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Cornelius Nepos, Life of Hannibal

Cornelius Nepos

Full Vocabulary for Nepos’Life of Hannibal and Prologus to the Lives of Outstanding Commanders1


— A —

  • 1 Nota bene: the frequency of each word in the Life of Hannibal appears in Chapter and other vocabul (...)

1ā ab abs: from, by (+ abl.) (18)

2abiciō ‒icere ‒iēcī ‒iectus: throw down, toss (1)

3absēns absentis: absent (3)

4absum abesse āfuī: be away, absent (1)

5ac: and, and besides, than (6)

6accēdō ‒cēdere ‒cessī ‒cessum: approach (1)

7accidō ‒cidere ‒cidī: happen; fall (3)

8accipiō ‒cipere ‒cēpī ‒ceptum: receive (2)

9ācer ācris ācre: sharp, piercing (2)

10aciēs aciēī f.: edge; line of battle (3)

11acquiēscō ‒quiēscere ‒quiēvī ‒quiētum: die, repose in death (1)

12ad: to, towards, at (+ acc.) (18)

13addūcō ‒dūcere ‒dūxī ‒ductum: lead to, induce (2)

14adeō ‒īre ‒iī ‒itum: go to (1)

15adeō: to such a degree, so (1)

16adhibeō ‒hibēre ‒hibuī ‒hibitus: apply

17afficiō ‒ficere ‒fēcī ‒fectum: affect, visit with (+ abl.) (1)

18adiungō ‒iungere ‒iūnxī ‒iūnctum: add, connect, join to (2)

19admīror ‒mīrārī ‒mīrātus sum: wonder (at), be surprised

20adorior ‒orīrī ‒ortus sum: assault, approach (as an enemy) (1)

21adulēscentulus ‒ī m.: young man, youth

22adversārius ‒a ‒um: opposite, hostile, contrary (4)

23adversus: facing, opposite, against, opposed (to) (+ acc.) (6)

24aedēs aedis f.: building; house (in pl.)

25aedificium ‒ī n.: building (2)

26aedificō ‒āre: build, erect (1)

27Aemilius ‒ī m.: Aemilius (2)

28aēneus ‒a ‒um: made of copper or bronze (1)

29aequus ‒a ‒um: equal (1)

30aerārius ‒a ‒um: of or belonging to copper or bronze; treasury (pl.) (1)

31aetās aetātis f.: age, time of life (2)

32afficiō ‒ficere ‒fēcī ‒fectum: affect, visit with (+ abl.) (1)

33Āfrica ‒ae f.: Africa (3)

34ager agrī m.: field (1)

35agō agere ēgī āctum: drive, do, act (3)

36aliēnus ‒a ‒um: foreign, strange (2)

37aliquis ‒quae ‒quod: some, any; si quis, si quid: anyone who, anything that (1)

38aliquot: several, some (3)

39aliter: otherwise, differently

40alius alia aliud: other, another (5)

41Alpēs Alpium f.: Alps (1)

42Alpicus ‒ī m.: inhabitant of the Alps (1)

43alter altera alterum: other of two (1)

44amātor amātōris m.: lover, friend

45amīcitia ‒ae f.: friendship, alliance (1)

46amīcus ‒a ‒um: friendly (2)

47amphora ‒ae f.: amphora (large, two ‒handled jar) (1)

48amplus ‒a ‒um: large, spacious (1)

49angustus ‒a ‒um: narrow, confined (1)

50anima ‒ae f.: breath, spirit (1)

51animus ‒ī m.: spirit, mind (2)

52annālis annālis m.: record of events, chronicle (1)

53annus ‒ī m.: year (7)

54annuus ‒a ‒um: for a year, annual (1)

55ante: before, in front of (adv. and prep. + acc.) (1)

56anteā: before, earlier, already (2)

57antecēdō ‒cēdere ‒cessī ‒cessum: go before, precede, excel (1)

58Antiochus ‒ī m.: Antiochus (III, the Great, king of Syria) (6)

59appāreō ‒pārēre ‒pāruī: appear, become visible (1)

60apparō ‒āre: prepare (1)

61appellō ‒āre: call, address, name (1)

62Appennīnus ‒ī m.: Apennines (mountain range running the length of the Italian peninsula) (1)

63apud: near, in the presence of (+ acc.) (13)

64Āpulia ‒ae f.: Apulia (region in southeastern Italy) (1)

65āra ‒ae f.: altar (1)

66arbitrium ‒ī n.: decision, judgment, authority (1)

67arbitror arbitrārī arbitrātus sum: consider, think (1)

68argentum ‒ī n.: silver, money (1)

69arma ‒ōrum n. pl.: arms, weapons, armor, tools (3)

70armō ‒āre: arm, equip with weapons (2)

71ascendō ‒scendere ‒scendī ‒scēnsum: climb up, ascend (1)

72Āsia ‒ae f.: Asia (3)

73at: but, but yet (3)

74Athēniēnsis Athēniēnsis m.: Athenian

75atque: and in addition, and also, and (7)

76Atticus ‒ī m.: Atticus (1)

77audeō audēre ausus sum: dare, be eager (2)

78Aurēlius ‒ī m.: Aurelius (1)

79aureus ‒a ‒um: golden; splendid (1)

80aurum ‒ī n.: gold (1)

81aut: or (2)

82autem: moreover, but, however (6)

83avāritia ‒ae f.: greed, rapacity (1)

— B —

84Baebius ‒ī m.: Baebius (2)

85bellicōsus ‒a ‒um: warlike, fierce (1)

86bellō ‒āre: wage war, fight, contend (2)

87bellum ‒ī n.: war (12)

88bene: well (1)

89bīduum ‒ī n.: two day period (1)

90bīnī ‒ae ‒a: in pairs (1)

91Bīthӯnia ‒ae f.: Bithynia (a kingdom in northern Asia Minor) (1)

92Bīthӯnius ‒ī m.: inhabitant of Bithynia (1)

93Blithō Blithōnis m.: Blitho (1)

94bonus ‒a ‒um: goods, property (1)

— C —

95cādūceus ‒ī m.: herald’s staff (1)

96callidus ‒a ‒um: clever, cunning, shrewd (2)

97campus ‒ī m.: plain, field (1)

98Cannēnsis Cannēnse: of Cannae (town in southeastern Italy) (1)

99cantō ‒āre: play (an instrument), sing

100capiō capere cēpī captum: seize (2)

101captīvus ‒ī m.: captive (2)

