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What Works in Conservation 2021

William Junior Sutherland
Lynn V. Dicks
Silviu O. Petrovan
et al.

10. Someaspects of control of freshwater invasive species

10.5 Threat: Invasive reptiles

Texte intégral

10.5.1 Red-eared terrapin Trachemys scripta

Likely to be beneficial

Direct removal of adults

1Two studies, a replicated study from Spain using Aranzadi turtle traps, and an un-replicated study in the British Virgin Islands using sein netting, successfully captured but did not eradicate red-eared terrapin populations. Assessment: likely to be beneficial (effectiveness 40 %; certainty 50 %).​actions/​1055

Unlikely to be beneficial

Application of a biocide

2A replicated, controlled laboratory study in the USA, found that application of glyphosate to the eggs of red-eared terrapins reduced hatching success to 73 % but only at the highest experimental concentration of glyphosate and a surface active agent. Assessment: unlikely to be beneficial (effectiveness 15 %; certainty 50 %).​actions/​1059

No evidence found (no assessment)

3We have captured no evidence for the following interventions:

  • Biological control using native predators
  • Draining invaded waterbodies
  • Public education
  • Search and removal using sniffer dogs.

Table des illustrations

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