Précédent Suivant


p. 197-198

Texte intégral

abstract 13, 36, 51–55, 141–143, 171, 175

abstracting journals 17

accompanying letter 29, 143, 161–162

acknowledgements 77–78, 130, 161

American Society for Naturalists 8

Annales Musei Nationalis Hungariae 9

appendices 78–79

author query 164

authorship 43–47, 188

Bell Laboratories 104

British Ecological Society 8

citation 8–9, 19–21, 24, 75, 81–86, 129, 159, 175, 188

citation classics 21

Cleveland, William ix, 104–106, 121, 187, 192

clutter 101, 120

commercial journals 8

conference proceedings 15, 169

conference proceedings paper 169–171

copyright iv, 131, 144, 151, 156, 160–161, 166, 168, 175, 179

corresponding author 47–49, 60, 142, 144, 149, 161–163, 167

Creative Commons iv, 161

Current Contents 18–22

Day, Robert ix, 5, 17, 59, 64, 68, 71, 73, 75, 81, 155, 164, 181–183, 187–188

Descartes coordinate system 87

discussion 6, 14–15, 17, 20, 36, 45, 53, 68–69, 73, 75, 171

double-blind 14

Ecological Society of America 8

European Weed Research Society 8

footnotes 126

formatting 86, 137–138

funding organisations 167

Garfield, Eugene 18

Gastel, Barbara ix, 17, 64, 81, 164, 181–183, 187–188

Google Scholar 24

government and institutional reports 16

Harzing, Anne-Wil 21

Hirsch-index 21

hypothesis 58, 133, 145

impact factor 20–22

IMRaD 35

Institute for Scientific Information 18

Institute of Scientific Information 19, 22

intellectual property right 12

jargon 40, 59, 182

Journal Citation Reports 24

keywords 13, 54–55, 142

loose-leaf-technique 130

Matthew Principle 21

non-primary publications 12, 16, 81, 178

open access 30–31, 160

Peerage of Science 14

peer review 13, 190

primary publication 12–13, 15, 169–171

Primary scientific papers 7

procedures 62, 78

Proceedings of the Missouri Botanical Garden 9

proofreading 30, 163–165, 171

Public Library of Science 10

Ratnoff, OD 59, 189

Reference List 77, 82–83, 129

rejection 78, 149–151, 153–154, 170, 173–174

reviews x, xi, 7, 16–17, 150, 153, 156, 167, 173–174, 178

Royal Society of London 6

Roychowdhury, VP 190

running title 35–36, 42, 54, 141

San Francisco Declaration 24

scientific impact 20, 24

scientometrics 18–19, 24

Scopus 24, 86

self-citation 24

Simkin, MV 81, 190

“single-blind” system 14

society journals 7

Society of Experimental Biology 8

Springer Verlag 9

Systeme International 63

tables 35–36, 125–126

The Chicago Manual of Style 84

Thomson Reuters 18

Tufte, Edward ix, 87, 89–90, 92–93, 111, 122, 190–191

Vancouver system 84

Web of Knowledge 18, 20, 22, 86

Web of Science 13, 18, 20, 22, 24, 175

withdrawal 47, 152

Précédent Suivant

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