102Capua ‒ae f.: Capua (city southeast of Rome) (1)

103castellum ‒ī n.: fort, fortress (1)

104castrum ‒ī n.: fortress, camp (regularly plural) (5)

105cāsus cāsūs m.: a fall; chance, accident (1)

106causa ‒ae f.: cause, reason; causā: (+ preceding gen.) for the sake of (1)

107celēbritās celēbritātis f.: crowd, company, society

108celer celeris celere: swift; adv. celeriter (1)

109cēlō ‒āre: hide, conceal (1)

110cēna ‒ae f.: dinner, supper

111cēnō ‒āre: dine (1)

112Centēnius ‒ī m.: Centenius (1)

113cēterus ‒a ‒um: the others, the rest (6)

114Cethēgus ‒ī m.: Cethegus (1)

115Cīmōn Cīmōnis m.: Cimon

116circiter: near, not far from (1)

117circumdō ‒dare ‒dedī ‒datum: surround, encircle (1)

118circumeō ‒īre ‒iī/‒ īvī ‒itum: surround (1)

119circumveniō ‒venīre ‒vēnī ‒ventum: surround, encircle (1)

120citō ‒āre: announce, call on

121cīvis civis m./f.: citizen (1)

122cīvitās cīvitātis f.: citizenship, state (1)

123clam: secretly (1)

124clandestīnus ‒a ‒um: secret, hidden, concealed (1)

125classiārius ‒ī m.: mariner; (pl.) naval forces, marines (1)

126classis classis f.: class, division, fleet (3)

127Clastidium ‒ī n.: Clastidium (town in northern Italy) (1)

128Claudius ‒ī m.: Claudius (3)

129claudō claudere clausī clausum: close, shut (1)

130coepī coepisse coeptus: begin (2)

131cōgitō ‒āre: think, reflect (1)

132cognātiō cognātiōnis f.: kinship, blood ‒relationship

133cōgnōscō ‒gnōscere ‒gnōvī ‒gnitum: learn, understand (1)

134cohortātiō cohortātiōnis f.: exhortation (1)

135collēga ‒ae m.: colleague (1)

136colligō ‒ere ‒lēgī ‒lēctum: gather together, collect (2)

137colloquium ‒ī n.: conversation (1)

138commemorō ‒āre: recall, mention (1)

139committō ‒mittere ‒mīsī ‒missum: join, entrust to (+ dat.); perform, do (1)

140commodus ‒a ‒um: proper, elegant

141comparō ‒āre: get ready, provide; compare (1)

142comperiō ‒perīre ‒perī ‒pertum: find out, learn, know (1)

143compleō ‒plēre ‒plēvī ‒plētum: fill up (2)

144complūrēs complūrium: several (1)

145compōnō ‒pōnere pōsuī pōsitum: build, construct, arrange (2)

146comprehendō ‒prehendere ‒prehendī ‒prehensum: seize, apprehend (2)

147comprobō ‒āre: approve fully, endorse (1)

148concīdō ‒cīdere ‒cīdī ‒cīsum: cut to pieces, beat severely, destroy (1)

149conciliō ‒āre: unite, win over (1)

150concitō ‒āre: rouse, excite (1)

151concurrō ‒currere ‒currī ‒cursum: join battle with (1)

152concursus concursūs m.: meeting, collision, encounter (1)

153condīciō condīciōnis f.: agreement, condition (1)

154condūcō ‒dūcere ‒dūxī ‒ductus: hire, employ

155cōnferō cōnferre contulī collātum: collect, bring to (2)

156cōnficiō ‒ficere ‒fēcī ‒fectum: complete, accomplish; destroy, kill, consume (2)

157conflīgō ‒flīgere ‒flīxī ‒flīctum: clash, fight (4)

158congredior ‒gredī ‒gressus sum: come together, meet, join battle (2)

159coniciō ‒icere ‒iēcī ‒iectum: cast, fling, toss (2)

160coniūnctus ‒a ‒um: connected, related

161conlocō ‒āre: place, station, set up (1)

162cōnor cōnārī cōnātus sum: try, undertake, attempt (3)

163cōnscrībō ‒scrībere ‒scrīpsī ‒scrīptum: enlist; patrēs cōnscrīptī: senators (1)

164cōnsequor ‒sequī ‒secūtus sum: follow up, overtake, attain (3)

165cōnserō ‒serere ‒seruī ‒sertum: engage (in close combat), join (battle) (1)

166cōnservō ‒āre: retain, maintain, preserve (3)

167cōnsīderō ‒āre: consider (1)

168cōnsilium ‒ī n.: plan; council, group of advisors (5)

169cōnspiciō ‒spicere ‒spexī ‒spectus: catch sight of, perceive (1)

170cōnstituō ‒stituere ‒stituī ‒stitūtum: establish, put together (1)

171cōnsuēscō ‒suēscere ‒suēvī ‒suētum: be accustomed (1)

172cōnsuētūdo cōnsuētūdinis f.: custom, habit (1)

173cōnsul cōnsulis m.: consul (13)

174cōnsulāris cōnsulāre: consular, of consular rank (2)

175cōnsultum ‒ī n.: decree, resolution (1)

176contrā: against, opposite (adv. and prep. + acc.)

177contrahō ‒trahere ‒trāxī ‒tractum: draw together, assemble, muster (1)

178conveniō ‒venīre ‒vēnī ‒ventum: assemble, meet; agree (3)

179convīvium ‒ī n.: banquet, feast

180convocō ‒āre: call together, assemble (1)

181cōpia ‒ae f.: abundance; (pl.) troops (2)

182Cornēlius ‒ī m.: Cornelius (3)

183cornū cornūs n.: horn (2)

184corōna ‒ae f.: crown (1)

185corrumpō ‒rumpere ‒rūpī ‒ruptum: break up, destroy, ruin (1)

186crēdō crēdere crēdidī crēditum: believe (1)

187creō ‒āre: produce, create; elect, choose (1)

188Crēta ‒ae f.: Crete (1)

189Crētēnsis Crētēnse: Cretan (2)

190cum: with (prep. + abl.); when, since, although (conj. + subj.) (48)

191cūnctus ‒a ‒um: entire, all together (1)

192cupiditās cupiditātis f.: longing, desire, passion (1)

193cupiō cupere cupīvī cupītum: desire (2)

194cūra ‒ae f.: care, concern (1)

195custōdiō custōdīre custōdīvī custōdītus: guard (1)

