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Mr. Emerson's Revolution

Jean McClure Mudge


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Adams, John 7-8, 35, 39, 46, 237, 261

Adams, John Quincy 7, 48

Alcott, Amos Bronson xxiii, xxvi, 18, 40, 59, 72, 98, 105, 125, 127, 134, 136, 141-142, 146, 160, 162, 273, 290, 376, 381

Alcott, Louisa May xxviii, 172, 260

American Revolution 8, 11, 376

antislavery movement xxii, 41, 105, 169, 229, 252, 274

opposition to 178, 183

women’s role in 172-173, 176, 206, 209-210, 259

atheism 52, 177, 214, 220, 239, 246

Atlantic Monthly 162, 195, 202, 248, 281, 300, 302

Bacon, Francis 36, 92, 144, 331

Baudelaire, Charles 326, 356

Bentham, Jeremy 244, 278

Bergson, Henri 358

Bhagavad Gita 291, 375, 379, 385, 392, 395

Bible 10, 32, 40, 43, 53, 95, 119, 289, 330

Bonaparte, Napoléon 17, 52, 328

Borges, Jorge Luis 333

Boston Daily Advertiser 182

Bowles, Samuel 154, 298

Brooks, Mary Merrick 173

Brooks, Preston S. 185

Browning, Robert 227

Brown, John 185, 188, 231-232

Buddhism 99, 403

Burke, Edmund 74

“Bush”, Concord House, named by Emerson xxiv, 75, 125, 134-135, 137, 165, 227, 309, 399

Byron, George Gordon (Lord) 34, 36, 355

Cabot, James Elliott 221, 309

Calvinism 12, 27, 34, 95, 295, 314

Camus, Albert 326, 360

Carlyle, Thomas 50, 68, 86, 111, 122, 149, 195, 213, 224, 227, 287, 290, 315, 337, 359, 370, 394

Castro, Fidel 336

Cavell, Stanley xxv

Chambers, Robert 212

Channing, Edward Tyrell 32

Channing, Ellery 145

Channing, William Ellery 27, 32, 41, 45, 95, 121, 128, 145, 261, 390

Chapman, Maria 172

Cicero 44, 92

Civil War xxiii, 166, 171, 191, 215, 251, 258

Clarke, James Freeman 141, 243, 248

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 49, 61, 68, 86, 243, 287, 332, 336

Compromise of 1850 115, 169, 178, 186, 232, 240, 277

Concord Female Anti-Slavery Society xxii, 107, 173, 206. See also antislavery movement, women’s role in

Concord, Mass. xxiv, xxvii, 20, 75, 87, 128, 131, 135, 141, 263, 290, 304, 306, 309, 335, 376, 386, 390, 404

abolitionist movement, and xxii, 107, 173, 179-180, 186, 189, 206, 211, 231-232, 259, 274, 277, 284, 339, 392

addresses by Emerson, delivered in 75, 107, 175, 180, 186, 231, 254, 259, 277, 284, 339

ancestral Emerson home 11, 21, 72, 75, 87

boyhood stay in 21, 73, 120

move to in 1834 xxv, 72, 87, 125, 165

personified by Emerson as “Sage of Concord” xxiv, 304

posthumous tributes to Emerson in 257, 307, 310

the Revolution, and 11, 254, 284

Confucianism 55, 99, 376, 380, 399

Constitution of the United States xxvii, 4, 169-170, 179, 182, 190, 192, 195, 199, 205, 216, 247, 276, 281, 283

amendments to 205, 253, 264

provision for slavery in xxvi, 169

Cranch, Christopher Pearse 83, 97, 98, 145

Dall, Caroline 208, 210

Dall, Charles H. A. 389

D’Annunzio, Gabriele 326, 362.

See also Ralph Waldo Emerson: misinterpretation of his ideas

Dante (Durante degli Alighieri) 330

Darwin, Charles 238

Davis, Paulina Wright 206, 208, 210

Declaration of Independence xxvii, 40, 92, 190, 194, 199, 203, 216, 282

Dewey, John 322

Dial, The xxvi, 97-99, 106, 131, 135-137, 156-157, 230, 262, 339-340, 381, 413-414, 428

