Publications Received
p. 459-461
Texte intégral
In addition to the books reviewed above, copies of the following have been received by April, 2016, and will be considered for review in Yeats Annual No. 21.
Wayne Chapman
Yeats’s Poetry in the Making: Sing Whatever Is Well Made (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), pp. xx + 358.
Wayne Chapman (ed.)
The South Carolina Review, 48: 2 (Spring 2016), ISSN: 0038-3163. Contains Neil Mann’s essay review, ‘The Fascination of What’s Accurate’ on Chapman’s Yeats’s Poetry in the Making: Sing Whatever is Well Made, pp. 211–19. ISBN 978-0-230-27191-3
Denis Donoghue
Metaphor (Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 2014), pp. 232. ISBN 9780674430662
Declan J. Foley (ed.)
Yeats 150: William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 (Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2016), pp. xii + 588. ISBN 978 1 84351 645 3. Following the editor’s introduction, and Helen Vendler’s ‘Seamus Justin Heaney’, there are 313 pp. of ‘Academic Essays’, some of them reprintings of published pieces. In order of placement, these essays are by Maneck H. Daruwala, Deirdre Toomey, Warwick Gould, José Lanters, Patrick J. Keane, Denis Donoghue, Peter Kuch, Colin Smythe, Neil Mann, Tomoko Iwatsubo, Lucy McDiarmuid, Anne Margaret Daniel, Bruce Stewart, Carolyn Masel and John Purser. Three essays on ‘The Plays’ follow, by Richard Londraville, Sam McCready and Melinda Szüts, ‘The Yeats Family’, essays by Ann Saddlemyer, Hilary Pyle, James L. Pethica, Elisabeth Ansel, Martin Mansergh. ‘Tír Na Nóg’ with essays by Glen Cavaliero, T. R. Henn (1901–74), Vincent Buckley (1925-88), and Alec King (1904-70). ‘Scholars’ includes pieces by Doug Saum, Craig Kirk, Katy Plowright and Kristóf Kiss; while ‘W. B. Yeats Poetry Prizes’ off a list of the iYeats Poetry Competition, and the Poetry Ireland Secondary Schools Competition, plus W. B. Yeats Poetry Prizes in Australia and New York. A final section on ‘Sligeach: Sligo—“The Place of Shells” and Slí Dhá Átha—“The way of the Two Fords”’ includes six pieces. ‘Notes on Contributors’ follow, with a list of Subscribers, Bibliography and Index.
Wayne E. Hall
Dialogues in the Margin: A Study of The Dublin University Magazine (Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1999; Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, Ltd., 2000), pp. x + 252. ISBN 9780861404339.
Francesca Knox and David Lonsdale (eds.)
Poetry and the Religious Imagination. The Power of the Word I (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015), pp. 240. ISBN 9781472426246.
Francesca Knox and John Took (eds.)
Poetry and Prayer. The Power of the Word II (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015), pp. 262. ISBN 978-1472426215
Lucy McDiarmid
Poets and the Peacock Dinner: The Literary History of a Meal (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. xviii + 212. ISBN 9780198722786
Barry Shiels
W. B. Yeats and World Literature: The Subject of Poetry (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015), pp. x + 200. ISBN 9781472425539.
Bruce Stewart (ed.)
The Irish Book Lover: An Irish Studies Reader Taken from issues of The Irish Book Lover (1909–1957), with an Integrated Index by Bruce Stewart, and an Introductory Lecture by Nicholas Allen (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, Ltd., 2004. ISBN 0861404556. Princess Grace Irish Library: 14).
Sonja Tiernan
Eva Gore-Booth: An Image of Such Politics (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012), p. xviii + 277. ISBN 978-0-7190-8232-0
Helen Vendler
The Ocean, the Bird and the Scholar: Essays on Poets and Poetry (Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 2015), pp. x + 444. ISBN 9780674736566. Contains with 26 other essays, ‘Fin-de-Siècle Lyric: W. B. Yeats and Jorie Graham’, 27–42.
Nathan Wallace
Hellenism and Reconciliation from Yeats to Field Day (Cork: Cork University Press, 2015), pp. x + 194. ISBN 9781782050681.
Patricia Hughes
There are now two further books in Patricia Hughes’s ‘William Butler Yeats and Honor Bright Series’, viz., An Analysis of Selected Poetry by William Butler Yeats between 1918 and 1928 (2014) and Who Killed Honor Bright? How William Butler and George Yeats Caused the Fall of the Irish Free State (2015). The series is published by Hues Books. The first volume was reviewed in ‘Mummy Truths?’ by Deirdre Toomey, YA17 483-85.
P. R. Jennings
W. B. Yeats and the Secret Masters of the World ([n.p.]: Peter Fludde and Partners, 2013), pp. 257.
Marguerite Mulligan McGlinn
Murder in the Yeats Castle [Kindle Edition] (Bryn Mawr: Thomas W. McGlinn, 2014).
Anthony J. Quinn
The Blood-Dimmed Tide (Harpenden: Oldcastle Books (No-exit Press, 2014), pp. 256. ISBN 9781843444657.
Orna Ross
Secret Rose: Her Secret Rose (2015) by Orna Ross and The Secret Rose (1897) by William Butler Yeats (London: Font Publications, 2015), pp. xvi + 543. ISBN Ebook: 9781909888180; ISBN Pbook Pod: 9781909888173; ISBN Hardback: 9781909888258.
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