196Cӯrēnaeus ‒ī m.: inhabitant of Cyrene (a city in north Africa) (1)

— D —

197dē: down from, about, concerning (+ abl.) (10)

198dēbeō dēbēre dēbuī dēbitum: owe, be obliged (1)

199dēbilitō ‒āre: weaken, impair (1)

200dēcernō ‒cernere ‒crēvī ‒crētum: determine, decide (2)

201dēclārō ‒āre: indicate, reveal (1)

202decōrus ‒a ‒um: proper, suitable

203dēdō ‒dere ‒didī ‒ditum: hand over, deliver (2)

204dēdūcō ‒dūcere ‒dūxī ‒ductum: launch, lead away (2)

205dēfendō ‒fendere ‒fendī ‒fēnsum: defend, ward off (2)

206dēferō ‒ferre ‒tulī ‒lātum: carry away, report (3)

207deinde or dein: then, next (1)

208dēligō ‒ligere ‒lēgī ‒lēctum: choose, select (1)

209dēpōnō ‒pōnere ‒posuī ‒positum: lay down, put down (2)

210dēserō ‒serere ‒seruī ‒sertum: leave, desert, abandon (1)

211dēsistō ‒sistere ‒stitī ‒stitus: cease (from), leave off, abandon (+ infin.) (1)

212dēspērō ‒āre: be hopeless, give up (1)

213dētrīmentum ‒ī n.: harm, loss (1)

214dēvincō ‒vincere ‒vīcī ‒vīctum: conquer, overcome (1)

215dexter dextra dextrum: right; dextera ‒ae f.: right hand (1)

216Diāna ‒ae f.: Diana, a Roman goddess (1)

217dīcō dīcere dīxī dictum: say; causam dīcere: plead a case; diem dīcere: appoint a day (5)

218dictātor dictātōris m.: dictator (2)

219diēs diēī m./f.: day (7)

220dīgnus ‒a ‒um: worthy

221dīligentia ‒ae f.: care, diligence (1)

222dīligō ‒ligere ‒lēxī ‒lēctum: choose, cherish, love (1)

223dīmicō ‒āre ‒āvī/uī ‒ātus: fight (1)

224dīmittō ‒mittere ‒mīsī ‒missum: send away (3)

225discēdō ‒cēdere ‒cessī ‒cessum: go away, depart (1)

226discō discere didicī: learn

227disiciō ‒icere ‒iēcī ‒iectum: destroy, scatter (1)

228dispālor ‒pālārī ‒pālātus sum: to wander around, straggle (1)

229dissideō ‒sidēre ‒sēdī ‒sessum: disagree, quarrel (1)

230distringō ‒stringere ‒strinxī ‒strictum: distract, be busy (1)

231diū: for a long time (2)

232dīvīnus ‒a ‒um: divine (1)

233dō dare dedī datum: give (9)

234doceō docēre docuī doctum: teach

235doctor doctōris m.: teacher, instructor (1)

236dolus ‒ī m.: artifice, device, trick (2)

237domesticus ‒a ‒um: personal, private, domestic (1)

238domus ‒ī m.: house, home (6)

239dōnō ‒āre: present with a gift (+ acc. of person and abl. of thing) (1)

240dubitō ‒āre: hesitate, doubt (4)

241dubius ‒a ‒um: doubtful; sine dubiō: without a doubt, certainly (2)

242dūcō dūcere: dūxī ductum: lead; uxōrem dūcere: marry (4)

243dum: while (+ indic.); until (+ subj.); provided that (+ subj.) (2)

244duo duae duo: two (4)

245duplex duplicis: double (1)

246dux ducis m./f.: leader, general (1)

— E —

247efficiō ‒ficere ‒fēcī ‒fectum: bring about, complete; render (+ ut + subj.) (3)

248effugiō ‒fugere ‒fūgī ‒fugitum: escape (1)

249ego meī mihi mē mē: I, me, we, us (9)

250ēgredior ‒gredī ‒gressus sum: stride out, depart, disembark from (+ abl.) (2)

251elephantus ‒ī m.: elephant (1)

252enim: for, indeed (4)

253ēnumerō ‒āre: enumerate, recount (1)

254eō īre iī/īvī itum: go (1)

255Epamīnōndās ‒ae m.: Epaminondas

256epistula ‒ae f.: letter (2)

257eques equitis m.: horseman, knight (1)

258equitātus equitātūs m.: cavalry (1)

259ergā: towards, in relation to (+ acc.) (2)

260error errōris m.: wandering; error, mistake (1)

261et: and (15)

262etiam: also, even (4)

263Etrūria ‒ae f.: Etruria (region in Italy, northwest of Rome) (1)

264etsī: although (2)

265Eumenēs Eumenis m.: Eumenes (II, king of Pergamum in Asia Minor) (7)

266ex ē: out of, from (+ abl.) (10)

267excēdō ‒cēdere ‒cessī ‒cessum: leave, withdraw (1)

268excellēns excellentis: distinguished, excellent

269exciō ‒īre ‒īvī ‒itum: dispatch, call, incite (1)

270exeō ‒īre ‒iī ‒itum: go forth (1)

271exerceō ‒ercēre ‒ercuī ‒ercitum: train, exercise, carry on (1)

272exercitus exercitūs m.: army (10)

273exhauriō ‒haurīre ‒hausī ‒haustum: exhaust, deplete (1)

274exīstimō ‒āre: think, believe (1)

275exitus exitūs m.: exit (2)

276exōrdior ‒ōrdīrī ‒ōrsus sum: begin, commence

277expediō ‒pedīre ‒pedīvī ‒pedītum: extricate, set free (1)

278expers expertis: lacking of, without (+ gen.)