Dickens, Charles 111

Dickinson, Emily xxvii, 154, 156, 267, 292, 358

Dickinson, Susan Huntington Gilbert 295-296, 300

Dickinson, William Austin 154, 297, 300

Douglass, Frederick xxiii, 172-173, 176, 200, 231, 284

Dred Scott v. Sandford 187, 214

Du Bois, W. E. B. 322

Eliot, George 111, 326, 340, 359

Ellison, Ralph Waldo 322

Emerson, Charles Chauncy 9, 22, 43, 61-62, 72, 75, 127, 141

Emerson, Edith 134-135, 211, 221, 226, 291

Emerson, Edward Bliss (RWE’s brother) 9, 17, 19-20, 22, 43, 47, 59, 72, 181, 221

Emerson, Edward Waldo (RWE’s second son) 22, 135, 220, 306, 309

Emerson, Ellen Louisa Tucker (RWE’s first wife) xxv, 54, 59-60, 72, 81, 102, 122, 143-144, 146, 150, 211, 221

Emerson, Ellen Tucker (RWE’s first daughter) 135, 154, 227

Emerson, John Clarke 8, 9, 13

Emerson, Lidian (Lydia Jackson) xxii, xxvi, 34, 74, 76-77, 107, 135, 135-138, 140, 142-143, 146, 149, 173, 206, 211, 224, 226, 230, 241, 254, 259, 261, 290, 292

Emerson, Mary Moody xxv, 11, 16, 20, 22, 31-32, 38, 42, 44, 48, 50, 55, 61, 85, 120, 127, 131, 144, 206, 261, 267, 377. See also Ralph Waldo Emerson: influence of Mary Moody Emerson

Emerson, Ralph Waldo ambiguous attitude towards blacks and women xx, xxi, xxii, 49, 111, 158, 208, 212, 219, 229, 258

as academic at Harvard 224

as lecturer 70, 104, 153, 160, 203, 222, 271, 286

as pastor 51, 70

caricatures of 83, 125

childhood xxv, 6, 27, 43, 48, 72, 119, 216

clubs 90, 125, 160, 248

conservatism of his revolution xxvii

criticism of xxi, 96, 182, 192, 208, 212, 366

dreams 121, 163

Eastern religion, interest in 36, 234, 376

education at Boston Public Latin School 16, 43

education at Harvard xxv, 23, 42-43, 46, 377, 399

fame 70, 92, 99, 108, 139, 227, 254, 257, 373

female role models xxi, 11, 18, 141, 205, 260

feminine sensibility 18, 150, 159, 163, 205, 258, 304

health problems 47, 51, 61-62, 219, 221

his cultural revolution xxvii, 97, 99, 121, 174, 347

idealism, shift toward pragmatic idealism xxvi, 85, 113, 119, 131, 183, 235, 248, 313, 328, 349. See also spirituality and Transcendentalism

influence of Mary Moody Emerson 11, 22, 32, 48, 50. See also Emerson, Mary Moody

journals 3, 6, 18, 28, 32, 35, 42, 59, 61, 99, 121, 136, 146, 208, 227, 229, 252, 258, 271, 273, 282, 387

later years 266

marriage to Ellen xxv, 54, 59, 72, 143-144, 150. See also Emerson, Ellen Louisa Tucker

marriage to Lidian 74, 146. See also Emerson, Lidian

misinterpretation of his ideas in Germany and Italy xxi, xxvii, 212, 326, 336, 345, 362

modernist xix, 273

nature, love of 34, 57, 65, 69, 72, 74, 83, 290

posthumous reputation and influence 257, 305, 312, 320, 405

private life and public career, enmeshing of xx, xxiii, 81, 104, 127, 156, 166, 179, 216, 219, 229, 238, 244, 246, 260, 273, 279, 313

psyche, paradox of xix, 18, 150, 159, 163, 205, 258, 304

race, theories of xxiii, 49, 111, 177, 212, 229, 238

racism, accusations of xxi, xxvi, 212

Romantic xxv, xxvi, 35, 47, 49, 51, 69, 86, 156, 163, 234, 313, 331, 377

science, attitudes towards xxv, 21, 56, 65, 69, 81, 100, 112, 212, 233, 237, 240, 252, 309, 316, 328, 331

self, “hidden” xix, xxiii, xxvi, 28, 100, 150, 163, 260, 273

self-reliance xx, 10, 48, 53, 55, 100, 108, 122, 152, 176, 183, 201, 220, 229-231, 243, 259, 280, 288, 312, 316, 338, 344, 348, 361, 388, 392, 395

sexuality 19, 28, 136, 150, 159, 163, 289

slavery, opposition to xxii, 34, 48, 59, 105, 169, 213, 229, 252, 274

spirituality 10, 12, 43, 51, 53, 69, 81, 248, 390. See also idealism, shift toward pragmatic idealism

