeste sorores!
ille aper, in nostris errat qui maximus agris,
ille mihi feriendus aper’. ruit omnis in unum [715]
turba furens; cunctae coeunt trepidumque sequuntur,
iam trepidum, iam verba minus violenta loquentem,
iam se damnantem, iam se peccasse fatentem.
Study Questions
What is the subject of the sentence starting monte fere medio est... (708–09)?
What kind of construction is cingentibus ultima silvis (708)? How does ultima fit in?
What is the subject of the sentence starting hic oculis... (710–13)?
What kind of construction does videt (711) govern?
What kind of construction is misso… thyrso (712)?
What type of dative is mihi (715)?
What construction does fatentem introduce (718)?
Stylistic Appreciation
25How does Ovid rhetorically embellish the final show down between Pentheus and his mother (as well as the rest of the Maenads)?
Discussion Points
26Discuss the drama of sight that plays itself out in these lines: who sees whom seeing what from where? Should the transformative visions induced by madness and hallucination count as types of metamorphosis?
mons, -ntis, m. | mountain |
cingo, -ere,-xi, -nctum | to circle, surround, encompass |
purus, -a, -um | clean, free, clear; undefiled, unstained |
spectabilis, -is,-e | that may be seen; visible |
undique (adverb) | from all parts, on all sides |
hîc (adverb of place) | in this place, here |
concieo, -ciere, -civi,-citum | to urge, bring or assemble together to move violently, shake, stir up, rouse |
thyrsus, -i, m. | Bacchic staff, thyrsus |
geminus, -a, -um | born at the same time, twin-born paired, double, both, *two |
aper, -pri, m. | boar |
ferio, -ire | to knock, strike; to slay, kill |
pecco, -are, -avi, -atum | to transgress, commit a fault, offend |
fateor, -eri, fassus | to confess, own, grant |
saucius ille tamen ‘fer opem, matertera’ dixit
‘Autonoe! moveant animos Actaeonis umbrae!’ [720]
illa, quis Actaeon, nescit dextramque precantis
abstulit, Inoo lacerata est altera raptu.
non habet infelix quae matri bracchia tendat,
trunca sed ostendens dereptis vulnera membris
‘adspice, mater!’ ait. visis ululavit Agave [725]
collaque iactavit movitque per aera crinem
avulsumque caput digitis conplexa cruentis
clamat: ‘io comites, opus hoc victoria nostra est!’
Study Questions
Parse fer (719).
Explain the tense and mood of moveant (720). What is its subject?
What verb needs to be supplied with quis Actaeon (721)?
Parse precantis (721).
What noun does the adjective Inoo (722) modify?
What noun has to be supplied mentally after altera (722)?
What is the accusative object of habet and antecedent of quae (723)?
What noun does trunca (724) modify?
What construction is dereptis… membris (724)?
What kind of ablative is visis?
Stylistic Appreciation
27Compare Ovid’s techniques in describing the dismemberment of Pentheus with those used in contemporary splatter-movies.
Discussion Points
28What are the ethics of depicting extreme forms of violence? Is there an aesthetics of the gruesome? Is Ovid’s description of Pentheus’dismemberment entertaining — or even witty? Or rather grotesque and revolting?
saucius, -a, -um | wounded, hurt, injured |
matertera, ae, f. | aunt (a mother’s sister) |
Actaeon, -onis, m. | Actaeon |
umbra, -ae, f. | shade, shadow; shade, ghost |
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatum | to take off, carry off, remove, snatch off |
Inous, -a, -um | of or belonging to Ino |
lacero, -are,-avi,-atum | to tear to pieces, mangle, rend, mutilate |
raptus, -us, m. | a carrying off by force; violent rending |
truncus,-a,-um | maimed, mutilated, mangled, disfigured |
deripio, -ere, -ripui, -reptum | to tear off, tear away, remove violently |
visum, i, n. (ppp of video) | something seen, sight, appearance, vision |
collum, -i, n. | neck |
iacto, -are, -avi, -atum | to throw, scatter; to toss, shake |
avello, -ere, -velli, -vulsum | to pull off/ away, to rend off, tear away |
digitus, -i, m. | finger |
cruentus, -a, -um | stained with blood, bloody |
complector, complecti, complexus | to entwine; to clasp, embrace |
non citius frondes autumni frigore tactas
iamque male haerentes alta rapit arbore ventus, [730]
quam sunt membra viri manibus direpta nefandis.
talibus exemplis monitae nova sacra frequentant
turaque dant sanctasque colunt Ismenides aras.
Study Questions
Parse citius (729).
What are the subject and the verb of the sentence starting with non citius... (729–30)?
What kind of ablative is alta… arbore (730)?
What kind of ablative is manibus… nefandis (731)?
What is the subject of the sentence starting with talibus exemplis... (732–33)?
Stylistic Appreciation
29Assess the explanatory value and the appropriateness of the simile Ovid uses to illustrate Pentheus’ dismemberment.
Discussion Points
30Why does Ovid turn the doom of Pentheus into an exemplum that stimulates religious worship — despite the fact that he stated earlier that the Theban king was the only one in Thebes who refused to honour Bacchus with cultic veneration? (Note that Ovid specifies the Theban women as the ones taught Bacchus’ lesson.) What do you make of a religion/divinity who practises this sort of didacticism? Are there hints in the text that Ovid disapproves of Pentheus’ punishment?
autumnus,-i, m. | autumn |
frigor, -oris, m. | cold |
tango, -ere, tetigi, tactum | to touch, take hold of |
diripio, -ere, -pui, direptum | to tear asunder/ in pieces, lay waste |
moneo, -ere, -ui, monitum | to remind; to admonish, advice, warn; to instruct, teach |
tus, turis, n. | incense, frankincense |
Ismenis, -idis, f. | a Theban woman [from Ismenus, a river of Boeotia near Thebes] |

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