279explicō ‒āre: unfold, explain (1)

280explōrō ‒āre: investigate, inquire, put to the test (1)

281explicō ‒āre: unfold, explain

282expōnō ‒pōnere ‒posuī ‒positum: set forth, explain

283exposcō ‒poscere ‒poposcī: demand (1)

284expugnō ‒āre: take by assault, storm (1)

285exsul exsulis m./f.: exile (1)

286extrā: outside (+ acc.) (1)

— F —

287Fabius ‒ī m.: Fabius (3)

288facilis facile: easy (4)

289faciō facere fēcī factum: do, make (20)

290facultās facultātis f.: willingness, readiness (1)

291Falernus ‒ī m.: Falernus (region in Campania, south of Rome) (1)

292fāma ‒ae f.: rumor, fame (1)

293familia ‒ae f.: household, family

294ferē: almost

295ferō ferre tulī lātum: bear, carry, endure (1)

296festīnātiō festīnātiōnis f.: haste, speed, hurry

297fīctilis fīctile: made of clay, earthen (2)

298fidēs fideī f.: trust, faith (3)

299fīdūcia ‒ae f.: trust, confidence (1)

300fīlius fīliī m.: son (2)

301fīnis fīnis m.: end, boundary (2)

302fīō fierī factus sum: happen, be done, become (2)

303Flāminīnus ‒ī m.: Flamininus (3)

304Flāminius ‒ī m.: Flaminius (1)

305foederō ‒āre: make an alliance or treaty (1)

306foedus foederis n.: treaty (1)

307fore: futūrum esse; forem, forēs, foret, forent = essem, essēs, esset, essent: be, exist, live (5)

308foris foris f.: door (1)

309forte: by chance (1)

310fortis forte: brave (1)

311fortitūdō fortitūdinis f.: strength, force, manliness (1)

312fortuītō: by chance (1)

313fortūna ‒ae f.: fortune (2)

314frāter frātris m.: brother (4)

315Fregellae ‒ārum f.: Fregellae (town in Latium, near Rome) (1)

316frūstrā: in vain, to no end (1)

317frūstror frūstrārī frūstrātus sum: disappoint, frustrate (1)

318fuga ‒ae f.: flight, route (3)

319fugō ‒āre: put to flight (5)

320fundāmentum ‒ī n.: foundation (1)

321Fūrius ‒ī m.: Furius (1)

322futūrum esse; forem, forēs, foret, forent = essem, essēs, esset, essent: be, exist, live (6)

— G —

323Gāius ‒ī m.: Gaius (4)

324Gallia ‒ae f.: Gaul (1)

325Geminus ‒ī m.: Geminus (1)

326gēns gentis f.: family, clan (2)

327genus generis n.: origin, lineage, kind (1)

328germānus ‒a ‒um: (of a sibling) with the same father

329gerō gerere gessī gestum: bear, manage; bellum gerere: wage war (8)

330Gnaeus ‒ī m.: Gnaeus (3)

331Gortӯnius ‒ī m.: inhabitant of Gortyn (a city in Crete) (2)

332Gracchus ‒ī: Gracchus (1)

333Graecus ‒a ‒um: Greek (2)

334Grāius ‒a ‒um: Greek, Grecian (2)

335grātia ‒ae f.: favor, influence, gratitude (1)

336grātus ‒a ‒um: pleasant; grateful (2)

337gravis grave: heavy, serious (1)

338gynaecōnītis gynaecōnītidis f.: women’s apartments

— H —

339habeō habēre habuī habitum: have, hold (6)

340Hadrūmētum ‒ī n.: Hadrumetum (city in north Africa, near Carthage) (2)

341Hamilcar Hamilcaris m.: Hamilcar Barca (Carthaginian general and father of Hannibal) (2)

342Hannibal Hannibalis m.: Hannibal (21)

343Hasdrubal Hasdrubalis m.: Hasdrubal (brother‒in‒law of Hannibal) (2)

344Hercules Herculis m.: Hercules (1)

345hērēditās hērēditātis f.: inheritance (1)

346hic haec hoc: this, these (35)

347hīc: here (1)

348Hispānia ‒ae f.: Spain (4)

349hodiē: today (1)

350homō hominis m.: human being (1)

351honestās honestātis f.: respectfulness, honor, integrity

352honestus ‒a ‒um: worthy; decent; honorable

353hospitium ‒ī n.: hospitality (1)

354hostia ‒ae f.: victim, sacrifice (1)

355hostis hostis m./f.: stranger, foreigner, enemy (1)

356hūc: to this place (3)

357humilis humile: low, base

— I —

358iaciō iacere iēcī iactum: throw, hurl (1)

359iam: now; already (2)

360iānua ‒ae f.: door (1)

361ibi: there (4)

362īdem eadem idem: the same (8)

363igitur: therefore (1)

364ille illa illud: that (7)

365illūdō ‒lūdere ‒lūsī ‒lūsum: deceive, mock, trick (1)

366immittō ‒mittere ‒mīsī ‒missum: send in (1)

367immolō ‒āre: sacrifice, offer as sacrifice (1)

368imperātor imperātōris m.: commander (6)

369imperium ‒ī n.: command, power (4)

370imperō ‒āre: command, control (2)

371impraesentiārum: at present (1)

372imprūdēns imprūdentis: unaware, lacking foresight, imprudent (1)

373in: (+ acc.) to, into (+ abl.) at, in, on (62)

374incendō ‒cendere ‒cendī ‒censum: inflame, set fire to (2)

375incola ‒ae m./f.: inhabitant (1)

376incrēdibilis incrēdibile: unbelievable, incredible (1)

377inde: from there, from then (2)

378indigeō ‒digēre ‒diguī: be in need of, require (+ gen.) (1)

379indūcō ‒dūcere ‒dūxī ‒ductum: lead in, entice (3)

380ineō ‒īre ‒iī ‒itum: go into, begin, undertake (1)

381inermis inerme: unarmed (1)

382īnfāmis īnfāme: dishonorable, disgraceful

383īnferō īnferre intulī illātum: bring in, introduce, bring to, carry in (1)

384īnfitior ‒fitiārī ‒fitiātus sum: deny, contradict (1)

385iniciō ‒icere ‒iēcī ‒iectum: inspire, cause, put in (1)

386inimīcus ‒a ‒um: unfriendly (2)

387initium ‒ī n.: beginning (1)

388inquam, inquis, inquit, inquiunt: say (used with direct speech) (2)

389īnsciēns īnscientis: ignorant, unaware (1)

390īnsidiae ‒ārum f.: ambush (3)

391īnsidior ‒ārī ‒ātus sum: ambush, lay a trap (+ dat.) (1)

392īnstituō ‒stituere ‒stituī ‒stitūtum: undertake; equip (2)

393īnstitūtum ‒ī n.: practice, custom

394intellegō ‒legere ‒lēxī ‒lēctum: understand (2)

395inter: between, among; during (+ acc.) (1)

396intereō ‒īre ‒iī ‒itum: perish, die (1)

397interficiō ‒ficere ‒fēcī ‒fectum: kill (5)

398interior interius: inner, more inward (1)

399interitus interitūs m.: ruin, destruction (1)

400intrā: within (+ acc.) (1)