travels in U. S. xxiv, xxvii, 51, 108, 222, 226, 286

travels to Europe xxiv, xxvii, 62, 108

women’s movement, role in 156, 205, 258

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, works

“American Scholar, The” xvi, 91-93, 273, 338, 341, 348

“Boston Hymn” 198, 284, 419

“Brahma” 300, 334, 370-371, 388, 418

“Character” 234-235, 244, 248, 256, 260, 303, 353, 358

“Culture” 160, 275, 332

“Emancipation Proclamation, The” 197, 284

“Experience” 81, 103-104, 113, 231, 232, 240, 268, 368

“Fate” xxvi, 160-161, 233-236, 238-239, 244, 247-248, 267, 342, 347, 350

“Fortune of the Republic, The” 203, 215, 332

“Friendship” 100-101, 120, 131, 137, 151-154, 160, 166, 273, 332, 363

“Lecture on Slavery” 183, 187

“Lectures on the Times, 1841-1842” 97

“Love” 119-120, 131, 150-153, 157, 166, 273, 353

“Mind and Manners of the Nineteenth Century” 112

“Nature” 325

“Perpetual Forces” 197, 363

“Poet, The” 267, 285, 287, 297, 302, 330, 333, 344, 348, 352-354

“Progress of Culture” 211, 215

“Rhodora, The” 73, 296

“Sabbath, The” 19

“Self-Reliance” 53, 100, 309, 322, 344-345, 352, 355, 363, 368-369, 396

“Terminus” xxvii, 220, 266-268, 419

“Transcendentalist, The” 98

“Voluntaries” 202

“Woman” 106, 156-157, 206, 208-210, 212, 230, 261, 264, 299, 363, 417, 432

“Worship” xxvi, 160, 233-236, 239-241, 243-245, 248-249, 252, 255, 267, 313, 361

Conduct of Life, The xxvi, 34, 161, 233, 255, 297, 342, 346, 352, 357, 367, 387

English Traits 111, 212, 239, 341, 342, 357

Essays I 99, 120, 131, 160, 273, 296, 313, 339-340, 346, 353

Essays II 106, 160, 234, 274, 287, 296, 340, 346

Historical Discourse, A 75

May-Day and Other Pieces 221, 371

Miscellanies 297, 299, 312

Nature xxvi, 34, 57, 73, 77, 82, 104, 113, 129, 132, 141, 160, 232, 236, 243, 267, 273, 283, 309, 317, 335, 338, 340, 355, 366

Poems 160, 294, 296, 355

Representative Men 131, 160, 200, 280, 297, 326, 335, 342, 348, 357, 360, 386-387

Society and Solitude 221, 263, 321, 341-342, 387

Emerson, Robert Bulkeley 9, 47

Emerson, Ruth Haskins xxi, 6, 13, 37, 72, 120, 144, 149, 206

Emerson, Waldo xxvi, 90, 135, 142, 232, 305

Emerson, William (RWE’s brother) 9-10, 13-14, 18-19, 22-23, 25-26, 33, 43, 46, 59, 72, 137, 330

Emerson, William (RWE’s father) 6, 26, 44, 120, 121, 376

Emerson, William (RWE’s grandfather) 21, 44, 72

Endymion xxiv, 147

Endymion 149, 153

Everett, Edward 31, 46

Faraday, Michael 113

fascism xxvii, 350, 352, 362

Fascist Party (Italy) 362

Fox, George 55, 74

Franklin, Benjamin 35, 261, 371, 376

Free Religious Association (FRA) 248, 254, 257-258, 260

Free Soil Party 170, 182, 287

Fremont, John C. 186, 277

Frisbie, Levi 31

Frost, Robert 267, 322

Fugitive Slave Law 115, 169-170, 178, 232, 235, 240, 277, 282, 287

Fuller, Margaret xxiii, xxvi, 97, 105, 111, 121, 125, 127, 129-130, 136, 141, 162, 180, 207-208, 230, 259, 261, 273, 287, 340-341, 355, 381

Woman in the Nineteenth Century 98, 158, 180, 207

Furness, William Henry 9, 17, 19, 32

Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma) xxvii, 373, 393

Garrison, William Lloyd 41, 59, 171, 173, 186, 231, 258, 275, 295, 369

Gay, Martin 28, 146, 152

Gettysburg Address 199, 204

Ginsberg, Allen 322, 403

Gladstone, William 227

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 50, 69, 98, 147, 150, 205, 237, 259-260, 287, 315, 328, 355, 368

