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7. How (and Why) to List the Addresses

p. 49

Texte intégral

1The addresses of the authors are usually printed after their names, near the top of the article. This is to indicate where the work was done, and to provide an address for possible correspondence with the authors. This should always be a complete postal address.

2Sometimes, by the time the publication appears, the author(s) have left the workplace where the published work was done. They must still write the address where the work was done give this address as their first address (to give credit to the institution where the work was carried out) but they should also provide a current address. The current address is where the author can now be reached.

3The address for correspondence allows the editor to communicate with the author. This should be the address where the corresponding author can be reached. There can be multiple corresponding addresses, considering that the manuscript evaluation, review, etc. process may take several months. If the corresponding author is expecting to move during the probable assessment period (ca. 8 months from manuscript submission) and to have another address for at least one month, this address, and the period during which the author will be there, should be indicated. The corresponding address should also contain telephone and fax numbers, as well as an electronic (e-mail) address.

4Routinely, journals now require that the corresponding author gives an electronic (e-mail) address and this is published with the article. With the increasing use of the Internet worldwide, contacting an author may be easier by e-mail than by other means of communication.

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