401inveniō ‒venīre ‒vēnī ‒ventum: find; discover (1)

402invictus ‒a ‒um: undefeated (1)

403invidia ‒ae f.: envy, jealousy, hatred (1)

404ipse ‒a ‒um: him ‒her ‒itself (9)

405irrīdeō ‒rīdēre ‒rīsī ‒rīsum: mock, make fun of (1)

406is ea id: he, she, it (69)

407ita: thus, so (2)

408Italia ‒ae f.: Italy (8)

409itaque: and so, therefore (1)

410item: likewise (1)

411iter itineris n.: journey, route (3)

412iterum: again (2)

413iubeō iubēre iussī iussum: bid, order (2)

414iūdicō ‒āre: judge, decide (2)

415Iuppiter Iovis m.: Jupiter (1)

416iūrō ‒āre: take an oath, swear; iūs iūrandum: oath (1)

417iūs iūris n.: right, justice, law (1)

418iūs iūrandum n.: oath (1)

419iuvencus ‒ī m.: bull (1)

— K —

420Karthāginiēnsis Karthāginiēnsis: Carthaginian (5)

421Karthāgō Karthāginis f.: Carthage (4)

— L —

422Labeō Labeōnis m.: Labeo (1)

423labor labōris m.: toil, exertion (1)

424Lacedaemōn Lacedaemonis f.: Sparta

425Lacedaemonius ‒a ‒um: Spartan, Lacedaemonian (1)

426laus laudis f.: praise, glory

427lectīca ‒ae f.: litter (1)

428lēgātus ‒ī m.: lieutenant, envoy (6)

429legō legere lēgī lēctus: gather; choose; read

430levis leve: light, trivial

431libēns libentis: gladly, happily, willing (1)

432liber ‒ī m.: book (2)

433Ligurēs Ligurum m.: Ligurians (a people in the north‒west coast of Italy) (1)

434littera ‒ae f.: letter; (pl.) literature (2)

435lītus lītoris n.: shore (1)

436locus ‒ī m.: place; loca: (n. pl.) region (6)

437longus ‒ī m.: Longus (1)

438Longus ‒a ‒um: long, prolonged (1)

439Lūcānī ‒ōrum m.: Lucanians, the region of Lucania in southern Italy (6)

440Lucius ‒ī m.: Lucius (4)

— M —

441magis: more, in a higher degree (1)

442magister magistrī m.: master, chief (1)

443magistrātus magistrātūs m.: magistrate (2)

444magnitūdō magnitūdinis f.: greatness, bulk

445magnus ‒a ‒um: great (6)

446Māgo Māgōnis m.: Mago (brother of Hannibal) (5)

447maiōrēs maiōrum m.: ancestors

448Manlius ‒ī m.: Manlius (1)

449manus manūs f.: hand; band of men (2)

450Marcellus ‒ī m.: Marcellus (2)

451Marcus ‒ī m.: Marcus (6)

452mare maris n.: sea (3)

453māter mātris f.: mother

454mātrimōnium ‒ī n.: marriage, matrimony

455Māximus ‒ī m.: Maximus (1)

456memor memoris: mindful (+ gen.) (1)

457memoria ‒ae f.: recollection, memory (2)

458mēns mentis f.: mind, heart (1)

459mentiō mentiōnis f.: mention (2)

460mercēs mercēdis f.: pay, wages

461meus ‒a ‒um: my (1)

462mīles mīlitis m.: soldier (1)

463mīlle mīlia: thousand (1)

464Minucius ‒ī m.: Minucius (2)

465mīror mīrārī mīrātus sum: wonder at, marvel at (+ acc.) (1)

466mittō mittere mīsī missum: send, let go (5)

467modus ‒ī m.: measure, manner, kind (2)

468mōns montis m.: mountain (1)

469morbus ‒ī m.: sickness, disease (1)

470moror morārī morātus sum: delay (1)

471mortuus ‒a ‒um: dead (1)

472mōs mōris m.: custom, habit; character (in pl.)

473multitūdō ‒inis f.: multitude, number (6)

474multus ‒a ‒um: much, many; multō, by far (8)

475mūniō mūnīre mūnīvī mūnītum: build (1)

476mūnus mūneris n.: gift, offering; duty, obligation; (pl.) gladiatorial show (2)

477mūsica ‒ae f.: music

— N —

478nam or namque: for, indeed, really (7)

479nāscor nāscī nātus sum: be born (2)

480nātiō nātiōnis f.: people, nation, race (2)

481aufragium ‒ī n.: shipwreck (1)

482nauticus ‒a ‒um: naval (1)

483nāvālis nāvāle: naval (1)

484nāvis nāvis f.: ship (13)

485nē: lest, that not (7)

486negō ‒āre: deny, refuse (1)

487nēmō nēminis: no one (gen. nūllīus, dat. nūllī, abl. nūllō or nūllā) (8)

488neque: and not, nor; nec... nec: neither... nor (7)

489nihil: nothing; not at all (3)

490nisi: if not, unless (5)

491nōbilis nōbile: distinguished, noble; a nobleman or woman (as subst.)

492noctū: by night (1)

493nōmen nōminis n.: name (1)

494nōn: not (19)

495noster nostra nostrum: our

496novem: nine (1)

497novus ‒a ‒um: new (3)

498nox noctis f.: night (2)

499nūllus ‒a ‒um: no one, not any (2)

500num: interrogative particle implying negative answer (1)

501Numida ‒ae m.: Numidian (a tribe in northern Africa) (1)

502numquam: never (4)

503nunc: now (1)

504nūntiō ‒āre: report (1)

— O —

505ob: against, on account of (+ acc.) (1)

506obdūcō ‒dūcere ‒dūxī ‒ductum: envelop, overspread (1)

507obiciō ‒icere ‒iēcī ‒iectum: oppose, set against (2)

508obitus obitūs m.: death (1)

509obses obsidis m./f.: hostages (2)

510obsideō ‒sidēre ‒sēdī ‒sessum: besiege (1)

511obtrectātiō obtrectātiōnis f.: detraction, disparagement (1)

512obviam: against (1)

513occīdō ‒cīdere ‒cīdī ‒cīsum: kill, cut down (1)

514occupō ‒āre: seize, occupy; anticipate, do a thing first (+ infin.) (3)

515oculus ‒ī m.: eye (1)

516odium ‒ī n.: hatred (2)

517Olympia ‒ae f.: Olympia

518omittō ‒mittere ‒mīsī ‒missum: neglect, omit (1)