Grant, Ulysses S. 253, 284

Greek mythology 147, 155

Greeley, Horace 158, 180, 277

Greenough, Horatio 316

Grimké sisters 157, 172-173

Grimm, Hermann 227, 308, 346

Haskins, Ralph 6, 7, 21

Hawthorne, Nathaniel 11, 127, 138, 261

Hazard, Caroline 264

Hedge, Frederic Henry 125, 141

Hedge, Levi 31, 38

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 331, 355, 365

Herder, Johann Gottfried 331, 355

Herndon, William H. 274

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth 208, 248, 302

Hinduism 34, 36, 55, 99, 374, 385, 399

Hitler, Adolf xxvii, 326, 351, 366. See also Nazism and Ralph Waldo Emerson: misinterpretation of his ideas

Hoar, Elizabeth 75, 127, 138, 146, 159, 230

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. 307

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr. 92, 162, 181, 284, 307, 363

Howe, Julia Ward 212, 249, 251, 257, 264

Hume, David 86, 243, 331

Jackson, Andrew 40

James, Henry 305-306, 309

James, Henry, Sr. 150, 260, 305, 310

James, William xxvii, 305, 322, 358, 365

Jardin des Plantes (also Jardin du Roi), Paris xxiv, 65, 81, 104

Jefferson, Thomas 4, 8, 14, 39, 46, 223

Johnson, Andrew 204, 253

Johnson, Samuel 378

Jones, William 375-376, 380

Kanda, Naibu 400

Kant, Immanuel 50, 245, 287, 332, 365

Keats, John 73

Kipling, Rudyard 326, 369

Kirkland, John T. 25, 27

Kitamura Tokoku 401

Knox, Robert 212

Landor, Walter Savage 332, 336

Lane, Fitz Hugh xxvii, 322

Lazarus, Emma xxvii, 262

Lee, Robert E. 189, 253, 282, 284

Liberator, The 41, 59, 171-172, 176, 179, 192, 275

Lincoln, Abraham xxvii, 191, 253, 274

Lloyd-Jones, Anna 314

Locke, John 31, 86, 92, 243

Lothrop, Samuel 25

Louisiana Purchase 4, 171, 183

L’Ouverture, Toussaint 176, 231

Lowell, James Russell 162, 271, 287, 306, 369

Luther, Martin 74

Maeterlinck, Maurice 352

Majumdar, Protap Chandra 390

Martí, José 335, 345

Martineau, Harriet 157, 206, 338, 341

Massachusetts Historical Society 7, 224

Mazzini, Giuseppe 111

Michelangelo 74, 147, 330

Mickiewicz, Adam 354

Mill, John Stuart 227, 278, 337

Milton, John 17, 34, 74, 331

Missouri Compromise xxv, 39, 48, 171, 178, 183

modernism xix, xxvii, 317

Monroe Doctrine 39

Montaigne, Michel de 36, 144, 328

Monthly Anthology 7, 9, 12, 26

Morrison, Toni 322

Mott, Lucretia 157, 172-173, 206, 260

Müller, Friedrich Max 227, 380

Mumford, Lewis 314, 317

Murat, Achille 52, 330

Musil, Robert 352

Mussolini, Benito xxvii, 326, 351, 362. See also Fascist Party (Italy) and Ralph Waldo Emerson: misinterpretation of his ideas

National Anti-Slavery Standard 161, 275

nature, aesthetic and spiritual power of xxiv, 34, 57, 65, 69, 82. See also Ralph Waldo Emerson: nature, love of and Ralph Waldo Emerson, works: Nature

Nazism xxvii, 326, 334, 346, 350-351, 362

Nehru, Jawaharlal 398

Newcomb, Charles 145

New England Anti-Slavery Society 41, 172

Newton, Benjamin 293, 295

New York Times 282, 303

New-York Tribune 158, 180, 277, 287, 291, 341

Nicoloff, Philip 111, 212

Nietzsche, Friedrich 326, 334, 345, 358, 362, 364, 367. See also Ralph Waldo Emerson: misinterpretation of his ideas

