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Caroline Warman

22. Three aphorisms from Diderot, The Eleutheromaniacs, 1772; Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1766; and Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786), Morning Hours, 17861


  • 1 Denis Diderot, ‘Les Eleuthéromanes, ou les furieux de la liberté’, in his Œuvres de Denis Diderot, (...)

1The child of nature always detests slavery:
Merciless enemy of all authority,
He rejects the yoke, is revulsed by constraint;
Liberty is his vow, Liberty his cry.

2Whoever dares to say that ‘without the church there is no salvation’ deserves to be hounded from the State, unless the State is the Church, and its prince is the pontiff. Such a dogma only works in a theocracy, and for any other government it is harmful.

3My fear is that, when all is said and done, this famous debate between materialists, idealists and dualists will be nothing more than a verbal quarrel, better suited to the linguist than to the speculative philosopher.

Portrait of Moses Mendelssohn after Anton Graff (1771)

Portrait of Moses Mendelssohn after Anton Graff (1771)


Read the free original text online (facsimile) of Diderot’s Œuvres, III, 1821 edition:​books?id=Rd5ewRvz0qMC&pg=PA461Read

Read the free original text online (facsimile) of Rousseau’s Contrat social ou principes du droit politique, 1766 edition:​books?id=xmEHAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA1-PR37Read

Read the free original text online (facsimile) of Mendelssohn’s Morgenstunden, 1786 edition:​books?id=azQtawSj7UUC&pg=PA116


1 Denis Diderot, ‘Les Eleuthéromanes, ou les furieux de la liberté’, in his Œuvres de Denis Diderot, Paris: Brière, 1821, III, pp. 467-468; Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Du contrat social, 1762, Book IV, ch. 8, Geneva: chez Marc-Michel Bousquet, 1766, p. 268; Moses Mendelssohn, Morgenstunden, Berlin: 1786, I, p. 116.


Titel Portrait of Moses Mendelssohn after Anton Graff (1771)
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