519omnis omne: all, every, as a whole (13)

520opera ‒ae f.: labor, activity, work (2)

521operiō operīre operuī opertum: cover over (1)

522oppleō ‒plēre ‒plēvī ‒plētum: fill up (1)

523opprimō ‒primere ‒pressī ‒pressum: crush, overpower (2)

524ops opis f.: assistance, resources (2)

525optimus ‒a ‒um: best, excellent; adv. optimē (1)

526ōrnātus ‒a ‒um: equipped, furnished (1)

527ostendō ostendere ostendī ostentum: show, hold out (2)

— P —

528Padus ‒ī m.: Padus River (major river in northern Italy; modern Po) (2)

529palam: openly (2)

530Pamphӯlius ‒a ‒um: of Pamphylia (region in southern Asia Minor) (1)

531pār paris: equal (5)

532pāreō pārēre pāruī: obey (1)

533parō ‒āre: make, prepare, provide (1)

534pars partis f.: part (1)

535partim: partly, in part

536parvus ‒a ‒um: small (1)

537passus passūs m.: step, pace or five feet (1)

538patefaciō ‒facere ‒fēcī ‒factum: lay open (1)

539pater patris m.: father, ancestor (4)

540paternus ‒a ‒um: fatherly, paternal (1)

541patior patī passus sum: permit, endure (1)

542patria ‒ae f.: fatherland, country (3)

543paucī ‒ae ‒a: few (5)

544Paulus ‒ī m.: Paulus (2)

545pāx pācis f.: peace (2)

546pecūnia ‒ae f.: money (3)

547pedester pedestris pedestre: on foot, on land, of infantry (1)

548pellō pellere pepulī pulsum: strike, beat, push, drive (4)

549pendō pendere pependī pēnsum: weigh, hang, suspend; pay (1)

550per: through (+ acc.) (1)

551perfugiō ‒fugere ‒fūgī: flee (1)

552perfungor ‒fungī ‒fūnctus sum: perform, endure (1)

553Pergamēnus ‒a ‒um: of Pergamum (a kingdom in Asia Minor) (3)

554perīculum ‒ī n.: danger (1)

555persequor ‒sequī ‒secūtus sum: follow, pursue

556persōna ‒ae f.: role, character

557persuādeō ‒suādēre ‒suāsī ‒suāsum: persuade (1)

558perterreō ‒terrēre ‒terruī ‒territum: terrify (1)

559pertineō ‒tinēre ‒tinuī: extend over, reach; refer to, pertain to, be the business of (1)

560perveniō ‒venīre ‒vēnī ‒ventum: arrive, reach (6)

561petō petere petīvī petītum: seek, aim at (6)

562Philippus ‒ī m.: Philip (V, king of Macedon) (1)

563plērusque plēraque plērumque: the greater part, very many, most, the majority; plērumque: generally

564plumbum ‒ī n.: lead (1)

565plūrimus ‒a ‒um: the greatest number of, very many; plūrimī: most people (1)

566plūs plūris: a greater amount or number, more (2)

567poena ‒ae f.: penalty, punishment (1)

568Poenus ‒ī m.: Phoenician, Carthaginian (3)

569polliceor ‒licērī ‒licitus sum: promise (1)

570Polybius ‒ī m.: Polybius (1)

571pōnō pōnere posuī positum: put, place; put aside (2)

572Pontus ‒ī m.: Pontus (kingdom in northeastern Asia Minor) (1)

573populus ‒ī m.: people (3)

574portō ‒āre: carry a load (2)

575possum posse potuī: be able (10)

576post: after (adv. and prep. + acc.) (6)

577posteā: afterwards (3)

578posteāquam: after (1)

579posterus ‒a ‒um: next, later (1)

580postquam: after (3)

581postulō ‒āre: ask for, demand, require (2)

582potēns potentis: able, powerful (1)

583potestās potestātis f.: power (1)

584potissimum: first of all, especially, principally (1)

585praebeō praebēre praebuī praebitum: furnish, supply, render (1)

586praecipiō ‒cipere ‒cēpī ‒ceptum: anticipate, advise, warn (2)

587praeferō ‒ferre ‒tulī ‒lātum: prefer (1)

588praemium ‒ī n.: bounty, reward (1)

589praesēns praesentis: present, in person, ready (1)

590praesidium ‒ī n.: garrison, protection (1)

591praestō ‒stāre ‒stitī ‒stitum: excel, exhibit (1)

592praesum ‒esse ‒fuī: preside or take charge of (+ dat.) (3)

593praeter: by, along, past; besides, except (+ acc.) (2)

594praetereā: besides, moreover (1)

595praetor praetōris m.: praetor, one of the chief Roman magistrates (2)

596praetūra ‒ae f.: praetorship (1)

597premō premere pressī pressum: press, pursue, overwhelm (2)

598prīmus ‒a ‒um: first; adv. prīmum: at first, firstly (1)

599prīnceps prīncipis: first, chief (2)

600prior prius: earlier, preceding; prius or priusquam: before (1)

601prīstinus ‒a ‒um: former (1)

602priusquam: before (2)

603prōdeō ‒īre ‒ivī ‒itum: appear in public, exhibit, go/come forward

604prōdō ‒dere ‒didī ‒ditum: publish, hand down; give over, betray (2)

605prōdūcō ‒dūcere ‒dūxī ‒ductum: lead forth (1)

606proelium ‒ī n.: battle (6)

607proficīscor ‒ficīscī ‒fectus sum: set forth, go (5)

608profiteor ‒fitērī ‒fessus sum: declare publicly (1)

609proflīgō ‒āre: overwhelm, crush, defeat decisively (1)

610profugiō ‒fugere ‒fūgī: flee (1)

611prohibeō ‒hibēre ‒hibuī ‒hibitum: restrain, keep away (1)

612prōpatulum ‒ī n.: open courtyard (1)

613prope: near, next, (comp.) propior, (superl.) proximus; (adv.) prope: nearly, almost (1)

614properē: quickly (1)

615propinquus ‒a ‒um: near, neighboring (+ dat.) (1)

616prōpōnō ‒pōnere ‒posuī ‒positum: put forth, propose, present

617propter: because of (+ acc.) (2)

618prōspiciō ‒spicere ‒spēxī ‒spectum: look out (1)

619prōvideō ‒vidēre ‒vīdī ‒vīsum: prepare, make ready (1)

620proximus ‒a ‒um: next, nearest (2)