Norton, Andrews 93, 96

Norton, Charles Eliot 35, 161, 261, 342, 370-371

Obama, Barack 322

O’Keeffe, Georgia 322

Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo 180

Painter, Nell Irvin xxi, 213

Paley, William 57

Palfrey, John Gorham 93, 170, 182

Pascal, Blaise 242

Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer 72, 121, 127-129, 264

Phillips, Wendell 172-173, 186, 192, 208, 231, 275, 300

Plato 34, 36, 131, 144, 208, 328, 342, 347, 386

Platonic idealism 85, 131, 313, 328

Plotinus 34, 330

Poe, Edgar Allan 286, 333, 357-358, 371

Pope, Alexander 36

Potter, William James 248

Powys, John Cowper 345

Prescott, George L. 255

Price, Richard 31, 33-34

Priestley, Joseph 376

proto-feminism 11, 98, 156, 205, 258. See also women’s rights movement

Proust, Marcel 359

Quakerism 41, 55, 60, 74, 156, 260, 286

racism xxvi, 111, 176, 194, 200, 212, 214, 307

Radical Club 248, 257

Radice, Giuseppe Lombardo 366

Reed, Sampson 50

Rilke, Rainer Maria 353

Ripley, Ezra 12, 21

Ripley, George 97, 105, 125

Ripley, Samuel 18, 51, 120

Ripley, Sarah Alden Bradford 17-18, 37, 127, 230

Ripley, Sophia 105, 156-157

Rollin, Charles 17

Romanticism xxv, 13, 24, 35, 40, 49, 55, 86, 163, 234, 313, 330-331, 355, 374, 377, 401

Roy, Rammohan 378, 389

Ruskin, John 227, 315-316, 394

Sampson, George Adams 56, 72

Sand, George 287, 332, 367

Schiller, Friedrich 50

Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich 287

Schopenhauer, Arthur 347, 365

Scott, Walter 36

Shakespeare, William 17, 36, 279, 289, 297, 315, 328, 368

Shaw, Lemuel 180

Simpson, Louis 213

Sims, Thomas 180, 235

slave power 170, 175-176, 183, 196, 232, 277

Snow, C. P. 242

Socrates 36, 246, 248, 355

Southey, Robert 36, 378

Springfield Republican 154, 297

Staël, Germaine de (Madame) 24, 33, 50, 332

Stearns, George Luther 254

Stewart, Dugald 31

Stone, Lucy 207-208

Stowe, Harriet Beecher 211, 284

Sturgis, Caroline 98, 145, 152

suffrage 197, 204-205, 209, 211, 214, 253, 264

Sullivan, Louis 317-318

Sumner, Charles 185, 196, 205, 231, 256, 275, 277, 279

Suzuki, D. T. 374, 402

Swedenborg, Emanuel 51, 57, 305, 328

Tagore, Rabindranath 374, 392

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 111

Thompson, George 173

Thoreau, Henry David xxiii, xxvi, xxviii, 98, 127, 131-132, 141-142, 145, 179, 206, 273, 290, 359, 369, 376, 381, 396

Ticknor, George 31

Tocqueville, Alexis de 288, 411-413

Tolstoy, Leo 320, 360, 368, 394

Tozzi, Federigo 366

Transcendental Club xxvi, 90, 125, 136, 142, 156, 162, 230, 250

Transcendentalism xxvi, 39, 85-87, 120, 145, 173, 177, 182, 199, 205, 219, 225, 234, 250, 262, 274, 279, 283, 287, 313, 330-331, 344, 381-382, 386, 399, 404. See also Ralph Waldo Emerson: idealism

American Transcendentalism and Emerson’s role in xix, xx, xxvii, 87, 125, 136, 145, 156, 404

European roots of 105, 287, 330

pragmatism’s origins in xxvi, 312

Truth, Sojourner 172

Unitarianism 7, 27, 40, 44, 51, 68, 90, 93, 125, 235, 246, 248, 331, 348, 379, 389

Vattimo, Gianni 367

Very, Jones 98, 145

Vishnu Purāṇa 386, 388

Vivekananda, Swami 374, 391, 404-405

Voltaire 246, 357

Ward, Anna Barker 145, 262

Ward, Samuel Gray 145, 162, 249, 262

Ware, Henry, Jr. 54, 93

Ware, Henry, Sr. 26, 38, 44, 95

War of 1812 21

Washington, George xxviii, 8, 35, 261, 358

Webster, Daniel 46, 115, 121, 140, 169, 181, 185, 240, 256, 259, 288

West Indian Emancipation 107, 176, 207, 231, 282

Whitman, Walt xxvii, 105, 226, 262, 267, 285, 305, 333, 343, 365

Wilde, Oscar 343

women’s rights movement xix, 98, 106, 156, 175, 205, 220, 258. See also proto-feminism and Ralph Waldo Emerson: women’s rights movement, involvement in

Woolf, Virginia 342

Wordsworth, William 24, 34, 49, 69, 86, 331, 336, 341

Wright, Frank Lloyd xxvii, 314

Yogananda, Paramahansa 393

Young, Edward 240


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