621prūdentia ‒ae f.: practical skill, intelligence (2)

622Prūsias ‒ae m.: Prusias (king of Bithynia) (4)

623pūblicō ‒āre: confiscate (1)

624pūblicus ‒a ‒um: public, belonging to the state (1)

625Publius ‒ī m.: Publius (4)

626pudeō pudēre puduī puditus: be ashamed, make ashamed

627puer puerī m.: boy; slave (2)

628puerulus ‒ī m.: little boy (1)

629pugna ‒ae f.: fist ‒fight; battle (3)

630pugnō ‒āre: fight (3)

631puppis puppis f.: ship, stern (1)

632putō ‒āre: think, suppose

633Pӯrēnaeus ‒a ‒um: of the Pyrenees (mountain range between Hispania and Gaul) (1)

— Q —

634quaerō quaerere quaesīvī quaesītum: seek, inquire (2)

635quam: how? (after comparative) than (6)

636quamdiū: as long as (1)

637quantus ‒a ‒um: (interr.) how great? (rel.) of what size, amount, etc. (2)

638quārē: how? why? (1)

639que: and (enclitic) (34)

640quī quae quod (rel. pronoun): who, which, what (83)

641quī quae quod (interrogative adj): who, which, what (70)

642quisquam quicquam/quidquam: any (single) person, anyone at all (1)

643quīcumque quaecumque quodcumque: whoever, whatever (1)

644quidem: certainly, at least (2)

645quīn: indeed, in fact; (conj.) so that... not (+ subj.) (2)

646Quinctius ‒ī m.: Quinctius (1)

647quīnque: five (2)

648quīnquiēns: five times (1)

649Quintus ‒ī m.: Quintus (3)

650quippe: indeed, surely

651quis quid: (interrogative adj.) who? what? (4)

652quō: for which reason; to or in what place; to what end, for what purpose? (3)

653quod: because (4)

654quoque: also, too (4)

655quotannīs: every year (1)

656quotiēnscumque: how often, as often as (1)

— R —

657ratiō ratiōnis f.: method, plan, reason (1)

658recipiō ‒cipere ‒cēpī ‒ceptum: take back, receive; sē recipere: betake oneself, go (2)

659rēctus ‒a ‒um: straight, direct

660recūsō ‒āre: protest (1)

661reddō ‒dere ‒didī ‒ditum: return, give back (3)

662redeō ‒īre ‒iī ‒itum: go back, return (3)

663referō referre rettulī relātum: bring back; report (1)

664rēgnum ‒ī n.: kingship, kingdom (1)

665relinquō ‒linquere ‒līquī ‒lictum: abandon (4)

666reliquus ‒a ‒um: left, left over, remaining (3)

667remittō ‒mittere ‒mīsī ‒missum: send back (1)

668removeō ‒movēre ‒mōvī ‒mōtum: remove, dismiss (2)

669renūntiō ‒āre: report (1)

670reor rērī rātus sum: think, imagine, suppose, deem (1)

671repente: suddenly (1)

672repentīnō: suddenly (1)

673reperiō reperīre repperī repertum: find, find out (2)

674rēpō rēpere rēpsī rēptum: crawl (1)

675repōnō ‒pōnere ‒posuī ‒positum: place, deposit (1)

676rēs reī f.: matter, affair, situation (13)

677rēscīscō ‒scīscere ‒scīvī ‒scītum: find out, get to know (1)

678resistō ‒stere ‒stitī: resist, oppose (2)

679respōnsum ‒ī n.: response, reply (2)

680retineō ‒tinēre ‒tinuī ‒tentum: hold back, keep (1)

681revertō ‒vertere ‒vertī: turn back (1)

682revocō ‒āre: call back, recall (2)

683rēx rēgis m.: king (14)

684Rhodanus ‒ī m.: Rhodanus River (major river in southern Gaul; modern Rhône) (2)

685Rhodius ‒a ‒um: of Rhodes (island in eastern Mediterranean) (2)

686rīdeō rīdēre rīsī rīsum: laugh, laugh at (1)

687rōbustus ‒a ‒um: strong (1)

688rogō ‒āre: ask (1)

689Rōma ‒ae f.: Rome (5)

690Rōmānus ‒a ‒um: Roman (20)

691ruber rubra rubrum: red (1)

692Rūfus ‒ī m.: Rufus (1)

— S —

693sacrificō ‒āre: make sacrifice, sacrifice (1)

694saepe: often (1)

695Saguntum ‒ī n.: Saguntum (town in eastern Spain) (1)

696saltō ‒āre: dance

697saltus saltūs m.: mountain pass (3)

698salūs salūtis f.: health, safety (1)

699sarmentum ‒ī n.: twig, branch (1)

700satis/sat: enough, sufficiently (2)

701saucius ‒a ‒um: wounded (1)

702scaena ‒ae f.: stage (of a theater)

703scapha ‒ae f.: small boat, skiff (1)

704scīlicet: certainly, of course (1)

705sciēns scientis: skilled, expert

706sciō scīre scīvī/‒ iī scītum: know (1)

707Scīpiō Scīpiōnis m.: Scipio (4)

708scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptum: write (3)

709scrīptūra ‒ae f.: writing, composition

710secundus ‒a ‒um: following; favorable (1)

711sed: but (8)

712sedeō sedēre sēdī sessum: sit

713sēgregō ‒āre: separate, exclude, remove (1)

714sēiungō ‒iungere ‒iūnxī ‒iūnctus: separate (1)

715semper: always, ever (2)

716Semprōnius ‒ī m.: Sempronius (1)

717senātus senātūs m.: senate (4)

718sentiō sentīre sēnsī sēnsum: perceive, feel, hear, see (2)

719septuāgēsimus ‒a ‒um: seventieth (1)

720sequor sequī secūtus sum: follow

721sermō sermōnis m.: conversation, discourse (1)

722serpēns serpentis f.: snake (3)

723Servīlius ‒ī m.: Servilius (1)

724servulus ‒ī m.: young slave (1)

725sētius: less, in a lesser degree (1)

726sī: if (12)

727sīc: in this manner, thus; sīc... ut: in the same way as (7)

728signum ‒ī n.: sign, standard, mark (1)

729Sīlēnus ‒ī m.: Silenus (1)

730simul: at the same time (4)

731simulō ‒āre: pretend, put on the appearance of (1)

732sine: without (+ abl.) (3)

733societās societātis f.: alliance (1)

734sōlum: only, merely (3)

735solvō solvere solvī solūtum: release, set sail (2)

736soror sorōris f.: sister

737Sōsylus ‒ī m.: Sosylus (2)

738spectāculum ‒ī n.: show, sight, spectacle

739spēs speī f.: hope (1)

740statim: immediately (2)

741statua ‒ae f.: statue (1)

742stultus ‒a ‒um: foolish (1)

743subigō ‒igere ‒ēgī ‒āctus: conquer, subdue (1)

744sufficiō ‒ficere ‒fēcī ‒fectus: appoint to a magistracy in place of another (1)

745sui sibi sē sē/sēsē: himself, herself, itself (30)

746Sulpicius ‒ī m.: Sulpicius (2)

747sum esse fuī futūrus: be, exist, live (61)

748summus ‒a ‒um: highest, farthest, last (3)

749sūmō sūmere sūmpsī sūmptum: take up (1)

750superō ‒āre: overcome, surpass, defeat (5)

751supersum ‒esse ‒fuī: remain, survive; be superfluous (to) (1)

752superus ‒a ‒um: situated above, upper; superī ‒ōrum m. pl.: those above, i. e., the gods (3)

753suprā: above, beyond (adv. and prep. + acc.) (1)

754suscipiō ‒cipere ‒cēpī ‒ceptus: take up (2)

755sustineō sustinēre sustinuī sustentum: hold up, sustain (1)

756suus ‒a ‒um: his own, her own, its own (13)

757Syria ‒ae f.: Syria (2)

— T —

758tabellārius tabellāriī m.: letter‒carrier, messenger (2)

759tālis tāle: such (4)

760tam: so, so much (1)

761tamen: nevertheless, still (2)

762Tamphilus ‒ī m.: Tamphilus (2)

763tamquam: so as, just as (1)

764tantus ‒a ‒um: so great, so much; tantum/tantummodo: only (6)

765templum ‒ī n.: consecrated ground; temple (2)

766tempus temporis n.: time (5)

767teneō tenēre tenuī tentum: have, keep (2)

768Terentius ‒ī m.: Terentius (1)

769terra ‒ae f.: land (1)

770terror terrōris m.: terror (1)

771tertius ‒a ‒um: third (4)

772Thermopylae ‒ārum f.: Thermopylae (1)

773Tiberis Tiberis m./f.: Tiber River (1)

774Tiberius ‒ī m.: Tiberius (2)

775tībia ‒ae f.: reed ‒pipe

776Titus ‒ī m.: Titus (1)

777tollō tollere sustulī sublātum: raise up, destroy (2)

778tōtus ‒a ‒um: whole, entire

779trādūcō ‒dūcere ‒dūxī ‒ductum: lead across (1)

780trānseō trānsīre trānsiī trānsitum: go across (4)

781Trasumēnus ‒ī m.: Trasimene (lake in Etruria) (1)

782Trebia ‒ae f.: Trebia (river in Cisalpine Gaul) (2)

783trecentī ‒ae ‒a: three hundred (1)

784trēs tria: three (1)

785tribuō tribuere tribuī tribūtum: assign, grant (1)

786triennium ‒ī n.: three year period (1)

787tū tuī tibi tē tē: you (1)

788tum: then (3)

789turpis turpe: ugly

790turpitūdō turpitūdinis f.: shamefulness, disgrace

— U —

791ubi: where, when (3)

792ūllus ‒a ‒um: any, anyone (1)

793umquam: ever (1)

794unde: from where (1)

795undique: from all sides, on all sides (1)

796ūniversus ‒a ‒um: all together (1)

797ūnus ‒a ‒um: one (8)

798urbs urbis f.: city (1)

799ūsque: up to; continuously (3)

800ūsus ūsūs m.: use, experience (1)

801ut: as (+ indic.); so that, with the result that (+ subj.) (20)

802uterque utraque utrumque: each of two (4)

803ūtor ūtī ūsus sum: use, employ, apply (+ abl.) (2)

804utpote: namely (reinforcing an explanation) (1)

805utrobīque: on both sides (1)

806uxor uxōris f.: wife

— V —

807valēns valentis: strong, powerful (1)

808valeō valēre valuī: be strong, excel, be valid, prevail; valē: farewell! (1)

809valētūdō valētūdinis f.: health; illness (1)

810vāllum ‒ī n.: rampart; protection (1)

811varius ‒a ‒um: changing, varied, various (1)

812vāsum ‒ī n.: vase, container (2)

813vectīgal vectīgālis n.: tax, levy (1)

814vehō vehere vēxī vectum: carry; vehor vehī vectus sum: travel, ride (1)

815vēlum ‒ī n.: sail (1)

816velut: even as, just as (1)

817venēnō ‒āre: poison (1)

818venēnum ‒ī n.: poison (1)

819veniō venīre vēnī ventum: come (9)

820ventus ‒ī m.: wind (1)

821Venusia ‒ae f.: Venusia (town in southern Italy) (1)

822verbum ‒ī n.: word (1)

823vereor verērī veritus sum: fear, stand in awe of (2)

824vērō: in fact, certainly, without doubt

825versō ‒āre: come and go frequently, move, turn

826vertō vertere vertī versum: turn (1)

827vērus ‒a ‒um: true (1)

828vīcēsimus ‒a ‒um: twentieth (1)

829vīctor vīctōris m.: conqueror, victor

830videō vidēre vīdī vīsum: see (6)

831vidua ‒ae f.: widow, unmarried woman

832vīgintī: twenty (1)

833vincō vincere vīcī victum: conquer (1)

834vir virī m.: man (5)

835virtūs virtūtis f.: valor, manliness, virtue (3)

836vīs, vīs f.: force; (acc.) vim (abl.), (pl.); vīrēs: strength (2)

837vīsus vīsūs m.: sight, appearance, vision (1)

838vīta vītae f.: life (1)

839vītō ‒āre: avoid, shun (1)

840vīvō vīvere vīxī vīctum: live (1)

841vīvus ‒a ‒um: alive, living (2)

842vix: scarcely (1)

843volō velle voluī: wish, be willing (2)

844Volsō Volsōnis m.: Volso (1)

845volūmen volūminis n.: book, volume

846voluntās voluntātis f.: wish, desire (1)

— Z —

847Zama ‒ae f.: Zama (town southwest of Carthage) (2)


1 Nota bene: the frequency of each word in the Life of Hannibal appears in Chapter and other vocabulary lists available at the Dickinson Classics website,; customizable vocablulary lists can be made at


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